

  • LauraInTheWater
    LauraInTheWater Posts: 477 Member
    End of R7: 135.4

    6/22: 135.2
    I've been fluctuating in the 135 range for the past week and a half. Yesterday I did 50 mins of Aqua Zumba but then I screwed that up by eating out after. New plan is to eat about an hour before class and have some fruit or nuts for a snack after.
    6/23: 134.4
    YAY!!!! Stayed within cal count yesterday, too! Unfortunately...I also fell up (yes, I did say UP) the stairs and I did something to my foot and one of my wrists. I don't know what I'm going to do. I have to teach sitting down, so there's no way I can work out. Last round it was a hernia, now this. I'm seriously the most accident prone person I know.
    6/24: 134.6
    Came in about 100 calories under count last night which is as low as I should be going when I don't work out (I'm supposed to eat a little over 1300 per day, and I usually work out enough in the pool to be able to eat at least 1500-1700. On a side note: my foot really friggin' hurts.
    6/25: 134.6
    Went to a soccer match downtown. Had to get there pretty early to avoid traffic so we walked about a mile away from the stadium for a bite to eat and some ice cream. I even got a Coke (eek!). Of course I came in over cal count but I usually splurge at matches. I will keep being careful for the next few days. Surprised I didn't gain any weight...
    6/26: 134.4
    Back down! Again this is the lowest I've weighed since I've started this whole thing. I'm really cool with my weight now, but I started out saying I wanted to get to 130, so I will get there.
    6/27: 135
    Ugh. So I woke up yesterday and I was feeling icky, by last night I was all out ill. When I'm sick I have no self-control so of course I ate everything in sight. Got to drink some water today. I think I drank like 10 oz yesterday (a new low, as I've always loved water).
  • epixa28
    epixa28 Posts: 115 Member
    SW: 202.2lbs
    CW:199.4 (6/21)
    R8 GW: 196lbs

    6/22: 199.0 still trending down :) I have a hectic day ahead and wont be able to workout so I'll make this my rest day instead of Sunday.

    6/23: 200.6 yeah....not only did I not workout yesterday, I was out travelling, scared to drinking too much water, and I ate this ziti pizza slice that made me feel so heavy. I also got home at around 1am which also made me groggy this morning. Not really happy with my choices right now.

    6/24: 199

    6/25: 197!! Out of the house all day yesterday walking the city. Woke up and had to weigh myself again I was so surprised. This week hasn't been great for my workout schedule but I was able to fill my off days with lots of activity.

    6/26 Wasn't home. No weigh-in

    6/27: 197.6 Up from Sunday, but I have really been slacking on working out for these last few days :/ Getting back on the grind today.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    SW: 283
    6/21/17 weight: 270.4 lbs.
    6/22 SW 270.4 -- Goal for 10 days: be in the 260s.
    6/23 274 --yes the scale is still giving somewhat random numbers but most of that +4 (!) pounds is Chinese Take Out and the extra bottle of water I drank with it. Gonna buy a new scale today so who knows what tomorrow will bring.
    6/24 271.0 -- new scale and still getting rid of the water weight from that Chinese Take Out. Going to try starting a little exercise today.
    6/25 272.8 -- THEM THAT PLAYS PAYS! Okay so how about unsalted tortilla chips upon which I sprinkled salt ... and then that dill harvarti binge late at night? So at least I recorded the binge with breakfast today and will stay within calorie limits even including that extra cheese! Tonight, I go to bed rather than munch late at night!
    6/26 270.8 -- almost back where I started. Phew. Behave right, Heidi, and there's still hope of reaching the 260s in this challenge!

    6/27 270.2 -- Contented sigh.

  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,064 Member
    I'm gonna try this, again. I gained weight for my 1st Round which was Round 7.
    I still believe that I can do this, though. I am going to see what I can do this Round 8 -- my 2nd Round.

    I must be honest... I expect it to be higher on the first day of Round 8 (my 2nd round). But, after that... I'm hoping to be down by the end of the 10 days.

    Final Goal weight: maybe 98 lbs -- not really sure (sm. boned & petite)
    4'11", female, 55 years old
    So, my 1st Round (R7) Start Weight: 156.4 lbs. End Weight 159.6 lbs.

    2nd Round (R8): Begin Weight: 160.2 2nd Round (R8) Goal Weight: 159.2

    6/22 160.2
    6/23 158.2 Wow, it really helps to follow my meal plan... duh. I've already surpassed my goal for this round, but let's see if I can stick it or get down below it.
    6/24 156.8 I was pleasantly surprised as I did have a package of M & M peanuts & a sm. pkg of honey roasted peanuts. I hope that I can stick at this or get lower.
    6/25 156.8 I stayed under in calories, yesterday, and am happy with being the same weight. I just don't want to go up (at this point).
    6/26 156.8 I either stayed right at 1200 calories or was below, yesterday. I mean, I stuck with my meal plan (which was less than 1200 calories), but had a few bites of my husband's baked potato that had chili on it..... I'm still happy with this weight, if I can at least keep it until the end of this 10 days. (I will have surpassed my goal for this 10 day's challenge).
    6/27 157.6 I'm still ok with this. I had to eat 2 of my meals very late last night. Didn't eat anything all day until after 6pm & then it was just a banana & an apple. A tough, stressful day. Then, a class... so, didn't eat more until after 11:30 at night.

    Best wishes to all!
    Linda (Elbee1)
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    Start weight: 279
    Current weight: 273.6
    Current Goal weight: 270
    Long term goal: 135

    Round 4 278.0
    Round 5 275.6
    Round 6 273.2
    Round 7 273.6

    6/21 273,6 Husband went into hospital on the 19th for colostomy and port. I stayed the week with him.
    6/26 272.2 First day home and first day of chemo for husband. Surprised I lost any weight at all in last week.
    Now to get back on track.
    6/27 272.0

    I am sorry to hear about your husband. We are going through chemo with my mother-in-law right now. I wish him, you, and your entire family all the luck in the world. Be careful of spreading yourself too thin. Don't push yourself too hard, and don't be down on yourself if your focus is on your husband. That's a good thing. It means you're a good wife.
  • nikki062181
    nikki062181 Posts: 676 Member
    GAME ON!
    R1/SW: 195
    GW: 190

    06/22: 195
    06/23: 193.5
    06/24: 192.5
    06/25: 191.5 I AM THRILLED! I JUST HIT MY 10 LB. MARK.
    06/26: 193.5 I AM BUMMED! Sometimes, I think that weighing myself every day is bad for my mental health because when I see the numbers on the scale go up, I get incredibly upset. However, it's almost like this compulsive thing that has me going back down to the scale every single morning to see if anything has changed at all. Today, is one of the days that I wish that I never would have looked. I stayed under my calorie intake yesterday, but I must be truthful, I had a slice of my own birthday cake. It's almost 500 calories alone for this cake! Also, since I exercised 6 days straight, I gave my body an active resting day. Now, I feel so guilty. I pushed myself to do an hour of cardio and upper body strength this morning, and I feel sick, sick, sick to my stomach. It's awful!
    6/27: 190.5 I ended up in the ER parking lot yesterday thinking I'd need to go in. I spoke to my family doctor, and if I ever became short of breath or chest hurt, then I would have. Instead, I literally slept practically the entire day and night and missed a lot of my calories. I pushed myself in my workout yesterday, but it was more than my body could handle. I never want to feel like that again. I'd rather lose a couple of oz than be sick like that. Please don't make the same mistake that I did. Thank you to everyone that explained to me that weight isn't a downward slide. It fluctuates. I needed to know that, and I need to remind myself of that.
  • SaleenGirl305
    SaleenGirl305 Posts: 137 Member
    Round 3 - 140.6
    Round 4 - 142.6
    Round 5 - 141.4
    Round 6 - 143.6
    Round 7 - 140.6

    6/22 139.0 Lost 3lbs in round 7 by watching my carbs. Trying to stay around 20g.
    6/23 139.4 Had family over for dinner last night for Chinese food and drinks. I tried to stay mindful by not eating carb-filled fried rice, chow mein & General chicken. Skipped beer and opted for diet mixed drinks & wine.
    6/24 Out of town with no scale
    6/25 Out of town with no scale
    6/26 140.0 Weekend is over; time to get back at it.
    6/27 140.2
  • eyer0ll
    eyer0ll Posts: 313 Member
    SW from R7: 215

    6/22: 216.8 -- Boo.
    6/23: 215.8 -- Better, esp. considering I judged a taco contest last night.
    6/24: 214.8 -- zumba and music festival today. I expect this won't last.
    6/25: 214.8 -- stayed under my calories yesterday, a minor miracle.
    6/26: 214.8 -- Yesterday was a damn mess. I expect the scale will react over the next couple days.
    6/27: 218 -- dear god. Stayed under calories yesterday, worked out, and had a good walk.

  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    Baby steps.
    Round 6 Total -.6lb 198.8lb
    Round 7 Total -1.6lb 197.2
    Goal: Another 1.5lb at the end and not to stress out over bouncing back and forth.

    6/27=199.6 So eating fish and chips and brownie dessert at 10 at night undid my day of careful snacking, deck building, and gardening.
  • JennJ323
    JennJ323 Posts: 646 Member
    edited June 2017
    SW on 6/21 141.4
    GW for 7/1 138

    Day Weight Comments

    6/22 140.8 I was pleased with this – officially 5lbs down since I started weighing myself daily on 6/12. I took 2 half-hour walks yesterday and was below my calorie count for the day

    6/23 140.2 Did a 45 minute bootcamp class last night that kicked my butt! Came in well under my calories for the day, happy to see a loss

    6/24 140.2 No change in the scale, I didn’t get in any exercise yesterday so that may explain it

    6/25 139.4 Reached my first mini goal, to be at my pre-pregnancy weight! Had a good day yesterday – resisted pizza and brownies at a family get together

    6/26 140 A little surprised I’m up today, I had a good day yesterday... less water intake, maybe that affected it. Oh well, it’s a new week!

    6/27 140.4 Not happy.. you're going the wrong way scale! And that's after a good day :(

  • ck2d
    ck2d Posts: 372 Member
    SW: 256
    Round 7: 240.4 [-2.4 lbs]

    6/22 - 239.6 New decade.
    6/23 - 239.6
    6/24 - 239.0
    6/25 - 241.2 - poor sleep, does it to me every time
    6/26 - 240.4
    6/27 - 240.6
  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    Round 7: 172.3
    First goal: 170

    6/22 - 171.9 > Well this was a surprise this morning!! Made the kid walk up the steepest hill in town with me.
    6/23 - 172.1 < Huge after dinner hike and a Berry Protein Smoothie for dessert. Was a good day.
    6/24 - 170.9 > Getting so close. Had a nice walk and (2) glasses of wine. Great evening and SO is home ❤️
    6/25 - 172.0 <
    6/26 - 172.4 < Ugghh a busy weekend with Wine and BBQ salads etc on both days!! I'm getting back on track and SO is away for at least 21 days ... I do amazing with my calories when he's gone. lol Hoovering above my 170 mark would like to hit this soon.

    6/27 - 172.7 > Huh? Well this is the wrong direction. Thought I cut some cals and although felt lazy crawled off the couch and went for a long walk. Tomorrow is my weigh-in day lets hope this is a sodium build up. (fingers crossed lol)

  • KayHBE
    KayHBE Posts: 906 Member
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.
    It is. Just google it or search in the App Store.

    It's an IPhone thing. I am not an Iphone user. I'm a Samsung girl. :)

    I use 'Trend Weight' and they have a regular website too.
  • clynnwoodard
    clynnwoodard Posts: 319 Member
    GW for this round - 168
    Final GW - 140

    Coming in from Round 7 at 170 lbs

    6/22 - 169.6 - did really well yesterday, 40 min on elliptical and food intake was on point. Expected to see a bigger loss, but I'll take it!

    6/23 - 169.6 - No exercise today and pretty sedentary due to work but came in under calories.

    6/24 - 168.8 - Stayed close to calories despite a friend's wedding. No "exercise" but ran my tail off getting every thing ready so all in all, I'll call that a win.

    6/25 -170 - Darned scale...no exercise but nutritionally on point.

    6/26 - 169.4 - Stayed under calories and did 41 minutes on elliptical. I'm trying to increase my time by 1 minute every time I do it...but can't seem to make time to do it more than 3 or 4 times a week. I'm going to lock my office door and try doing some body weight resistance exercises like plank and pushups in my office to see if that helps.

    6/27 - 169.8 Went over calories slightly and no cardio yesterday. I did do my first plank in probably a year for 20 seconds and managed to squeeze out 10 pushups from my knees. Wow. I had no idea my upper body was so weak. Minimally sore but not so much I can't try again today. Already did the elliptical for 42 minutes this morning and will do my plank and pushups again when I get to work.


