Prune Question! please help! Thanks!



  • Hellobeautifuls
    Hellobeautifuls Posts: 64 Member
    I think (someone else told me ) that they might help fight osteopporosis? and I've been on my back a lot? so she said maybe it was a thought that maybe u might need to watch out for that -- so thats what I'm going to ask my doctor. but I do love the prune juice!! you should try it!! keeping that for awhile just for the taste!! lol! even if it is high in sugar!! :) so hoping if that becomes a problem or possibility -- that does help! even a schmidge! lol but I don't th8ink ill have that! so heres to hoping that won't happen! but it has given me energy when I have it! has anyone else noticed that? maybe its something else -- but it has given me a bit of energy :)
  • lisabellnc
    lisabellnc Posts: 9 Member
    Soft prunes are boiled in water or juice. It reconstitutes them and they puff up and look like the plum that they are. They then been become soft. I use to love them as a kid. I like them warm over ice cream. I had bathroom issues so that have been the only way I would try it but I loved it. Still like prunes today, either way.