I drink my calories (and then i also eat them)



  • Creativityfailure
    Creativityfailure Posts: 96 Member
    As a kid I was a soda-holic. Drank it in the morning, noon, and night. Never drank anything else besides an occasional glass of orange juice. When I was 16, I decided to try and get myself healthier, and I kicked soda to the curb. I went years without drinking soda, and when I finally tried one again, I found it didn't taste as good to me as it had before and it left an icky feeling in my mouth. These days, I'll occasionally have a soda (usually if it's in a mixed drink), but it's rare, and I'll have one or two and stop. I prefer to stick to water, which doesn't leave my mouth feeling gross.
  • justkris_gettingfit
    justkris_gettingfit Posts: 239 Member
    All the substitution suggestions are great, but the overloaded drinks doesn't seem to be your only problem. Moderation, self control and accountability stick out to me.

    You can go for all the healthier options you want, but if you don't follow through with those three key points, you'll still be stuck right where you are.
  • Jessms26
    Jessms26 Posts: 32 Member
    I have reduced down the amount of sodas,sweet tea and sweet coffee had been drinking over the past few months.
    Instead of ordering a sweet tea I would get half sweet half unsweetened. Or I just ordered water with lemon instead.
    I started measuring the amount of creamer I was putting in my coffee, but still used milk. Then I switched to cold brew coffee and added less creamer and no milk. Today I just had a glass of the cold brew coffee.
    I have found that to get myself more interested in water I needed some flavor in it. I will either add lemon, buy him watermelon water, or make my own fruit infused water. Baby steps is what it took for me. Tomorrow I start whole 30 and now I don't feel as scared knowing that I have found some program compliant options.