whats the best way to lose weight!!??

Hi I really struggle to keep to diet as I am addicted to fizzy, high sugar drinks



  • LarryDUk
    LarryDUk Posts: 279 Member
  • JakeBrownVB
    JakeBrownVB Posts: 399 Member
    Discpline.. only you can teach yourself that. You either want to or you dont. One thing I will assure you is that it is always toughest at first giving up your food addictions.. but eventually you wont even crave them after a while.

    You have to want this enough and to put your foot down.. punish yourself everytime you break your diet by going 16-20 hours before eating.. seriously.. you will very stop doing it very quickly after that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Eat a bit less, move a bit more...
  • benjib84
    benjib84 Posts: 125


    Thats my moto, ie excersise and calorie control....
    might have to start on the low sugar drinks... :) wean off maybe?

    All the best
    Hi I really struggle to keep to diet as I am addicted to fizzy, high sugar drinks

  • Markguns
    Markguns Posts: 554 Member
    You are not "ADDICTED" you just really like it. Mental attitude and determination.
    Start cutting down. Find a substitute for your soda.... change / build new habits.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I'm a big fan of the CRIM method

  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    Calorie deficit . The ONLY way
  • Christina8585
    Christina8585 Posts: 73 Member
    Diet and exercise. Literally, it is the only thing that actually works and as for the fizzy drinks. That's the first thing that has to go. Try cutting down week one and then zero it out all together week two, and no, I repeat NO diet soda! That's almost worse than the regular crap.
    I went though this too over a year ago. It sucked. I had to cut it out and I was a pop drinker since I was 4. It's just something that had to happen though and you will feel better without it.
    For me , it was one thing at a time. I didn't cut out all the junk right away. Just one thing here and there and eventually tailored a ten times better, healthier diet that I have as my now regular diet. I used to be the person that grabbed a donuts on the way to work and now if I have a doughnut, it's so sugary that I literally shake and feel messed up. I still have a ways to go, but it's one thing at time and one day at a time. And of course exercise.
  • LMHackney
    LMHackney Posts: 3
    I have a love affair with ice cream...seriously! I am only 2 weeks in but have lost 9lbs and that is keeping me going. I have found something healthy to replace that love affair when I get the craving. I make homemade smoothies with frozen fruit, nuts and spinach. They are yummy, healthy and most important they help with the craving. My other junk was baked goods. Those I just gave up cold turkey. It was hard! Now 2 weeks later it is way easier and the more progress I see the easier it is to walk away from it. If it's something you really will miss and can't part with maybe try mixing fruit juice (100%) with selzer water. Just be careful to read labels and make sure all it is is the real fruit juice and remember it is high in natural sugar. If you can the best thing is probably going cold turkey away from it. Not only are they very high in calories but they are also full of tons of bad chemicals.
  • fat2strongbeth
    fat2strongbeth Posts: 735 Member


  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    Discpline.. only you can teach yourself that. You either want to or you dont. One thing I will assure you is that it is always toughest at first giving up your food addictions.. but eventually you wont even crave them after a while.

    You have to want this enough and to put your foot down.. punish yourself everytime you break your diet by going 16-20 hours before eating.. seriously.. you will very stop doing it very quickly after that.


    I didn't start losing weight until I became discipline enough to count ALL my calories and join (and go) to a gym. People ask me and I always tell them the same.. You need dedication and discipline in anything in your life, including losing weight,
  • RoninLife
    RoninLife Posts: 64
    I was "addicted" to diet coke for years. I mean like 10 cans a day addicted. But it's been a year since I have had a diet soda, well maybe 362 days total. I started drinking mineral water so I can still get the fizzy ahhh feeling, then slowly switched it up to water with lemon wedge to now just plain water. I don't even crave soda anymore.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    I was "addicted" to diet coke for years. I mean like 10 cans a day addicted. But it's been a year since I have had a diet soda, well maybe 362 days total. I started drinking mineral water so I can still get the fizzy ahhh feeling, then slowly switched it up to water with lemon wedge to now just plain water. I don't even crave soda anymore.

    Moderation is key * have your diet soda every other day don't need to restrict yourself , id say plain coca cola is the best option though . prefer real sugar over artificial sweeteners that are basically "chemical concoctions"
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Diet and exercise. Literally, it is the only thing that actually works and as for the fizzy drinks. That's the first thing that has to go. Try cutting down week one and then zero it out all together week two, and no, I repeat NO diet soda! That's almost worse than the regular crap.
    I went though this too over a year ago. It sucked. I had to cut it out and I was a pop drinker since I was 4. It's just something that had to happen though and you will feel better without it.
    For me , it was one thing at a time. I didn't cut out all the junk right away. Just one thing here and there and eventually tailored a ten times better, healthier diet that I have as my now regular diet. I used to be the person that grabbed a donuts on the way to work and now if I have a doughnut, it's so sugary that I literally shake and feel messed up. I still have a ways to go, but it's one thing at time and one day at a time. And of course exercise.

    Totally agree. I did a very similar thing as I was addicted to everything with caffeine especially diet coke, coffee and chocolate. I cut each one out bit by bit and now don't miss any of them. Wasn't easy but one of the best changes I've made..
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I was "addicted" to diet coke for years. I mean like 10 cans a day addicted. But it's been a year since I have had a diet soda, well maybe 362 days total. I started drinking mineral water so I can still get the fizzy ahhh feeling, then slowly switched it up to water with lemon wedge to now just plain water. I don't even crave soda anymore.

    i have a can a day and keep thinking i should cut down... i cant imagine what 10 cans a day was doing to you! well done!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member

  • leaellenj
    leaellenj Posts: 38
    Discpline.. only you can teach yourself that. You either want to or you dont. One thing I will assure you is that it is always toughest at first giving up your food addictions.. but eventually you wont even crave them after a while.

    You have to want this enough and to put your foot down.. punish yourself everytime you break your diet by going 16-20 hours before eating.. seriously.. you will very stop doing it very quickly after that.

    Really the last thing you want to do is go 16-20 hours without eating. Ever. Regardless of how badly you may have messed up your plan. It messes with your metabolism, it messes with your blood sugar, and starving yourself (which is in essence what you're doing) is never ok.

    I like the analogy that just because you run a traffic light, doesn't mean you break traffic laws for the rest of the day.

    Just because you have a binge, or eat something you feel you shouldn't have, doesn't mean you have to be punished. We should all have the attitude that we eat healthy, exercise and take care of our bodies because we love ourselves and we want the best for our lives.

    So when you mess up, do some reflection on what happened, why it happened, and what you can do in the future to mitigate that. Then continue on your day and have healthy fruits and veggies and lots of water.
  • Taylor0212
    Taylor0212 Posts: 72 Member

    ^This :love: :tongue:
  • jmarie1967
    jmarie1967 Posts: 51 Member
    While this is definitely a GREAT form of exercise, in addition to that, I do ride my bike, swim, walk, and cut carbs pretty drastically. I do get carbs from the fruit and veggies I eat. I read "Wheat Belly" by Dr. WIlliam Davis and am doing wheat free now as well. I follow a similar diet to Atkins....31 lbs lost since Memorial Day...Good luck to you! Read Naked Calories by Dr. Calton as well, it's about how our foods are so deficient in micro nutrients, so vitamin and mineral supplements are SO important!
  • tavery3700
    tavery3700 Posts: 42 Member
    Cut back to one a day