151 pounds later, I've made it to ONEderland! (pics)

hunterman95 Posts: 49 Member
Last July, at 351 pounds, I made a decision to lose weight. I don't know what snapped in my head, but once I made that decision, there was never any doubt in my mind that I as going to do this. I guess maybe I had just had enough, and was determined to lose the weight, or die trying. I never made hard & fast goals for myself, but my main goal was just to get under 200 pounds. Well today, one year and two weeks, I reached that goal!

Everyone always wants to know how I did it, but they already know what it takes. What they want to hear is that there is some secret, some magic pill they can take to get results. I wish that was the case, but it's not. Results come from determination, sacrafice, and hard work. It comes from giving up what you want, and being content with what you need. It comes from lacing up your walking/running shoes and hitting the trail, when all you really want to do is hit the snooze button. It comes from continuing to push your body, when your brain says you can't go on. And it takes doing these things day, after day, after day, after day. It's not easy by any means, but it is completely doable. Trust me, there is nothing special abolut me. If I can do this, anyone can do this! Now that I know it can be done, and that I'm not going to die trying, I just want to kick myself for not doing it years ago!

Here I am last July...

and this is me today....

Remember- a year from now, you'll be wishing you had started today!


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