Don't you just love MFP because...



  • Janice2Shakira

    I see, .gif!!

    Wow, never seen them on MFP before hahahaha

    See: Chit-Chat, Fun & Games category
  • mollyya90
    mollyya90 Posts: 49 Member
    I love MFP because all of my friends are wonderful! I accept people who log in everyday and the ones that we motivate each other. If my friends can not do that automatic delete. I'm not here to see how many people I can get to become my friend I am here for myself firstly and to those who I can help motivate as well. I have become quite close to my friends and even though I've never met these people they are my biggest supporters I have! I am thankful to have them as to them I hope I am helping them as much as they help me.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    profile creeping ftw

    *waits for a flood of friend requests from teh ladiez....*
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I love MFP and here's why:

    1. You can add someone as a friend and they don't question your agenda.
    2. You can unveil all your fears and insecurities and people will support you.
    3. You can show off the smallest success and people will be proud of you.
    4. You can show off the biggest success and people will cheer you on, without judging you for posting pics of your new sexy body.
    5. People are friendly here.
    6. People have the same goals, and they work together.
    7. It is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to make enemies here, or to be disrespected or mistreated.
    8. Everyone is so welcoming, and you'll always belong on MFP :)

    Just some reasons why I love MFP and the gang here.

    For the most part, it's what you make it. So you must be pretty awesome.


    True :heart:
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member

    I see, .gif!!

    Wow, never seen them on MFP before hahahaha

    First you are welcome and you continue to prove your adorableness :) not a word but who cares LOL and these GIF's are EVERYONE on this site... go to the chit chat post and I dare you to not find thousands... have a wonderful weekend sweet girl with the fabulous attitude and I hope you never lose that.:flowerforyou:
  • baybeejulia
    baybeejulia Posts: 218 Member

    I see, .gif!!

    Wow, never seen them on MFP before hahahaha

    First you are welcome and you continue to prove your adorableness :) not a word but who cares LOL and these GIF's are EVERYONE on this site... go to the chit chat post and I dare you to not find thousands... have a wonderful weekend sweet girl with the fabulous attitude and I hope you never lose that.:flowerforyou:

    Thanks Marciebrian, you're really sweet :) Usually when I'm this nice I'm just called young and naive, good to know not everyone sees me that way :) Enjoy your weekend too!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    You probably haven't experienced a lot of negativity because you're a positive and not argumentative person. You seem great, and one of the things I love about MFP is seeing folks like you.

    Seeing the before and afters, a picture of someone you know is ashamed of their body and feels totally out of control - - and then right next to him/her, a twin from a different universe is this gorgeous, confident person who is proud of their body and in control of it, and making it do wonderful things for them.

    But mostly? Satire. This place is the most target right object for satire I've ever seen. From the orthorexia to the 'my way or the highway' to the ignorance and the arrogance, the perversion and overmoderation . . . it's just darn fun to joke about.

    Anyway. Thanks for this thread.
  • Mitzigan94
    Mitzigan94 Posts: 393 Member
    mfp rocks!
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    just popping in to say that your smile in your profile picture goes perfectly with your cheery message.
  • steve2kay
    steve2kay Posts: 194 Member
    This post reminds me of a thing I read yesterday about a woman watching 2 dogs go into a room. The first comes out wagging it's tail like crazy, the second one comes out growling with it's hackles up. The lady wondered what in the room could make one dog so happy and one so angry so she went in.
    The room was full of mirrors - one dog was happy so saw lots of happy dogs, the second was angry so saw lots of angry dogs.

    I suspect you see happy dogs - I'm making an effort to see more happy dogs.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I like using the food diary, which is of course useful, and I do get surpised by the outlandish claims and sob stories that are on here.
  • Transformer711
    I love MFP and here's why:

    1. You can add someone as a friend and they don't question your agenda.
    2. You can unveil all your fears and insecurities and people will support you.
    3. You can show off the smallest success and people will be proud of you.
    4. You can show off the biggest success and people will cheer you on, without judging you for posting pics of your new sexy body.
    5. People are friendly here.
    6. People have the same goals, and they work together.
    7. It is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to make enemies here, or to be disrespected or mistreated.
    8. Everyone is so welcoming, and you'll always belong on MFP :)

    Just some reasons why I love MFP and the gang here.


    But the best thing about MFP is the nutritional support and guidance you get. I always say that I've found the perfect 'diet'. How many successful weight loss programmes out there will give you the freedom to eat whatever you want?
  • totally and fully agree
  • April_KT
    April_KT Posts: 332 Member
    i think i am now on here more then facebook! lol i love MFP
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I agree but I want ot warn you...there are some very mean people here. If you run across any of them just ignore and go to your true friends. They will not be mean.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I love when old threads are bumped.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I love MFP because it got me through the dreaded Day 4 of transitioning back to low carb, a day when I tend to stumble and fall into a pit of cupcakes. I'll be on here a lot for the dreaded Day 7, too, another bad day. If I would just stop going off it I wouldn't have to put up with the first week of going back on it. Grrrr. Dummy me! So if I seem a bit grouchy, hopefully I can be forgiven, or at least not get my silly self banned!
  • happieharpie
    happieharpie Posts: 229 Member
    Nothing to add, just TOTALLY AGREE!
  • nainai0585
    nainai0585 Posts: 199 Member
    Sounds like you haven't had any junk pics sent to you yet, or maybe you're into that.

    Lots of agendas with people. I don't accept FRs often anymore because it's just creepy most of the time.

    I used to get into all the rah rah and WTG stuff until I saw the same people lose the same 2 lbs week after week after week and decided it's stupid.

    And, I have many people on block. There are a lot of *kitten* here that say stupid things and act like they know everything about diet and exercise, but really, they don't know anything and base their knowledge on myths.

    So, I dig your positivity, but pretty much disagree with many of your points. It's not really all that positive nor friendly.

    Fully agree!!