Office goodies and how to avoid them?



  • nikkxjohnson
    nikkxjohnson Posts: 70 Member
    I went vegan, problem solved! No one brings vegan goodies lol
  • everher
    everher Posts: 909 Member
    Typically, I won't eat anything store bought that I can buy myself. It doesn't feel like denying myself because if I want some and can't fit it into my day I can always buy some and have some another day.

    Homemade stuff I might eat. I preplan my meals and leave a couple hundred calories a day for snacks. It's no big deal then for me to have one of the homemade cookies so and so bakes that I love or for me to have a slice of homemade cake.
  • halmsafit
    halmsafit Posts: 47 Member
    Wow I have been wondering this ever since I started working as a receptionist! Sitting all day abd my coworkers celebrate EVERYTHING! Three of them have gained 20+ lbs because they eat junk that people bring in and order out every day! The only way I (usually) can stay away from goodies is to watch the older receptionist I work with. She eats so much sugar that her doctor told he she should be on a diabetic's diet! She also gets bad headaches and has a beer gut looking stomach because all she eats is sugar! It makes me see that if I attacked the sweets in the same way she does... that could be me! YIKES! Good luck!
  • pineapple_jojo
    pineapple_jojo Posts: 440 Member
    If someone actually offers me the food I just say "no thank you", no explanation, no comment about "oh I really shouldn't" just a straight out no thanks and they go away. If you start offering an explanation people want to try and twist your arm.

    If the food is in a communal area I just go with what a lot of posters have done - I just think "that's not mine" or "I don't eat that" and forget about it. I only eat what I brought to the office with me.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    For me, it was like some kind of mental switch got flipped, where I knew that eating that stuff would cause me to exceed my calorie budget, and after a while it was easy to avoid it.
  • SaraydaB
    SaraydaB Posts: 120 Member
    I struggled with that too... I just started saying NO all the time... Even to little things. I gained like 20 pounds in six month eating mindlessly (most of them sweets at work) and Idon't even like sweets so much so I decided to completely avoid everything... 4 months after people understood that and don't offer me anything.

    I just prefer saving my calories for the weekend ;)
  • Whey115
    Whey115 Posts: 73 Member
    I usually politely decline or work it within my cals if possible.

    Sweet treats don't tempt me as much but the cheddar roll sounds good. Lol
  • TheJourneyToFabulous
    TheJourneyToFabulous Posts: 381 Member
    I usually just say no and that's it over and done with. My team at work know I am working on my weight so don't tend to offer me now.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    I have one coworker who brings in desserts or croissants multiple times per week (today was donuts). Most of us try to eat well and often decline, but despite this, he becomes very offended every time. I pre-log my food, so there might be an occasional day where I may indulge, depending on the item, but most times my office mate and I try to remind each other of our hard work and goals.
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Stuff left in the break room is my arch nemesis. I have the hardest time walking by cakes or cookies or candy. If it's something I'm really compelled to eat-- like a cupcake--I take a bite and toss the rest. Until they are gone.
  • Muana1005
    Muana1005 Posts: 172 Member
    It just depends on what I feel like. Sometimes I'll want a cupcake instead of a meal, as long as I don't make it a habit it's okay. (A Lola's cupcake with good quality coffee is food of the gods!)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    This week in my office there have been cupcakes twice, donuts, cookies, cheddar rolls, cinnamon rolls, and special chocolates all in addition to the usual 3 candy bowls on various desks. I have had a tablespoon of frosting and 1 cheddar roll. I think I did pretty good considering I was eating upwards of 10 pieces of chocolate each day a week or two ago but seriously, I think it is just making me depressed. How do you deal with having all this temptation and not only that but when someone brings in homemade cinnamon rolls how do you turn it down three times without being rude or "That person who is always on a diet."

    There's always stuff at my the beginning of things almost 5 years ago, I had some medical issues that needed to be addressed...high cholesterol and pre-diabetic to be among them...I didn't have too many issues just saying no because I wanted to address those issues and fix them so that I could live a long and healthy life with my wife and young children.

    This might be kind of judgey or rude, but I walk through the break room and I see people eating birthday cake for breakfast or slamming a few doughnuts while drinking a Dr. Pepper at 8:15 in the morning and I look at them and they just have diabetes written all over them...all but a few of us in the office out of 95 people are obese or morbidly it's pretty easy to just walk away save for an occasion here and there...but really I don't need friggin' birthday cake everyday for breakfast.
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    The best way to avoid office goodies is to be unemployed. o:)
  • whisker1984
    whisker1984 Posts: 26 Member
    edited July 2017
    I usually avoid it as much as I can. But sometimes I have situations like yesterday, where they hand me my own personal cake from a bakery because my birthday is coming in a few days.

    I stared at the stupid thing all day long and willed myself to toss it in the trash. In the end, I decided to take a few bites, found it to be super sweet and gross, and gave away the rest.

    If I had just tossed it right away, I would have binged on something else. Eating just a few bites -- and logging them! -- took the pressure off big time, but I know that strategy wouldn't work for everyone.
  • jayemes
    jayemes Posts: 865 Member
    wolfe1234 wrote: »
    If like me, people make you feel guilty for saying 'no', just take a piece of whatever it is and put it down on your desk. Later, when no-one is looking, slip it into the bin.
    I've dealt with people like this. I ask them if they sell drugs to kids after work as a hobby.

    9 times out of 10, the brownie doesn't taste as good as you think it will, and eating it will make you have to skip your wine with dinner. Not worth it.
    Like others said, a small portion of something awesome or forget about it and walk away

  • TonyB0588
    TonyB0588 Posts: 9,520 Member
    This week in my office there have been cupcakes twice, donuts, cookies, cheddar rolls, cinnamon rolls, and special chocolates all in addition to the usual 3 candy bowls on various desks. I have had a tablespoon of frosting and 1 cheddar roll. I think I did pretty good considering I was eating upwards of 10 pieces of chocolate each day a week or two ago but seriously, I think it is just making me depressed. How do you deal with having all this temptation and not only that but when someone brings in homemade cinnamon rolls how do you turn it down three times without being rude or "That person who is always on a diet."

    My office isn't like this. Occasionally there might be a cake if its someone's birthday, but there isn't a birthday every day, and it doesn't happen for every birthday. The bowl on the conference room table is a mint bowl, not sweets and cookies. No other part of the building has a bowl.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    I tell them truthfully that I'm pre-diabetic and the doctor says I can't eat that stuff.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    A client brought in a box of See's candy for us this week. I really really love chocolate and candy. I logged what I ate and stayed under, with great restraint as in the past I'd have happily eaten half the box. But 25% of my daily calories was candy, and I didn't feel so great by day 3. I can avoid the cookies and cakes with the "It isn't worth it and just because it's free I don't need to eat it" but I'm still battling with candy.