
I have a question? Is there any supplements or anything you guys would recommend for energy, I have zero motivation to do anything at all, I don't get it. I don't think at 29 years old this is how I should feel. I went to the doctor and had blood work done last September everything was good. So I'm at a loss. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thank you!!I have a question? Is there any supplements or anything you guys would recommend for energy, I have zero motivation to do anything at all, I don't get it. I don't think at 29 years old this is how I should feel. I went to the doctor and had blood work done last September everything was good. So I'm at a loss. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thank you!!


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    How long has this been going on?

    How much sleep are you getting? Are you currently in a calorie deficit?
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    It's been about a month or so. I get between 6 to 7 hours of sleep. I literally just started up again today to try to lose weight, so no i haven't been in a calorie deficit.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    It's been about a month or so. I get between 6 to 7 hours of sleep. I literally just started up again today to try to lose weight, so no i haven't been in a calorie deficit.

    Is 6-7 hours enough for you? While some people function well on less sleep, at least 7 hours is the recommendation for adults. Many people find that getting less than that does leave them tired during the day.
  • skywalker821
    skywalker821 Posts: 1 Member
    Whats your caffeine intake?
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    It's been about a month or so. I get between 6 to 7 hours of sleep. I literally just started up again today to try to lose weight, so no i haven't been in a calorie deficit.

    Is 6-7 hours enough for you? While some people function well on less sleep, at least 7 hours is the recommendation for adults. Many people find that getting less than that does leave them tired during the day.

    Eh, I can't say it is or isn't lol. Its what I've been getting for months, so I guess it's the norm for me.
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    Whats your caffeine intake?

    I drink alot of diet Pepsi throughout the day, so its a pretty decent amount.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited July 2017
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    Whats your caffeine intake?

    I drink alot of diet Pepsi throughout the day, so its a pretty decent amount.

    Too much caffeine might be the reason, try and cut back a bit? I know to begin with you'll find it hard (I know I did) but then your energy levels will rise again. My doc told me 4 cups of coffee a day was too much and that 2 would be more ideal.
    Also could you be eating too low cal for a long period? that would zap your energy for sure.

    edited to add: just saw that you weren't eating at deficit!
    Maybe get your bloods checked again? you should be 'full of beans' :smile:

    also exercise itself actually promotes and gives us energy - probably the endorphins :smile:
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,727 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    Whats your caffeine intake?

    I drink alot of diet Pepsi throughout the day, so its a pretty decent amount.

    Too much caffeine might be the reason, try and cut back a bit? I know to begin with you'll find it hard (I know I did) but then your energy levels will rise again. My doc told me 4 cups of coffee a day was too much and that 2 would be more ideal.
    Also could you be eating too low cal for a long period? that would zap your energy for sure.

    Your body will definitely acclimate to high dose stimulants over time. That's why addicts have to chase the dragon.

    I wouldn't suggest going cold turkey unless you've got 5 or 6 days you can take off from work. Weaning down is the other option, and You'll still be a miserable person to be around as your body re acclimates.

    I used to cycle off from caffeine at least once a year in order to maximize the effect. But it definitely meant I wasn't someone to be around during the off cycle. and It took a lot of sleep to compensate... I would usually hit the first and/or second day headaches with excedrine(caffeine) in order to mitigate the worst of the withdrawal.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    You also may be a bit dehydrated. Try to drink plain water or water with a little lemon, cucumber or rosemary for some flavor instead of caffeine in the afternoon.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,840 Member
    edited July 2017
    What is it that your GP tested? Has he tested thyroid, ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D and were all things well within the range and not just about within the normal range? All those things can make you tired and/or have an effect on motivation. I would get a printout of your results and really look at them. If there's anything of those things just about within the range then this might actually be the reason. If those things have not been tested then request them. Keep in mind that any B12 test is useless if you're taking any supplements containing B12, also fortified cereals.
  • rmgnow
    rmgnow Posts: 375 Member
    How many calories per day are you doing?
    What's your height?
    Whats your goal
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    rmgnow wrote: »
    How many calories per day are you doing?
    What's your height?
    Whats your goal

    I just started back up counting calories again, today. I'm doing 1300-1500 a day. I'm 5'5. I weihh 160 right now, want to get to 125 to 130
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    What is it that your GP tested? Has he tested thyroid, ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D and were all things well within the range and not just about within the normal range? All those things can make you tired and/or have an effect on motivation. I would get a printout of your results and really look at them. If there's anything of those things just about within the range then this might actually be the reason. If those things have not been tested then request them. Keep in mind that any B12 test is useless if you're taking any supplements containing B12, also fortified cereals.

    I assumed he checked all of those, I had 3 pages of results he gave me. I guess I could ask to be rechecked. Alot of people are saying maybe depression, which could be possible, because I've lost an overall interest in everything. So maybe thats it, but I just didn't think that would or could make me feel this bad?
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    Lizzy622 wrote: »
    You also may be a bit dehydrated. Try to drink plain water or water with a little lemon, cucumber or rosemary for some flavor instead of caffeine in the afternoon.

    Will do. Thank You!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    What is it that your GP tested? Has he tested thyroid, ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D and were all things well within the range and not just about within the normal range? All those things can make you tired and/or have an effect on motivation. I would get a printout of your results and really look at them. If there's anything of those things just about within the range then this might actually be the reason. If those things have not been tested then request them. Keep in mind that any B12 test is useless if you're taking any supplements containing B12, also fortified cereals.

    I assumed he checked all of those, I had 3 pages of results he gave me. I guess I could ask to be rechecked. Alot of people are saying maybe depression, which could be possible, because I've lost an overall interest in everything. So maybe thats it, but I just didn't think that would or could make me feel this bad?

    That does sound like it *possibly* be depression. Some people find they have a lack of energy or that they feel overwhelmed by daily tasks when they are depressed. Depending on where you are in the world, there are resources to help get it checked out.
  • Ashley2733
    Ashley2733 Posts: 56 Member
    AliceDark wrote: »
    When you say you have zero motivation to do anything, are you being literal? Or do you mean that you don't have motivation to exercise?

    If you're being literal and don't have the motivation to do normal life activities, that's a HUGE sign of depression and you should really speak with someone who can help.

    I've just lost an overall interest in everything, but on top of that, I'm unhappy with my body, my apperance, (off topic, but I need to go to the dentist and get a little work done but I'm beyond scared and have yet to go, which is another huge thing bothering me ) maybe it's just everything adding up? I've never been this unhappy with this many things. It sucks for sure. I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    What is it that your GP tested? Has he tested thyroid, ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D and were all things well within the range and not just about within the normal range? All those things can make you tired and/or have an effect on motivation. I would get a printout of your results and really look at them. If there's anything of those things just about within the range then this might actually be the reason. If those things have not been tested then request them. Keep in mind that any B12 test is useless if you're taking any supplements containing B12, also fortified cereals.

    I assumed he checked all of those, I had 3 pages of results he gave me. I guess I could ask to be rechecked. Alot of people are saying maybe depression, which could be possible, because I've lost an overall interest in everything. So maybe thats it, but I just didn't think that would or could make me feel this bad?

    Loss of interest in things that you used to enjoy is a big red flag for depression, along with decreased energy levels. It's worth considering whether that could be what's going on, although of course nobody online can diagnose you and I'm not trying to tell you that it's definitely depression. FWIW, in the times when my depression has been very active and I'm not managing it well, it makes me feel worse than anything I've ever experienced. My energy level drops to zero and I don't want to do anything at all. When I get back into the swing of managing it well, I feel completely different. My whole point in saying this is that, IF you are experiencing depression, it's treatable and you can get back to feeling better. You're not stuck feeling this bad forever.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    AliceDark wrote: »
    When you say you have zero motivation to do anything, are you being literal? Or do you mean that you don't have motivation to exercise?

    If you're being literal and don't have the motivation to do normal life activities, that's a HUGE sign of depression and you should really speak with someone who can help.

    I've just lost an overall interest in everything, but on top of that, I'm unhappy with my body, my apperance, (off topic, but I need to go to the dentist and get a little work done but I'm beyond scared and have yet to go, which is another huge thing bothering me ) maybe it's just everything adding up? I've never been this unhappy with this many things. It sucks for sure. I feel like I'm barely keeping my head above water.

    Ya, you sound depressed to me - do discuss this with your doctor. I've tried many types of antidepressants and prefer Wellbutrin, which is a little speedy, which helps me with energy and motivation.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Ashley2733 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    What is it that your GP tested? Has he tested thyroid, ferritin, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D and were all things well within the range and not just about within the normal range? All those things can make you tired and/or have an effect on motivation. I would get a printout of your results and really look at them. If there's anything of those things just about within the range then this might actually be the reason. If those things have not been tested then request them. Keep in mind that any B12 test is useless if you're taking any supplements containing B12, also fortified cereals.

    I assumed he checked all of those, I had 3 pages of results he gave me. I guess I could ask to be rechecked. Alot of people are saying maybe depression, which could be possible, because I've lost an overall interest in everything. So maybe thats it, but I just didn't think that would or could make me feel this bad?

    In addition to talking to your doctor about depression, do see what exactly you were tested for. Despite having been anemic for 30 years, I have to ask that my iron levels be tested - this was not considered routine even though it should be for me. And they always want to test my cholesterol, which has always been fine.