I'm not losing weight



  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Pts meaning points, which I think means percentage. She is using a fat caliper thing and that's what she has measured so far.
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.

    If it's water retention associated with muscle repair, there's nothing to "remedy." Your body needs the water for muscle repair. Why would you want to try to get rid of it?

    So legit question then, why would someone want to hang on to water weight?
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.

    If it's water retention associated with muscle repair, there's nothing to "remedy." Your body needs the water for muscle repair. Why would you want to try to get rid of it?

    So legit question then, why would someone want to hang on to water weight?

    You've gotta be on a wind up? that was in the response. Now bolded.
  • Dazzler21
    Dazzler21 Posts: 1,249 Member
    edited June 2017
    evileen99 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Ditto. There is no way you've added five pounds of muscle in three weeks, much less when eating 1100-1200 calories.

    There's no way you gain muscle in such a calorie deficit. Your body would be failing to maintain it's muscle and fat levels.

    If you want less 'snug' clothes you need to burn fat.

    Weight is not the problem, Fat is.

    If your PT is genuinely one of the best in your city they should know these facts.

    There is no measure of pts in fitness. You're adding and losing either lbs, grams or percent.

    I think your PT is taking piss personally.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    karimaaml wrote: »
    Sounds like you might be in starvation mode. Eat a bit more. You'll be surprised. Good luck

    starvation mode doesnt exist when dieting. you dont hold onto anything if you arent eating enough. it doesnt work that way

    why was I flagged?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    kimny72 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.

    If it's water retention associated with muscle repair, there's nothing to "remedy." Your body needs the water for muscle repair. Why would you want to try to get rid of it?

    So legit question then, why would someone want to hang on to water weight?

    The point of strength training is to build muscle. But you don't actually build the muscle during your workout. You break the muscle down during your workout and then the muscle rebuilds itself even stronger over the next 24 hrs or so. This rebuilding is how you build muscle. Your muscles need water in order to rebuild, that's why you retain a little water and may even seem like the muscles you worked "pumped up". Once the muscles have done the repair, they will release the water.

    Using some remedies to shed water weight while strength training can hamper your ability to build muscle. Why would you want to put effort into strength training and then sabotage it by forcing off water weight?

    If your trainer is qualified they should know all this stuff and be taking into consideration water weight fluctuations affected by the workouts they are putting you through.

    You are also at a healthy weight, so you shouldn't be trying to lose more than half-a-pound per week, again to protect the muscle you are working to build. Be patient and let your body do what it needs to do.

    yes thats how muscle building works but not on so little of calories. you wont build mass eating so little.The point of strength training when in a deficit is to retain and lean muscle mass you already have because some of it can be lost while dieting,so without weight training and enough protein you will lose some of it. you can get stronger lifting while in a bigger deficit, but stronger doesnt = gains. Im willing to bet that the person is also eating below their BMR too.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    karimaaml wrote: »
    Sounds like you might be in starvation mode. Eat a bit more. You'll be surprised. Good luck

    starvation mode doesnt exist when dieting. you dont hold onto anything if you arent eating enough. it doesnt work that way

    why was I flagged?

    Clearly someone who cant handle the truth.

    guess so
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    evileen99 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Ditto. There is no way you've added five pounds of muscle in three weeks, much less when eating 1100-1200 calories.

    Did you factor in the macros not just the calories? I'm on high protein.
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    cee134 wrote: »

    Looks like I'll be off to see the doc soon. I'm on 3.5 weeks now.. be everything in the chart leads me to see Dr.
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Ditto. There is no way you've added five pounds of muscle in three weeks, much less when eating 1100-1200 calories.

    Did you factor in the macros not just the calories? I'm on high protein.

    what do you consider as high protein? are you lifting like a professional athlete 4 times a week and doing interval training 2 other days with only 1 rest day? are you at least 25% body fat and new to weight lifting?
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    forgot in your OP that you said 140g protein. thats not high enough to build that much muscle in a month no matter how you train.
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Ditto. There is no way you've added five pounds of muscle in three weeks, much less when eating 1100-1200 calories.

    Did you factor in the macros not just the calories? I'm on high protein.

    5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks would require a heck of a lot more than a high protein diet...muscle is not that easy for women to put on...a woman training and doing everything right is fortunate to put on 1 pound of muscle in a month! you are talking about five times that...not happening without some serious steroid use (and even then not sure 5lbs in 3 weeks would happen)...
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    evileen99 wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?

    Ditto. There is no way you've added five pounds of muscle in three weeks, much less when eating 1100-1200 calories.

    Did you factor in the macros not just the calories? I'm on high protein.

    5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks would require a heck of a lot more than a high protein diet...muscle is not that easy for women to put on...a woman training and doing everything right is fortunate to put on 1 pound of muscle in a month! you are talking about five times that...not happening without some serious steroid use (and even then not sure 5lbs in 3 weeks would happen)...

    pretty much this. You would have to be at 250g protein, lifting like a pro athelete 4 times a week for 6 hours a day. have 25% body fat to make up for the deficit and then MAYBE you would put on half of that 5 lbs. If you were new to weight lifting.

    clearly almost none of that is happening so
  • Marilyn0924
    Marilyn0924 Posts: 797 Member
    The expectation to lose 1kg/week with your stats is misguided. You'd need a daily deficit of 1100 calories to achieve that kind of loss. That's probably well below your BMR. Why the rush? Drop your deficit to 1/2 lb per week loss and fuel your body so you can do those workouts effectively!
  • fedenaj1
    fedenaj1 Posts: 14 Member
    @jomajoo - Unfortunately, I can't offer explanation, but I can relate. I'm 5',7", short stocky build currently at 291 lbs. I just started a 1200 -1750 calorie a day diet. I've been on it for a week. Before that, it was a phase 2 routine South Beach diet. To supplement that, I've been doing high intensity interval training on my elliptical. I've worked up to 23m 15s M - F since the beginning of April. This has kept me from hurting myself and allowed me to continue forward and increase my routine's intensity. Recently, after a week of 1200 to 1750 calories coupled with my exercise routine, I gained 1.2 lbs? Very frustrating to say the least. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks is going on. Thank you.