Why weighing NUDE is wrong!



  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    I just want to know how much I weigh. Don't much care about my clothing. Don't much care about what the doctor's office scale says either. It can go be its own bad self and count my jeans, wallet, phone, and whatever else it wants.

    Precisely... All scales are going to be different regardless of clothing. I go by what my home scale says and the only other scale I step on is at the doctors and if it's a little higher or lower it won't effect be because I know. I also weigh myself before I eat it drink anything and unless doctors appt is ay 630 AM (and the don't open until 830 so this never happens) I know I am going to weigh more anyhow.
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    :huh: But my clothes aren't actually a part of me. I want to know what I weigh - not my clothes.

  • danofthedead1979
    danofthedead1979 Posts: 362 Member
    I always weigh NAKED...

    pics or it didnt happen!!

    (im obviously joking, i guess you have to point out these things)
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another.

    I used to weigh myself nude on several different scales but one day the neighbor lady came home early and found me on her scale. It's all good. They just gave me a restraining order so there's no real criminal record associated with it.

    I almost spit my drink out laughing when I read this. Thank you for that. lol.
  • sunshyncatra
    sunshyncatra Posts: 598 Member
    I weigh in wearing PJs first thing in the morning. I like to be able to take my shoes off if I weigh myself at the doctor's office, but I don't whine about it if I can't.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I weigh in naked everyday lol - I cant see that changing

    I'm generally about 4 pounds heavier when I weigh in at work on the scale in scrubs my white coat, shoes, wallet keys and cellphone so I dunno doesn't bother me

    but I guess I could see your point
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    It made sense for you because you were in a competition requiring weighing at work in your clothes.

    I'm just keeping track of how much I actually weigh. And I only weigh myself at home. If, three times a year the doctor weighs me and I come out as five pounds heavier because I'm wearing pants and drank a glass of water, it doesn't really matter at all.
  • Nightterror218
    Nightterror218 Posts: 375 Member
    i weight myself on the same scale and in the amount of clothes or lack there of each time to remain consistent.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    It's also more convenient to be already nude since every time I step on the scale and can now read it without bending over I get "excited" :bigsmile:

  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I want to know how much I weigh, not how much my clothes weigh. I even take off my wedding ring, so I can weigh just myself and nothing else.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another. Second and most importantly, unless your doctor's office is different than anyone I have been to in the past 20 years, they weigh you first with your clothes on before you go into the smaller waiting room. So that's bound to bug people who are trying to lose.

    Even at work, we were doing what we called a "Fat Off" and we always have to weigh with our clothes on. So it made not sense for me to weigh myself nude if every other weigh-in I did outside of my home was going to be with clothes.

    So my tip... find something that weighs as much as your typical outfit. And then if you want to weigh in nude/undies you can use this extra device to make up your clothing difference. I use a low pulley row handle from my gym, it happens to weigh about 4lbs and I weighed my typical outfit and it also weighed about 4lbs.

    The reason I brought this up, is I have heard complaints from people about their weigh-ins outside of their home. I would still try and weigh in at the same time anytime you do, otherwise you will run into differences. But the idea here is that you would limit the difference to a small margin.

    If you disagree, let me know why?

    I guess it depends on what your goal is. My goal isn't so much to see what my exact weight is, but it's to see the relative change between the last time I weighed myself and this time. I'm looking for a measurement that shows my progress. In my opinion, for this purpose you should weigh nude or with the same clothing on each time. Different clothes weigh different amounts and can skew the overall picture of how much your weight has changed.

    On the other hand, if you are losing weight to impress your doctor and don't want to be taken by surprise, weigh with your clothes on. I don't see much point in this myself. I think people who complain about scales outside of their home are just being unrealistic. The weight at the doctor's office is always going to be higher, not just because of your clothes, but because you're probably still wearing shoes and have most likely eaten and drank before you got there. Or maybe you just haven't had a good poo that day. It could be a bunch of little things. I don't think I've ever weighed at the doctor's office and not been at least 5lbs heavier than I was at home, so I never worry about it much.
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I guess I could take this topic more seriously if it wasn't called "Why weighing NUDE is wrong!"

    Theft and murder is wrong.

    2 + 3 = 17 is wrong.

    This is wrong:

    But weighing nude is just weighing nude.

    I don't think you intended to be bossy, OP, but you came across that way. Just another person on the forums who comes across as someone who is convinced that their way is the only way and that everyone is....wrong.:yawn:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Nude is how I weigh at home. Doctors office is with clothes on and I don't really care what it says since I won't be wearing the same clothes, shoes and have eaten and drank then same each time I'm there. All that counts is naked at home.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    just weigh yourself at home, nude, at the same time every time you weigh, and IT'S NOT WRONG
  • ashleyisgreat
    ashleyisgreat Posts: 586 Member
    I guess I could take this topic more seriously if it wasn't called "Why weighing NUDE is wrong!"

    Theft and murder is wrong.

    2 + 3 = 17 is wrong.

    This is wrong:

    But weighing nude is just weighing nude.

    I don't think you intended to be bossy, OP, but you came across that way. Just another person on the forums who comes across as someone who is convinced that their way is the only way and that everyone is....wrong.:yawn:

    That picture!! Hahaha.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member

    Edit: Because that 't' didn't belong there...

    ...and I may need it in a future pos.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I guess I could take this topic more seriously if it wasn't called "Why weighing NUDE is wrong!"

    Theft and murder is wrong.

    2 + 3 = 17 is wrong.

    This is wrong:

    But weighing nude is just weighing nude.

    I don't think you intended to be bossy, OP, but you came across that way. Just another person on the forums who comes across as someone who is convinced that their way is the only way and that everyone is....wrong.:yawn:

    Well, that picture just totally made my day.
  • Debbie_Ferr
    Debbie_Ferr Posts: 582 Member
    How do you weigh yourself?

    Personally, I think weighing yourself in the nude is a recipe for disappointment. First off, scales vary! So if you go to another scale, it's probably going to read a pound one way or another.
    If you disagree, let me know why?

    OP, what are you saying ? are you saying if you DON"T weigh in the nude, the scales WON'T vary ???

    Why are we splitting hairs over 1 or 2 pounds ??
    btw - clothes (sans shoes or jackets) and you'll weigh 2 pounds heavier at the most.
    heck, if you just drank a pint of water, you're a pound heavier !
    if you haven't pooped yet, you're a 1/2 pound to 1 pound heavier !!

    within any given day, your body naturally flectuates 2 to 5 pounds anyways.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I don't really weight in outside my home and if i do it's at the doctor's office. Which i don't really care as much now since i have my own scale. I like to weight my pure natural weight especially considering my clothing themself weigh alot on their own. Seeing as they have to be bigger for me right now they also come with quite the bit of weight. I know this so i'd much rather see my pure weight when i'm weighing myself. I only weigh myself at home again :)
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    Or you could realize that your clothes and the food you eat weigh SOMETHING and not obsess about every little itty bitty fluctuation and scale discrepancy...

    Track your progress on one scale and ignore the rest.

    Just a thought.