When it comes to losing weight, does it matter what you eat if you're within your calorie goal



  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited July 2017
    NatJayneL wrote: »
    It depends how few calories we're talking about. Any adult would lose weight on 500 calories a day, wherever those calories came from. But what usually happens when people eat junk food and stay within their calorie goal is they stay overweight and become malnourished - a real problem here in the US.

    If someone is at the correct calorie deficit for their weight loss goals then they'll lose weight, regardless of what they're eating. I lost 50lbs eating all sorts of 'junk' food, I also improved all my health markers as well. The only thing I did was start being at the correct calorie deficit for my weight loss goals. It really was as simple as that.

    eta: look up the Twinkie diet guy. Or watch Fat Head-where a comedian lost weight and improved his health markers by only eating McDonalds.

    eta: here's an article about the Twinkie guy-he's a nutrition professor who lost weight and improved his health markers while eating a diet consisting of mostly Hostess goobily gop :p He lost the weight because he started eating at a calorie deficit.
  • TorStar80
    TorStar80 Posts: 252 Member
    TorStar80 wrote: »
    I watched an interesting documentary called "The Sugar Film", he challenges the idea that calories are calories and surmises that calories from sugar work differently in the body... it's an interesting theory and one that I think is far from being proven, but it ... makes some sense to me.

    That film is the worst "science experiment" of all time. He ate like *kitten*, let's be honest, and also has no idea how many calories he consumed before, during or after.

    You're right. I don't claim to be any sort of an expert, and I realized watching it that there was no science to the whole thing. But, it was an interesting theory and really motivated me personally to cut out sugar as much as possible. Something I haven't been motivated to do in 37 years.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 4,981 Member
    NatJayneL wrote: »
    It depends how few calories we're talking about. Any adult would lose weight on 500 calories a day, wherever those calories came from. But what usually happens when people eat junk food and stay within their calorie goal is they stay overweight and become malnourished - a real problem here in the US.

    I don't call food "junk" or label food good or bad. But I eat what lots of people would consider "junk" food every day. I reached my goal last July by eating foods I liked and staying at my calorie goal. Not only did I not stay overweight, I have lost an additional 13 pounds since then. And I am not malnourished. Because even though I eat a lot of "junk" food, I eat even more healthy food. So it is certainly possible to lose weight and eat "junk" food.
  • hmm33502
    hmm33502 Posts: 201 Member
    For me, yes! It matters. As a person with a damaged metabolism and extreme insulin resistance from PCOS, I have to maintain extremely low carb. I was high protein and moderate fat and have lost 139 lbs in 8 years. I recently switched to keto to reach a fat loss goal. The key, however for me, is being active. 12-15 hours per week of working out. A mix of Barre, Kettlebells, and Zumba. I take the stairs whenever possible. I park out in parking lots and walk inside. I go and walk with friends instead of lunch with friends. When my mindset changed, everything changed. If I want cheesecake, I will have a few bites. More than that will make me sick. I drink water and unsweet tea and rarely drink sodas. So, to answer your question, it depends on your body....