I'm not losing weight

jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
edited June 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...


  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    A number of possible reasons:

    -you're at a healthy weight and don't have much to lose, so it's going to take time (about half a pound a week)
    -if you've just started working with a trainer, your body is likely holding on to water as your muscles repair
    -you may be eating more than you think

    I think it's water retention then especially with my muscle repair. I weigh and prepare 90% of my food myself.
  • karimaaml
    karimaaml Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like you might be in starvation mode. Eat a bit more. You'll be surprised. Good luck
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    karimaaml wrote: »
    Sounds like you might be in starvation mode. Eat a bit more. You'll be surprised. Good luck

    starvation mode doesnt exist when dieting. you dont hold onto anything if you arent eating enough. it doesnt work that way

    Still need to make sure you are fueling your body though.

    What about switching over to recomping OP?
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    Luna3386 wrote: »
    karimaaml wrote: »
    Sounds like you might be in starvation mode. Eat a bit more. You'll be surprised. Good luck

    starvation mode doesnt exist when dieting. you dont hold onto anything if you arent eating enough. it doesnt work that way

    Still need to make sure you are fueling your body though.

    What about switching over to recomping OP?

    Sorry what is recomping?
  • vishalb08
    vishalb08 Posts: 14 Member
    I believe that 3 weeks is too less a time to see any major changes.
    Give your body sometime to get used to the workouts & new lifestyle changes/habits.
    It could take you about 6-8 weeks to start seeing the desired results SUSTAIN.
    Initially the results will be slightly haywire, over a period of time they will become consistent.
    Enjoy the journey & keep going !!!!
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.

    If it's water retention associated with muscle repair, there's nothing to "remedy." Your body needs the water for muscle repair. Why would you want to try to get rid of it?

    Simply because I want clothes to fit better than tight or snug. That and because my PT who is one of the best in the city wants to see a little weight progress...not a lot, but at least some...
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    I am 5'4" and 130 lbs. I have a personal trainer 3x per week for 1 hr each which is intensive weight training and cardio at least 2 x per week (30 mins). For the past 3 weeks I've been on a VERY clean meal plan of 1100-1200 calories with macros of 40-50g carb, 40-60g fat and 120-140g protein.
    What's your thought on why I'm not losing weight? I've gained about 5pts muscle mass and lost 5pts body fat but I think I should still lose about 1kg per week...

    not sure what 'pts' is, but are you saying you think you put on 5lbs of muscle in 3 weeks?? or is 'pts' something else?
  • MontyMuttland
    MontyMuttland Posts: 68 Member
    I'm not too sure what the "pts" are either, though I'm guessing it's some kind of scale of measurement associated with whatever device/method is being used to give estimates of muscle and fat in the OPs body.
    Regardless of this, a gain in muscle (+5pts) along with a loss in body fat (-5pts) sounds totally reasonable when combining a calorie restricted diet with muscle-building exercise.
    Just so happens that in the three week period so far, the loss in physical weight from fat loss has been cancelled out by weight gain in muscle.
    However, as others have pointed out, if this is a new exercise plan, some of the weight gain so far will be due to increased water retention in the body.
    But this is a positive thing, not a negative thing, and will stable out in a little more time, after which the OP will most likely start to see an overall loss in weight.
    Continuing what has been started and changing nothing yet is what I'd advise.

    Also, as several other posters have stated, there is no such thing as starvation mode.
    No matter how many people talk about it, they cannot wish it into existence.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    You are at a healthy weight for your height so any loss will be slow (0.5lbs a week is plenty). Right now you are doing everything right by the sound of it and any loss is being masked by other factors...give it time, the loss will show up eventually.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    jomajoo wrote: »
    jomajoo wrote: »
    If your food weighing and logging is dead on, then my thought is a combination of unrealistic expectations and water retention.

    Yeah I'm thinking water retention as well..will try a few remedies I've found online.

    If it's water retention associated with muscle repair, there's nothing to "remedy." Your body needs the water for muscle repair. Why would you want to try to get rid of it?

    Simply because I want clothes to fit better than tight or snug. That and because my PT who is one of the best in the city wants to see a little weight progress...not a lot, but at least some...

    What does your PT think you should weigh?
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    Don't go for diuretics to get rid of water weight just to get a false read on the scale, your body needs to retain water at the moment to repair your muscles if you're logging correctly you'll be losing fat, 3 weeks is not enough time give it a couple of months since you're already in the middle of your healthy weight range it's going to be slow going. Just keep it up, make sure you're logging is tight and don't sweat it. x
  • jomajoo
    jomajoo Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not too sure what the "pts" are either, though I'm guessing it's some kind of scale of measurement associated with whatever device/method is being used to give estimates of muscle and fat in the OPs body.
    Regardless of this, a gain in muscle (+5pts) along with a loss in body fat (-5pts) sounds totally reasonable when combining a calorie restricted diet with muscle-building exercise.
    Just so happens that in the three week period so far, the loss in physical weight from fat loss has been cancelled out by weight gain in muscle.
    However, as others have pointed out, if this is a new exercise plan, some of the weight gain so far will be due to increased water retention in the body.
    But this is a positive thing, not a negative thing, and will stable out in a little more time, after which the OP will most likely start to see an overall loss in weight.
    Continuing what has been started and changing nothing yet is what I'd advise.

    Also, as several other posters have stated, there is no such thing as starvation mode.
    No matter how many people talk about it, they cannot wish it into existence.

    Thank you very much for a solid reply