How do you fight Snack attacks?



  • lollyolivia
    lollyolivia Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks guys! This really helps :)
  • hltc13084
    hltc13084 Posts: 27 Member
    You sound like me and maybe addicted to sugar? I don't buy it so I can't eat it. I find an apple with a serving of peanut butter with a teaspoon of maple syrup mixed it helps. Maple syrup has less sugar and calories than honey and is plant based.
  • lollyolivia
    lollyolivia Posts: 305 Member
    @hltc13084 Maple syrup? Really, I'll have to look into that. Thanks, I never would have thought about it.
  • hltc13084
    hltc13084 Posts: 27 Member
    @lollyolivia yeah, maple syrup is sugar, so just don't over do it. It really helps me, I'm getting, plant based fat and protien from the peanut butter, carb from the apple, sugar from the apple and maple syrup. It's very satisfying for me.
  • lollyolivia
    lollyolivia Posts: 305 Member
    @dillydaisys @cpm00939 Hi guys :) I've been hearing a lot of talk about apple cider vinegar, do you take it when you're having cravings or on a regular basis?
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    hltc13084 wrote: »
    You sound like me and maybe addicted to sugar? I don't buy it so I can't eat it. I find an apple with a serving of peanut butter with a teaspoon of maple syrup mixed it helps. Maple syrup has less sugar and calories than honey and is plant based.

    Hi - I'm from Vermont and I've apprenticed as a beekeeper. I applaud your use of honey and maple syrup, and they both have more flavor than table sugar. But the nutritional difference between honey, maple syrup, and good old table sugar is in the end pretty minor at best.

    A tablespoon of table sugar is 48 calories. Honey come in about 64. Maple syrup is about 52. You notice that these are pretty similar!

  • StonedDigiMonk
    StonedDigiMonk Posts: 7 Member
    how i deal with cravings : Chewing gum or Walk someplace a mile away, and buy some fruits and walk back.
    apple cider vinegar : works best on an empty stomach. Mix one bottle with a spoonful of raw garlic & honey to taste ... and you've got an incredible potion for preventing weight gain, heart ailments, arthritis and what not!
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Fit whatever you crave into your calorie allowance.

    Drinking water helps as does keeping busy if you've already eaten your allotment for the day. Or you can get moving and burn some calories.

    Think of the bigger picture and how great you'll feel when you reach goal.
  • dillydaisys
    dillydaisys Posts: 132 Member
    Lollyolivia, I use to take apple cider every morning, I'm not sure if it was mind over matter but I felt it gave me more energy through the day. I recommended it to friends and they found the same thing. I don't drink it everyday now but when I feel a bit lethargic I'll put two tablespoons in a glass of water and now thinking about it I should start doing it everyday, it's just the taste of it that's a put off. There is lots of info on the net which is worth a read.
  • dillydaisys
    dillydaisys Posts: 132 Member
    I find chewing gum makes me more hungry. I think chewing gum tricks your stomach into thinking food is on its way then I get more hunger pains
  • dillydaisys
    dillydaisys Posts: 132 Member
    One of my own theories is if your craving something badly your body maybe lacking in a particular nutrient so I started taking a multivitamin to cover that just in case. I also take vitamin b
  • SkimpyMrsCarter
    SkimpyMrsCarter Posts: 105 Member
    I drink plenty of water. When i crave somthing sweet or somthing im not suppose to have i drink water, and now im use to it.
  • evergreenlake
    evergreenlake Posts: 73 Member
    I stick to 3 meals a day, and 2-3 snacks between. It fits with my work schedule, and sometimes I don't need a snack.
    Plan your snacks ahead of time, find a healthy alternative that satisfies what you want, like fruit (fresh or dried) if you want sweet. I personally snack on raw almonds (the texture is kinda like crackers for me) and dark chocolate chips or an apple if I need sweet.