Weirdly addictive foods or beverages?

RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
edited June 2017 in Health and Weight Loss
I've noticed that I have certain foods that I just can't eat in moderation! of course this makes sense for my favourite desserts, chips and oily meals but some of my addictive foods are very weird!

I've noticed that I can't keep bananas in the house I'll eat a whole bunch in one day. Similarly, I have a hard time resisting mangos and especially dates. I I supppose it ,use be the sugar? On the salty end, kimchi and sauerkraut are both addictive to me!

And now in the past few days I've been drinking kombucha and realizing that I can't really keep that in the house either.

So what are your guys weird addictive foods or drinks? Can you always moderate or do you sometimes just keep certain foods out of your home entirely?


  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    Coffee! I was coffee sober for approx 4 months until this morning :| It doesn't affect me anymore, It doesn't keep me awake, I built a resistance to it, but I like drinking it. I drink it black btw.

    m&m's coz they melt in your mouth, not in your hand :p

    Mango. Just because I love them.

    Ritz with Nutella A perfect combo of Salty and Sweet!

  • vanilleglaceau
    vanilleglaceau Posts: 1 Member
    I wonder if some of the food cravings, especially fruits and vegetables, could be because of vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I have a medical condition where I lose salt and often have very low blood pressure. Whenever I notice myself craving fries and chips, I always try adding some salt to vegetables or taking sodium tablets to see whether that's the issue, it almost always is. :)
  • amysteri
    amysteri Posts: 197 Member
    @vanilleglaceau good question!!!
    I think sometimes it could be a deficiency, sometimes our bodies know what it needs.
    other times it could also be psychological - that people just want to eat because they like to munch.
  • MsChucktowski
    MsChucktowski Posts: 121 Member
    Original potato chips (crisps). I try to keep only small packets in the house, because if there is a big bag, I might end up eating the whole thing :D
  • Rebecca0224
    Rebecca0224 Posts: 810 Member
    Green olives and any kind of nuts
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    I wonder if some of the food cravings, especially fruits and vegetables, could be because of vitamin or mineral deficiencies? I have a medical condition where I lose salt and often have very low blood pressure. Whenever I notice myself craving fries and chips, I always try adding some salt to vegetables or taking sodium tablets to see whether that's the issue, it almost always is. :)
    I actually had a blood test done 5 weeks ago (very comprehensive,) and its totally perfect so I think this is mostly just that I looooove these foods lol

  • michael1976_ca
    michael1976_ca Posts: 3,488 Member
    potato chips I can polish off a big bag in a day easy
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    Halo Top ice cream (it is expensive but low-calorie) and Beanitos Mac and Cheese Crunch. (Not at the same time...) But I have a dairy fixation.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    Cake. I've found if I add a cup of fruit to my plate (strawberries or blueberries for example), I can eat a slice without stirring up the desire to grab whatever uneaten cake remains and lock myself in the bathroom until I've finished inhaling it.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    any kind of pastry. ice cream. totally banned in my house.
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    Homemade Pickled Red Beet Eggs. I *can* and *have* eaten a dozen in a day. We keep two jars made at all times around here because I lose my mind if we run low.

    Pickles. I will eat them with nearly anything.

    Block Cheese: Mostly Muenster and Pepper Jack.

    Sliced Cheese: Horseradish American (omg so delicious).

    Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream (no other brand but that)

    Strawberries & Blueberries

    Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn

    Chocolate Milk w/ lots of ice

    White Bruschetta Pizza (from Mom & Pop Pizzerias)

    Salt, salt, and salt.

  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    Homemade Pickled Red Beet Eggs. I *can* and *have* eaten a dozen in a day. We keep two jars made at all times around here because I lose my mind if we run low.

    Pickles. I will eat them with nearly anything.

    Block Cheese: Mostly Muenster and Pepper Jack.

    Sliced Cheese: Horseradish American (omg so delicious).

    Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream (no other brand but that)

    Strawberries & Blueberries

    Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn

    Chocolate Milk w/ lots of ice

    White Bruschetta Pizza (from Mom & Pop Pizzerias)

    Salt, salt, and salt.
    Yeah pickles and salt!!!! OMG!! I have to cut salt soooo low in my diet to stay on my calorie goal without bingeing lol
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    edited June 2017
    Nespresso coffee. I have them black with water (so Americano style) omg I could have 10 a day but I have to restrain myself
  • WendyLeigh1119
    WendyLeigh1119 Posts: 495 Member
    Homemade Pickled Red Beet Eggs. I *can* and *have* eaten a dozen in a day. We keep two jars made at all times around here because I lose my mind if we run low.

    Pickles. I will eat them with nearly anything.

    Block Cheese: Mostly Muenster and Pepper Jack.

    Sliced Cheese: Horseradish American (omg so delicious).

    Turkey Hill Chocolate Peanut Butter Ice Cream (no other brand but that)

    Strawberries & Blueberries

    Movie Theatre Butter Popcorn

    Chocolate Milk w/ lots of ice

    White Bruschetta Pizza (from Mom & Pop Pizzerias)

    Salt, salt, and salt.
    Yeah pickles and salt!!!! OMG!! I have to cut salt soooo low in my diet to stay on my calorie goal without bingeing lol

    I've always had a salt tooth. I keep telling myself that since I'm hardcore working out and sweating for hours a day... I'm probably losing a lot of my salt anyway, soooo.... MORE PICKLES!
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Nespresso coffee. I have them black with water (so Americano style) omg I could have 10 a day but I have to restrain myself

    This may sound dumb, but what's nespresso coffee? Is it just a brand?
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    edited June 2017
    The food that I cannot stop eating if available are the chips and salsa in the table at a Mexican restaurant. Holy cow. Must eat all the chips. Here I was thinking pizza was the is, but I solved it by having pizzas in a small enough size that I can eat the whole thing and stay within calories.

    When it comes to table chips, all bets are off.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    If it has over like 60 calories I can't keep it in the house. This is something I'll have to work on if I ever find a man I'd want to live with or actually have a family.

    I go crazy on nuts.
  • RedheadedPrincess14
    RedheadedPrincess14 Posts: 415 Member
    Cake. I've found if I add a cup of fruit to my plate (strawberries or blueberries for example), I can eat a slice without stirring up the desire to grab whatever uneaten cake remains and lock myself in the bathroom until I've finished inhaling it.

    Yeah, berrries are great! Filling and low cal. I try to eat them with my other sweeter fruit. When I do have cake though, which is rare because I have bad will power so I avoid it, I just eat a *kitten* ton of cake lol! And I make it myself so I know exactly how bad it is for me lol. Which is pretty bad... oh well... sometimes you need cake!