Need suggestions or different perspective. Stuck!

I am a 5'10" female, 20 years old and extremely active. I started trying to lose weight Jan 1st at 164lbs and I am currently at 145lbs. My goal weight is 140lbs or whenever I feel confident. I was in a calorie deficit of 1000 eating around 1400-1500 calories (my Fitbit puts my daily calorie burn consistently around 2500-2900 a day).

I realized I only have 5-10 lbs to lose so I changed my calorie deficit to only 500-800. No matter what I try I cannot get my weight to consistently go down. I got to 144 then the next week was 147 then I went to 142 now I am back up to 145.

With consistent exercise (lifting 5 days a week with cardio mixed in and walking about 15,000 steps a day) and caloric deficit why am I not consistently losing? I know 5-10lbs shouldn't be something to stress over but to work as hard as I have and not see consistent results is frustrating and tempting me to throw in the towel.

Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!


  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    5-10 pounds to lose will come off slowly, in fits and starts and you WILL bounce up and down like that. Consistent downward weight is highly unlikely.

    I use a weight trend to keep an eye on my "true" weight. Happy Scale and Libra are apps; is a website. All of them will take your weight over the course of a period of time and project whether you're losing, gaining or maintaining.

    Plus, as a female, hormonal changes throughout the month will likely affect water weight.

    Well done so far though!!

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    At 165, 145 and at 140 you are within normal BMI. The fluctuations you are seeing now are water weight and mean nothing.

    Being at the low end of BMI means you do not want to be consistently losing any more.

    It sounds like you are unhappy with how you look. You might find happiness talking to the body building folks rather than trying to lose any more weight.
  • edlanglais
    edlanglais Posts: 39 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    At 165, 145 and at 140 you are within normal BMI. The fluctuations you are seeing now are water weight and mean nothing.

    Being at the low end of BMI means you do not want to be consistently losing any more.

    It sounds like you are unhappy with how you look. You might find happiness talking to the body building folks rather than trying to lose any more weight.

    This! Go ahead and close the thread now, no one can give you any better advice. Consider lowering your cardio by half and subbing with strength training. I use a free workout I found online that mixes cardio and strength and it changes daily.

  • NeverSawAWildThingFeelSorry
    What is the name of the free program? Sounds interesting..,