

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,437 Member
    I'm in.

    06/20 - 146.6
    06/22 - 146.6

    Day Weight Comments

    6/22 - 144.8 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/23 - 145.0 at 6:00 a.m.
    6/24 - 145.0 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/25 - 144.2 at 5:00 a.m.
    6/26 - 144.0 at 5:00 a.m.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    Thank you.
  • nosugarinmytea
    nosugarinmytea Posts: 27 Member
    6/22: 83.7kg - Full on menstrual disaster! :joy:
    6/23: 83.0kg - Nearing its end...
    6/24: 81.8kg - Wahey, several weeks of ovarian calm await! Also, I forcibly removed myself from the ice cream parlour before making a purchase yesterday. :grimace:
    6/25: 81.2kg - I'm very mindful that i only re-started on my diet on the 22nd, so whilst I'm enjoying the figures it's probably just all water weight coming off for now. Really hope I may scrape 80kg by the end of this round...
    6/26: 81.2kg - ...as predicted! But as long as I don't actually go up I'm happy.
    6/27: 81.2kg - three days in a row! Well, I've been sticking to my plan so hopefully the numbers will creep a bit lower in a day or so.

  • bralbrmc
    bralbrmc Posts: 14 Member
    6/22-starting at 200.1, hoping to get to 198 at least over the next few days. Feeling good about it!
    6/23- 198.2 hope to have this number at the end but I'm sure its from falling asleep earlier and skipping dinner
    6/24- 198 feeling good but need to increase my water today
    6/25- 199 let myself go over the weekend, don't feel guilty because I'm learning that a bad moment doesn't call for a bad day or a bad week. Regroup and push on!
  • EsmeMary101
    EsmeMary101 Posts: 154 Member

    SW 173
    Feb 2017 lost 10lbs
    Mar 2017 lost 10lbs
    April 2017 lost 6lbs
    May 2017 lost 6lbs
    June start weight 141lbs

    6/22 - 136.5
    6/23 - 136.5
    6/24 - 136
    6/25 - 136.5
    6/26 - 136.5 TOM
    27/6 - 136.5 Tom
    Had been having a good week but it doesn't look like it reading these numbers.... Fairly hopeful the next couple of days will bring better results.
  • NasiiM4
    NasiiM4 Posts: 76 Member
    SW 259lbs
    GW 135lbs
    Next target 170lbs

    Day Weight Comments

    6/23- 176.2 lbs
    6/24- 174.6 lbs
    6/25- 174.0 lbs
    6/26- 173.8 lbs
    6/27- 175.0 lbs I ate out of my IF window yesterday.
  • staceymcmd
    staceymcmd Posts: 699 Member
    edited June 2017
    Hi, I would love to join in too. Posting my daily weight definitely keeps me accountable.
    SW 156
    GW 135

    6/24: 156
    6/25: 154.2
    6/26: 154.0
    6/27: 153.6 Losing water weight, it should slow down in a day or two.
  • cyranda63
    cyranda63 Posts: 614 Member
    R2 SW 221
    R3 SW 217.4
    R4 SW 215
    R5 SW 212
    R6 Missed- Was away with no scale
    R7 SW 208.4
    R8 SW 204.4 (June 21)

    6/22: 204.2
    6/23: 203.8
    6/24: 204.8 didn't go over my calories, certain it's salt but still sucks. :|
    6/25: 204.2 meh
    6/26: 204.4 I did so well last round I'll probably hold steady this time. :) As long as I stick to the plan I'm good.
    6/27: 204.2 hmmm
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    6/23-203.0. I know at this point it is water weight. But I will take it
    6/24 202.6
    6/25 204.4. Had Chinese and pizza last night. Sodium water retention weight gain
    6/26 204.6

    6/27 202.4 Water retention from pizza and Chinese gone. Yea !!!! Oh and I have happy scale as well. I like it easy to use

  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Ended round 7 at 134.5

    I would like to lose 1.5 for round 8!

    6/22 - 133.3

    6/23 - 132.1
    In going to try not to get too excited about my overnight -1.2 pounds. I had three beers after dinner and I suspect that's making me a little dehydrated. It's nice to see a number even closer to goal though!! 128 is where I'd like to be. It just gives me some wiggle room to maintain between 128-130. Of course, its the weekend now and those are always tough ...

    6/24 - 132.3
    Did well yesterday. Stayed within calories. Looking back at the last several weekends I average 2000 calories Saturday and Sunday. My goal for this weekend is no more than 1500 each day. I do not have workouts planned so this will be an extra 600 calories over the weekend. Fingers crossed for the will power!!!

    6/25 - 133.8
    Well I guess that's what happens when you go 1,125 calories over your allotment for the day ... going to make today a better day. Also going to try for a 4 mile walk. Wasn't planned, but I need it. First ... coffee!!!

    6/26 - 135.6
    Well as predicted I'm up 3.3 pounds over the weekend. Totally my fault. Total lack of self control. Sucks!! WHY are weekends SO hard.

    6/27 - 134.3
    Ok a little weekend weight gone. Yesterday was easy to stay on track, Mondays usually are. Still hoping to weigh in at 133 by the end of this 10 days! Workout early today, and then a ton of errands and appointments.

  • my3boys424
    my3boys424 Posts: 146 Member
    Is anyone dreading the long holiday weekend? We have a birthday, 2 grad parties and 2, 4th of July parties. I'm going to need to dig deep for the will power to not eat (and drink) for 5 days straight.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    ehseeker wrote: »
    GAME ON!
    I need a support system in my life. It's hard to exercise and change the way you eat when you're the only one in a family of 5 that wants to make changes. That makes it even more difficult to stay accountable, and I need that. I hadn't felt right in about 6 months. I was so fatigued and being a teacher, a Mom of 3, and taking care of my niece and nephew so their parents can work, I need all the energy that I can get. Yet, I was falling asleep as early as 6:30, and I felt like I didn't sleep at all when the alarm went off at 6. I started noticing that my left arm started to tingle and become numb. Then, it spread down my left side and all the way down to my toes. My grip was weaker, and I was struggling to open jars. I finally went to the doctor, and I found out I have a B12 deficiency due to taking medication prescribed from my specialist for GERD. I also discovered that my LDL (bad cholesterol) was better than it has been, but it was still bad, and my HDL (good cholesterol) was too low. It was recommended I lose 7 -10% of my body weight, take 1000 B12 supplement, and exercise 30 minutes a day for a total of 150 minutes a week. So, here I am...trying to improve my health. It isn't an easy thing to do, so I wanted to be a part of something that would keep me motivated and support me along the way. I want to stay on the wagon. I need to. When I started my weight loss journey, I was 202 lbs. This is my first round doing the 10 day challenge. With that being said...
    06/22: 195
    06/23: 193.5
    06/24: 192.5
    06/25: 191.5 I AM THRILLED! I JUST HIT MY 10 LB. MARK.
    06/26: 193.5 I AM BUMMED! Sometimes, I think that weighing myself every day is bad for my mental health because when I see the numbers on the scale go up, I get incredibly upset. However, it's almost like this compulsive thing that has me going back down to the scale every single morning to see if anything has changed at all. Today, is one of the days that I wish that I never would have looked. I stayed under my calorie intake yesterday, but I must be truthful, I had a slice of my own birthday cake. It's almost 500 calories alone for this cake! Also, since I exercised 6 days straight, I gave my body an active resting day. Now, I feel so guilty. I pushed myself to do an hour of cardio and upper body strength this morning, and I feel sick, sick, sick to my stomach. It's awful!

    Calm down. Everyone fluctuates: hormones, water retention, too much sodium, whatever. Remember who won the race? The turtle. Of course we all hate to see the numbers go up but try to assure yourself that they will go down. Keep at it and they will.
    Fluctuating weight is not something that I knew about until it was just explained to me yesterday. I am going to have to be mindful of that in the future, and you are right, the turtle did win the race. I guess I'm more like the hare sometimes. Lol
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    It's an IPhone thing. I am not an Iphone user. I'm a Samsung girl. :)
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    ... Sometimes, I think that weighing myself every day is bad for my mental health because when I see the numbers on the scale go up, I get incredibly upset. ...

    Don't get too thrown by the daily variations. You will go up and down two or three pounds seemingly overnight due to water retention. Something as simple as eating something salty or exercising with increase water retention for a day or two. The extra calories of a few alcoholic drinks will have less effect on the scale than the dehydrating effects overnight.

    Don't pile on guilt about these variations in weight. In fact, don't pile guilt on yourself PERIOD. In my experience, guilt is usually followed by a what-the-hell-I-can't-do-it-anyway reaction that leaves me where I started.

    Well, I definitely can't afford to go back to where I started. I also can't afford to push myself as hard as I did yesterday. My body simply cannot take that amount of physical exertion. I appreciate the kind words. I truly do. Thank you so much for the encouragement.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    everher wrote: »
    GAME ON!
    I need a support system in my life. It's hard to exercise and change the way you eat when you're the only one in a family of 5 that wants to make changes. That makes it even more difficult to stay accountable, and I need that. I hadn't felt right in about 6 months. I was so fatigued and being a teacher, a Mom of 3, and taking care of my niece and nephew so their parents can work, I need all the energy that I can get. Yet, I was falling asleep as early as 6:30, and I felt like I didn't sleep at all when the alarm went off at 6. I started noticing that my left arm started to tingle and become numb. Then, it spread down my left side and all the way down to my toes. My grip was weaker, and I was struggling to open jars. I finally went to the doctor, and I found out I have a B12 deficiency due to taking medication prescribed from my specialist for GERD. I also discovered that my LDL (bad cholesterol) was better than it has been, but it was still bad, and my HDL (good cholesterol) was too low. It was recommended I lose 7 -10% of my body weight, take 1000 B12 supplement, and exercise 30 minutes a day for a total of 150 minutes a week. So, here I am...trying to improve my health. It isn't an easy thing to do, so I wanted to be a part of something that would keep me motivated and support me along the way. I want to stay on the wagon. I need to. When I started my weight loss journey, I was 202 lbs. This is my first round doing the 10 day challenge. With that being said...
    06/22: 195
    06/23: 193.5
    06/24: 192.5
    06/25: 191.5 I AM THRILLED! I JUST HIT MY 10 LB. MARK.
    06/26: 193.5 I AM BUMMED! Sometimes, I think that weighing myself every day is bad for my mental health because when I see the numbers on the scale go up, I get incredibly upset. However, it's almost like this compulsive thing that has me going back down to the scale every single morning to see if anything has changed at all. Today, is one of the days that I wish that I never would have looked. I stayed under my calorie intake yesterday, but I must be truthful, I had a slice of my own birthday cake. It's almost 500 calories alone for this cake! Also, since I exercised 6 days straight, I gave my body an active resting day. Now, I feel so guilty. I pushed myself to do an hour of cardio and upper body strength this morning, and I feel sick, sick, sick to my stomach. It's awful!

    The scale used to be my worst enemy. At some point, I realized my weight was just going to fluctuate and that was okay. I use a trending app like a lot of people here do (it's called Happy Scale by the way) and it helps me to realize and accept that my weight fluctuates, but I'm still going down!

    TL:DR - Don't worry. You got this.

    I looked up Happy Scale, and it's for an IPhone. I am not an IPhone user, but it sounds like a great app.
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    edited June 2017
    Your round 8, my round 2!! Hey y'all!
    SW: 269
    GW for R7/R2: 258/ 260
    Round 7/ My Round 1 : 263.2 [-5.8lbs]

    6/22 264.? [in prev post]
    6/23 261.2 [in prev post]
    6/24 262.2 [in prev post]
    6/25 264.? [in prev post]
    6/26 262.4 [in prev post]
    6/27 265.6 . . .Womp. I feel like the more I talk about doing exercise the more it never happens. I did okay until I binged because I was super hungry. Crazy to see how four days ago I was almost midway to my goal for R8/R2, but I know if I focus on my intake and at least walk 30 minutes a day, I will be back down in no time! I have been suuuuper tired. :disappointed: I am not giving up. :naughty:

    :star: Happy Tuesday!! :star:
  • FranSilvius62
    FranSilvius62 Posts: 54 Member
    edited June 2017
    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 273.6
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    Round 4 278.0
    Round 5 275.6
    Round 6 273.2
    Round 7 273.6

    6/21 273,6 Husband went into hospital on the 19th for colostomy and port. I stayed the week with him.
    6/26 272.2 First day home and first day of chemo for husband. Surprised I lost any weight at all in last week.
    Now to get back on track.
    6/27 272.0
  • ValkyrieOnline
    ValkyrieOnline Posts: 160 Member
    Coleteo wrote: »
    SW 173
    Feb 2017 lost 10lbs
    Mar 2017 lost 10lbs
    April 2017 lost 6lbs
    May 2017 lost 6lbs
    June start weight 141lbs

    6/22 - 136.5
    6/23 - 136.5
    6/24 - 136
    6/25 - 136.5
    6/26 - 136.5 TOM
    27/6 - 136.5 Tom
    Had been having a good week but it doesn't look like it reading these numbers.... Fairly hopeful the next couple of days will bring better results.
    Can I just say I LOVE how you broke it down into how much you lost per month as well? I tend to group my weight loss a lot and be upset I only lost 5 pounds in a month, but when you see it added up like this it all adds up and I :love: it!! First time I saw a post like this on MFP :smile:
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    I'm in again! Hi, all. My goal, as always, is to lose 2# in 10 days = SW 147.6 Good luck and clean eating everyone!

    6/22 146.6 This is some kind of fluke as I'm down a pound from yesterday. I slept late and woke up really dry if you know what I mean. But by this I'm down 3.4 from the start of last round. My goal was 2#. Now, on to releasing the next 2.
    6/23 149.6 Seriously? up over 3#! Had lunch out yesterday: 1/2 a salad and 1/2 a sandwich. Maybe water weight somewhere. Gonna drink my share of lemon water today.
    6/24 147.8 Went to gym yesterday and did my routine. Delightfully sore. Today: walking track. I'm trying a new approach and entering meals, snacks, etc, for the entire day before I eat anything. If I need to change something, ok, but this gives me a plan for the day and when I get peckish I go for one of the snacks I planned on. Gives me more control over sticking to the macros.
    6/25 147.6 A .2 loss seemed so small until I realized it equals a loss of 1.4 a week. I'll take it. Did the elliptical yesterday and stuck below macros on everything. Off to plan today's menu. Happy losing everyone.
    6/26 147.2 Put in an hour on elliptical yesterday. Went at slower pace as I read that 60-70% of MHR is the zone where you lose weight. Today: gym. Going to go grunt. Wishing us all success.

    6/27 146.6 Yes! Did another hr on ellip as well as gym. Planning my day's menu in advance is so helpful for me. It helps me see the balance, or lack thereof, in my food choices. Today: aqua arthritis and elliptical.
  • ehseeker
    ehseeker Posts: 515 Member
    Your round 8, my round 2!! Hey y'all!
    SW: 269
    GW for R7/R2: 258/ 260
    Round 7/ My Round 1 : 263.2 [-5.8lbs]

    6/22 264.? [in prev post]
    6/23 261.2 [in prev post]
    6/24 262.2 [in prev post]
    6/25 264.? [in prev post]
    6/26 262.4 [in prev post]
    6/27 265.6 . . .Womp. I feel like the more I talk about doing exercise the more it never happens. I did okay until I binged because I was super hungry. Crazy to see how four days ago I was almost midway to my goal for R8/R2, but I know if I focus on my intake and at least walk 30 minutes a day, I will be back down in no time! I have been suuuuper tired. :disappointed: I am not giving up. :naughty:

    :star: Happy Tuesday!! :star:

    If you're getting 'super hungry' you might need to up your protein; it really makes a difference for how I feel. As for exercise, start slow if you're new to it. Even a 5 minute walk is more than 0. Be gentle with yourself and increase gradually. I know it's hard to be patient with ourselves.