What type of people are attracted to Myfitnesspal?



  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    What an interesting question! I like to "know" what I'm doing. I thrive on structure so this is why it appeals to me. If I try to do it on my own without anything to track myself with, I feel lost.
  • get10fit2013
    get10fit2013 Posts: 87 Member
    Definitely a math girl with a touch of anxiety about unplanned days and probably another touch of OCD....so yeah, generally crazy. lol I like calendars, lists and knowing when I'm supposed to be doing what. I am highly organized and detailed at work, have to have a freakishly neat working and living space but I'm definitely laid back and would rather someone else take the lead. I hate making decisions. Just give me a checklist in order, and I'll finish the tasks in order. I don't like when someone else disrupts the plan, but I adapt and move on without getting my feathers ruffled on the outside. God, I just realized I need therapy.
  • dona000
    dona000 Posts: 70
    This is an interesting question. My nurse practitioner suggest MFP to me. I'm very much a creative, whimsical type of person. Just the word math makes me snooze (sorry). Science not so much. I do LOVE people and I love the success stories. But the best part for me is making myself put every bite in and it calculates what I can lose. I love that. I feel like it's a school where I'm learning how to eat healthier. Like someone said I see I only have so many calories left and if I still want to eat I have to make a better choice. I have wanted to lose weight all my life but was so confused by it. Now I'm like...eat less, move more....eat more veggies and fruits..less sweets....Not as hard as I thought. MFP and the success stories make believe it's possible. I started at 267 and my goal is 138. And I will get there. One more thing. I adore lists so that part helps too.
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    I have actually *never* been good at logging my food. But I do know that one of the best ways to start changing behavior is to monitor it...just the act of monitoring can make things change, even if you aren't really intending to. So I made a commitment to do it, even though it's not my favorite thing in the world. It is easier for me to do it on the computer because I can't lose it, and I'm always on a computer. When I was in weight watchers I would forever lose or forget that little journal they would give me.

    What attracted me to it was the ability to do things the way I wanted to...I don't like people to tell me what to do. I don't want to have to only eat certain foods, or never eat other foods. That bugs me. I also wanted to determine my own calorie goal, and I can do that on here. I use information from this site, and other sources, but I'm the one who actually decided how many to aim for, how much exercise to do, how much fat/carbs/protein to eat, etc.
  • shortmomma81
    I just wanted to keep track of my calories, the community was a big plus for me!
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    So, you've made the VERY HUGE decision to get healthy, whatever that means to you.

    Your friends probably have not. Your appearance is very personal for most people and you suggesting they should change it could be very offensive.

    That's why your friends havent jumped on. Probably has nothing to do with the type of people here.

    For me, its very interesting all these SMOKING hot women love to post half-naked pics of themselves. And all I have to say thank you ladies!
  • KimINfortheWin
    KimINfortheWin Posts: 251 Member
    Gadget/Software Dork here. Online Technologies Technician.

    However, I absolutely hate, detest, abhor math and counting. So, I use my gadgety-love to do that horrid thing for me!

    And I've learned a lot about eating. It's a win-win for me.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    When I first came on this site, I didn't even know about the community aspect of it, and when I heard someone mention that she met her fiance on here, I found it rather unusual. Ironically, I found my current boyfriend on here, and he is so awesome lol. I guess it makes sense that the whole weight loss thing allows you to bond with someone.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    People give you the blank look because you've decided to take a major leap and do something about your health/weight/fitness, etc...your friends have not made such a choice...ergo it is completely foreign to them.

    My friends still look at me like I'm crazy. A year ago at this time I was a borderline obese smoker who like to party, party, party and could barely walk the dog around the block without getting winded and sore. 12 months later I'm a non smoker and at a healthy weight and BF%...stronger than I've been in years, running 5Ks and 10Ks and cycling and swimming and training for triathlons. Who would have thunk it? Certainly not me or any of my friends.

    Edit: but I still like to party too much...
  • cindiva65
    cindiva65 Posts: 335 Member
    Im an accountant and thus very number oriented. I like writing things down. I do spreadsheets for everything!!!! LOL So this type of thing fits perfectly for my personality. My BF joined but is more the fly by your pants kinda guy and so its not working for him since he logs in for a day and then stops. I definitely think its a personality type that finds sites and tools like this useful.
  • mayonie1
    mayonie1 Posts: 296 Member
    Information officer here. I like to gather statistics and present it in a form of graphs or table. No one told me about the site, was just googling weight loss diet and MFP just popped out.
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    I am a generalist, not naturally a details oriented type, but I can buckle down when I have to. I usually don't make lists (unless I am about to go to the grocery store) love the sciences and geekier side of life. mbti type is INTJ.

    logging everything I eat isn't exactly a natural thing for me to do, but I see the value in it, so I do it. I've never done it before. What attracted me here was trying to pin down some of the specifics of the low carb /high protein diet, that I wasn't' sure of. I think I was looking for vitamin supplements that were necessary. I'd been on it before and remembered there were protein requirements and vitamin supplements that I needed to make it work for me. Once here, I was presented with food logging and the concept that you still were better off watching your calories on this diet than not. I thought that made sense (although I lost 20 or 30 pounds ten years ago without logging, kept it all off until my cat died a very slow death of cancer of the mouth and then got double whammied with a broken ankle)

    So, I am sticking around because it sounds like a very logical way to go about.

    In the fun and games part of the forums, someone posted a meyers brigg test threadnand there were a lot of intj's. at the time I was thinking maybe it was false positives to have so many of them show up, I'd have expected a lot more STJ's in the mix (the details oriented, facts based vs Generalist, big picture type, is S vs N... but I imagine that the TJ in general is probably attracted to a site that helps break down something that is generally seen as some sort of almost magic or voodoo( weight loss) into something that is broken down into numbers and equations.

    having this tool makes the diet make a lot more sense to me and I'll probably be able to stick on it without falling off this way because I can see the numbers. I can see that I've done a good job or ok job or terrible job and know how it's balanced out week by week.
  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    Data-driven control freaks like me who are addicted to running and working out? :glasses:
  • aharburger
    aharburger Posts: 44 Member
    I've always been the type to make lists and charts. In college I always volunteered to make my friends' schedules based on their degree requirements and desire to sleep in. I suppose I rank somewhat high on the neurotic end of personalities, so MFP and I fit like peas in a pod! After reading through some other replies, OP, it looks like yes- MFP does have a "type" haha

    *Edit* I'm an ESFJ by the way :)
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,755 Member
    I think all kinds of people end up here for all kinds of reasons. Other sites have graphs etc. I read reviews that this app got the best reviews for doing what I need to do tracking. I have had success with other eating plans I love the Zone and have setup my stuff on here to reflect the 40/40/40 way of eating. I like that I can do that I couldn't on Sparkpeople.

    I enjoy the blogs on here, some good writers. Forums can get very amusing as well.

    And I love techie stuff, I work in IT.

    I think mostly your friends who didn't get excited with you just aren't interested in what you are doing. Even if they need to lose weight as well, one must be in the right place to take action. A friend of mine showed me the MFP app over a year ago, I just joined this month. I was not ready before, I am now.
  • capperboy
    capperboy Posts: 99 Member
    I am goal orientated, I need a target MFP provides one.
  • jackjackattck
    jackjackattck Posts: 117 Member
    Engineer here, always been into math and science. I am very detail organized and OCD. If MFP didn't exist, I am sure I would use Excel to do the same thing, but it would be way more difficult without the food database. I always have everything planned out and organized, and that seems to work for me. I can see a goal, see where I am excelling and where I need to improve. And I love it
  • aalicia88
    aalicia88 Posts: 77 Member
    I love math! I love to make lists and I love how mfp tracks my calcium and iron instead of me having to write it down. It's much quicker this way.
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member
    I love planning, organising, everything like that.

    I don't love math, but I love how math makes sense. Calories out - calories in and voila, weight loss! I love knowing that what I'm eating and the exercise I'm doing will lead to weight loss, not just doing anything and hoping for the best.

    A lot of people hate logging their food, they think it's too much of a mission.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Another techie here, I'm treating it like a huge experiment.

    Tweaking the variables, seeing what works, taking feedback.

    I'm going to show the world I can look like a Men's Health cover model while simultaneously getting regularly drunk on 'empty calories'.

    I am basically a walking contradiction when it comes to health. I suspect if I went all out for fitness it just wouldn't suit me ...
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