Unsupportive comments when eating with others...



  • blah2989
    blah2989 Posts: 338 Member
    Im SO sorry your family does this! The last time my friends and I went out we went to panda, I got brown rice, broccoli beef and bejing beef, then my friends got chow mein or did the 1/2&1/2 but then they got a veggie entree and the orange chk. They are supportive. Afterwards we ran in place while watching a video we rented then went out for a mile run. My better diet has even curbed my moms poor eating habits and she has started taking control of her diabetes. The only person who encourages me to eat "bad food that tastes good" is my fiance and ONLY once in awhile will he say that, but he also helps me stick to my exercises ( even runs with me the last 5-10 "push through" minutes lol) so Im pretty lucky. But my stepmom is kind of pushy and when we are there she puts food in front of me and I better eat it lol.
  • PrettyPearl88
    PrettyPearl88 Posts: 368 Member
    When I first started eating healthier and was still quite heavy at the time, I would often get the "Oh you're eating healthy? Are you on a diet or something?" comment from friends and family. I always gave the same answer: "No, no diet. I'm just trying to eat healthier." And that was the 100% truth. I've never looked my weight loss as a "diet." I've only looked at it as a permanent change and as becoming a new person.

    Also when I was just starting out, my dad used to occasionally make comments whenever I would indulge in any small treat. Even if it was a 60 calorie chocolate pudding cup that was my only indulgence all day, because I was eating CHOCOLATE and not only grilled chicken/fish and veggies, he would make the occasional remark about how eating junk food will make me gain weight. I used to get offended and bothered by it. But I now realize why he made those comments: because I was just starting to eat healthy and lose weight at that time, he was trying in his own way to help me to not revert back to my old habits. He definitely could have been more tactful about it, but still. I now know that his intentions were good, even if it came out wrong! :laugh: And now? Well, with 3 years passed, 50+ lbs lost, and finally arriving at (and maintaining) a very healthy weight, my dad never makes such comments anymore, even if I have a bad day and pig out on junk food right in front of him. I've shown him that I won't revert back to my old habits and the only comments he makes now are how proud he is of me and how healthy and lovely I look now. :smile:

    The only comments I get now are the ever-so-annoying "What are you only eating that for? You're skinny now! You don't need to diet anymore!" comments. But I've learned not to be bothered by these remarks anymore. The people who say things like this mean well, they're just ridiculously uninformed (and more times than not, they're also significantly overweight themselves). So now I just smile and say, "Well, eating the way I used to eat is what made me gain all that weight in the first place. I don't want to go back to that." Shuts them up every time. :bigsmile:
  • sbrociousstewart
    sbrociousstewart Posts: 8 Member
    I have recently had this happen to me at work! Ugh! It's literally the most annoying thing in the world to me. I dont criticize what other people choose to eat and I do not seem to understand why anyone would feel that it is their place to comment on what is going into MY body. I don't make a huge deal about my lunch choices, just quietly sit down and enjoy them. Usually, I just say something along the lines of "this is delicious!" after their rude remark and just move on.

    I'm lucky to have the support of my family, though, so breakfast and dinner are no problem!

    Good luck!