A mile a day for July.



  • shandy82165
    shandy82165 Posts: 184 Member
    Day 3:

    7/3 - 1m
    7/4 - 1m
    7/5 - 1.18m
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Day 5 and I plodded along to Zumba at a slow but steady pace over a footpath, I love running through the countryside and get some lovely views along the river.

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles

    Total 9.2miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Day 6, and after legs, bums and tums and zumba yesterday my legs felt really heavy, still managed to Jeff the mile down to the gym and then ran to circuits (where we were treated to lots of sprinting)

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles
    6.7.17 - 3miles

    Total 12.2miles
  • shandy82165
    shandy82165 Posts: 184 Member
    Day 4:

    7/3 - 1
    7/4 - 1
    7/5 - 1.18
    7/6 - 1.07

    Total: 4.25
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Day 7 and mixed it up a bit today, well my PT mixed it up for me, we did sprints, 1.8km worth of sprints, so that was what 1.1miles. Wasn't sure if that would actually count, so took the long way round to school and plodded along for a very slow mile.

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles
    6.7.17 - 3miles
    7.7.17 - 2.1miles

    Total 14.3miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Day 8 and I can't believe I've managed to keep this going over a week. Tonight I decided to increase the distance I ran without stopping and was amazed at how comfortable I felt (remembering that I'm a dedicated jeffer) I could probably have kept going for much longer but had planned my route so decided to sprint full out for the last 50m. Did 2.89km which comes out at 1.8 miles.

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles
    6.7.17 - 3miles
    7.7.17 - 2.1miles
    8.7.17 - 1.8 miles

    Total 23.1miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Longer, supposedly slow run today, only all the sprint work I've been doing seems to have somehow translated over to my longer runs and I took a whole 15 mins off my 10km pr.

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles
    6.7.17 - 3miles
    7.7.17 - 2.1miles
    8.7.17 - 1.8 miles
    8.7.17 - 6.2 miles

    Total 28.3 miles
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Bit rubbish today, legs were tired so just stretched the run to PT to a mile, hopefully I'll be back on it tomorrow.

    1.7.17 - 3.1miles
    2.7.17 - 1.5miles
    3.7.17 - 1.6miles
    4.7.17 - 1mile
    5.7.17 - 2miles
    6.7.17 - 3miles
    7.7.17 - 2.1miles
    8.7.17 - 1.8 miles
    9.7.17 - 6.2 miles
    10.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 29.3 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Short one today, just the mile down to the gym before lifting

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 30.3 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Little bit achy after yesterday's squatting but managed to get myself out on a mile loop. Will possibly do a bit of incline treadmill work at the gym this evening.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 31.3 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Did a couple of mile runs today, one on the pavement down to the gym and then another on a footpath to circuits. Both were at an easy pace but even my easy pace seems to be getting a little quicker.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles

    Total 33.3 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Another basic mile done yesterday. Had PT and classes so was feeling a little achy (Well a lot achy). Most likely just going to be a basic mile today too as it's my active rest day, but tomorrow is a 5k.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles
    14.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 34.3 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    edited July 2017
    Urgh I really didn't feel like running today, ToM has hit with a vengeance and had to force myself out the door. Still felt much better after and did a mile of sprints interspersed with walking recovery.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles
    14.7.17 - 1 mile
    15.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 35.3 miles

    Race for Life 5k tomorrow and I will be wearing a lot of pink.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Race for Life today and pretty chuffed and annoyed with myself in equal measure. Managed to run the first 3km without stopping to walk and then only walked for a total of 3 minutes. But I wanted to get <35 minutes and I finished in 35:13. Still considering that a year ago it took me an hour and the fact I started at the back of the runners and got held up by some walkers hogging the path near the end of my second lap....

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles
    14.7.17 - 1 mile
    15.7.17 - 1 mile
    16.7.17 - 3.1 miles

    Total 38.4 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    I'm actually quite impressed with myself that I'm still going. After a tough PT session yesterday morning I really didn't want to run but pushed myself to get beyond a walk to run for the first mile of the walk down to circuits.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles
    14.7.17 - 1 mile
    15.7.17 - 1 mile
    16.7.17 - 3.1 miles
    17.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 39.4 miles
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    Urgh today's mile was SLOW. Did a lot of leg work in PT and my outer thighs were hurting. But I guess that's part of the point of the streak to improve the running while tired.

    1.7.17-10.7.17 - 29.3 miles
    11.7.17 - 1 mile
    12.7.17 - 1 mile
    13.7.17 - 2 miles
    14.7.17 - 1 mile
    15.7.17 - 1 mile
    16.7.17 - 3.1 miles
    17.7.17 - 1 mile
    18.7.17 - 1 mile

    Total 40.4 miles