Lodger/paying house guest



  • BattleRopes
    BattleRopes Posts: 128 Member
    Well some, of your requests're impossible & illegal! 1st concerning periods, women residing together tend to sync their cycles it's an odd phenomenon so that's almost impossible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menstrual_synchrony; unless your tenant doesn't have periods & you're unable to ask if they do because of privacy. 2nd if diarrhea's a medical condition, you'd be violating disability laws. Also your preference about 50 Shades, goes against tenant laws because book/movie preference; isn't illegal.

    I guess the "just for fun" part was overlooked?

    Technically she put it as part of what type of tenant'd be responding (which I, didn't answer), not prior to; what type of an advertisement she'd be posting! Therefore it doesn't concern, the advertisement but instead the response!

    I don't want anyone whose punctuation gives me a headache anyway.

    Aw phooey!
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    Interested in the room you have available. I am a tidy female with dependable income and excellent employment history. I am on a 28 day menstrual cycle, very regular, I'm due to start in exactly 7 days. We may synch up but we can handle that with chocolate and romcoms. I'm a firm believer in feeding the beast so to speak. I'm kinky, like I can make a shades of grey book turn into shades of blush but don't worry, I do that at the club not at home. I have an iron stomach and don't get diarrhea, should it ever occur, I need my privacy, I will check into a hotel. I have impeccable style, I am a fabulous cook, I clean up after myself and most importantly I understand humor. When should I book the moving truck?

    You had me at chocolate and feeding the beast.
  • LittleHearseDriver
    LittleHearseDriver Posts: 2,677 Member
    My reply: I'm a proud mom of two cats. I love to read and binge watch tv shows. I go to bed at 9:00 and I rarely have people over.

    The truth: My cats will wake you up in the middle of the night it they can see the bottom of their food bowl. I don't like it when people talk to me while I'm read or concentrating on a show. If I recommend a show or movie and you stay on your phone the entire time while we're watching it, I'll throw a pillow at your head. If I stay up past my usual bedtime I feel rough the next day and I'll complain about being tired. I will then proclaim that I will go to bed much earlier the following night, but will fail to do so resulting in sleep deprivation for the entire week.
  • BattleRopes
    BattleRopes Posts: 128 Member
    What I'd reply: I am a down to earth woman with a steady income and I love animals

    What I'd want to reply: hope you like lizards. Many, many lizards. I'll be offended when you can't learn all their names and I hope you're ok with me building a distiller in the kitchen.

    lizards are good but I'm terrible with names, perhaps we could compromise and get them name tags?

    and, does that mean alcohol?

    Well I mean, they're easy to distinguish by their personalities but maybe we could some tiny embroidered sweaters with their names. And yeah, sure...alcohol...


    I must get the name of your lizard seamstress

    Polly Pocket!
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    What I'd reply: I'm friendly, easy to get along with, clean, and reasonably neat.

    What I'd like to reply: I'm easy to get along with, unless it's my TOM, which comes about every three weeks since I'm "perimenopausal". Let's hope you don't sync to THAT cycle! I'll keep the common areas clean, but you might not want to open the door to my room. BTW, is eating in bed a problem? Oh, and I may or may not blow your toilet up on a semi-daily basis. Can't wait to hear from you, roomie! :)

    I will not enter your bedroom at any point unless asked to do so or if I need to borrow some money.

    I'll let you blow up my toilet if you promise to text me with a warning after each episode.
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    What I'd reply: I'm friendly, easy to get along with, clean, and reasonably neat.

    What I'd like to reply: I'm easy to get along with, unless it's my TOM, which comes about every three weeks since I'm "perimenopausal". Let's hope you don't sync to THAT cycle! I'll keep the common areas clean, but you might not want to open the door to my room. BTW, is eating in bed a problem? Oh, and I may or may not blow your toilet up on a semi-daily basis. Can't wait to hear from you, roomie! :)

    I will not enter your bedroom at any point unless asked to do so or if I need to borrow some money.

    I'll let you blow up my toilet if you promise to text me with a warning after each episode.

    Awesome! Will do! Oh, I'll always share my alcohol with you. Just don't finish off the bottle without asking. That might put me over the edge...
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    What I'd write:

    I'm quiet, very clean, and rarely have people over. I mostly keep to myself.

    The truth:

    If you have piles of crap anywhere in the shared living space, I'm going to cut you. Except I won't because I'm a passive-aggressive midwesterner, so instead I'll occasionally steal your shampoo. And toothpaste. And bronzer you know what? It's probably better if you don't leave things out.

    Sometimes I will want to party with your friends, other times I'll take two hour baths and won't make eye contact for days. I struggle to maintain some semblance of a filter. I don't enjoy cooking. My living space will be spotless..ly bare. I'll talk to your pets like they're more interesting than you, and you'll almost never regret sharing a toilet with me.

    You're perfect.

    My pets are more interesting than me and I respect you for understanding that. I will put hair removal cream in my shampoo if you steal it more than once and I would request that you never make eye contact with me.
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    How I would reply:

    I am interesting in looking at the room you have available. I work a pretty set schedule, although sometimes I do get works at odd hours (these come to my cell phone that is kept on vibrate). I would like to know about the amenities available.

    If I were to reply to your ad (of what you want to write):

    I will pay you money to put up with you, but by accepting my money you also accept the fact that I, too, am anal and will freak out over dirty dishes left in the sink, even for an hour.

    Can't guarantee aunt flo won't visit us at the same time... we can discuss a schedule so we don't cross paths AT ALL!!

    I, too, have my moments of being nice and chatty, and I have my times where I want to be left alone. I will spend more time in my room if I want to be left alone. No need to ask. If these times match when you're feeling this way, BONUS!!

    I don't have time to read anymore, so there ya go.

    I shower daily, use fans and air fresheners when I need it, and will give you a heads up if something I ate didn't agree with me (hey, it happens).

    You sound promising.

    Edited to add. We have a corner shop that sells gone off milk and a great selection of out of date cakes. 10 minutes walk away is a river that is great for fishing and reeling in old boots.

    Woo hoo!!!
  • browneyedgirl749
    browneyedgirl749 Posts: 4,984 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    rdevol wrote: »
    What I'd reply: I'm friendly, easy to get along with, clean, and reasonably neat.

    What I'd like to reply: I'm easy to get along with, unless it's my TOM, which comes about every three weeks since I'm "perimenopausal". Let's hope you don't sync to THAT cycle! I'll keep the common areas clean, but you might not want to open the door to my room. BTW, is eating in bed a problem? Oh, and I may or may not blow your toilet up on a semi-daily basis. Can't wait to hear from you, roomie! :)

    I will not enter your bedroom at any point unless asked to do so or if I need to borrow some money.

    I'll let you blow up my toilet if you promise to text me with a warning after each episode.

    Awesome! Will do! Oh, I'll always share my alcohol with you. Just don't finish off the bottle without asking. That might put me over the edge...

    I would say if you finish my bottle of alcohol, replace it and we'll be good.
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    My reply: I'm a proud mom of two cats. I love to read and binge watch tv shows. I go to bed at 9:00 and I rarely have people over.

    The truth: My cats will wake you up in the middle of the night it they can see the bottom of their food bowl. I don't like it when people talk to me while I'm read or concentrating on a show. If I recommend a show or movie and you stay on your phone the entire time while we're watching it, I'll throw a pillow at your head. If I stay up past my usual bedtime I feel rough the next day and I'll complain about being tired. I will then proclaim that I will go to bed much earlier the following night, but will fail to do so resulting in sleep deprivation for the entire week.

    I don't sleep much at night so I'll probably go and empty the cats food bowl just so that they come an wake you up. I will also sing any songs that involve the word tired every time you mention being tired.

    how do you feel about me falling asleep during your recommendations?
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    rdevol wrote: »
    rdevol wrote: »
    What I'd reply: I'm friendly, easy to get along with, clean, and reasonably neat.

    What I'd like to reply: I'm easy to get along with, unless it's my TOM, which comes about every three weeks since I'm "perimenopausal". Let's hope you don't sync to THAT cycle! I'll keep the common areas clean, but you might not want to open the door to my room. BTW, is eating in bed a problem? Oh, and I may or may not blow your toilet up on a semi-daily basis. Can't wait to hear from you, roomie! :)

    I will not enter your bedroom at any point unless asked to do so or if I need to borrow some money.

    I'll let you blow up my toilet if you promise to text me with a warning after each episode.

    Awesome! Will do! Oh, I'll always share my alcohol with you. Just don't finish off the bottle without asking. That might put me over the edge...

    That's reasonable. Are IOU's considered asking?
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    Interested in the room you have available. I am a tidy female with dependable income and excellent employment history. I am on a 28 day menstrual cycle, very regular, I'm due to start in exactly 7 days. We may synch up but we can handle that with chocolate and romcoms. I'm a firm believer in feeding the beast so to speak. I'm kinky, like I can make a shades of grey book turn into shades of blush but don't worry, I do that at the club not at home. I have an iron stomach and don't get diarrhea, should it ever occur, I need my privacy, I will check into a hotel. I have impeccable style, I am a fabulous cook, I clean up after myself and most importantly I understand humor. When should I book the moving truck?

    You had me at chocolate and feeding the beast.

    Good, now that I'm in, the truth is I'm an unemployed male heroin addict and I like to sniff panties.
    @SomebodyWakeUpHIcks is that you?
    SEAHORSES4EVER Posts: 1,553 Member
    Male, 30s, looking for roommate.

    i have plenty of furniture and a spare bed and a spare tv and spare sheets and blankets. the sheets are white and a very high thread count. i prefer they are washed at least once a week.

    don't mind if you drink my liquor and don't mind if you eat the food long as you kick some cash back. i eat the same things all the time though constantly so you'll probably lose your mind with boredom after like a week and i only drink bottom shelf.

    im a bit of a neat freak but as long as you can follow the pre-printed labels on the counter shelves and make sure that's EXACTLY where it belongs when you put something back i don't think we'll have any problems. the tupperware is also labeled for your convenience.

    cleanliness is next to godliness and i shower often. 3x/4x times a day on the weekends. 2x during the week. i encourage you to do the same. we will have a high water bill and sometimes the landlord will want to do inspections to make sure our unit doesn't have a leak.

    the dishes are very specific. there are 4 plates, 4 bowls, and two larger bowls. the larger bowls should be used for cereal only. you will be provided 2 forks, 2 spoons, and 1 butter knife. no need to bring your own. as long as you know how to do the dishes and run a dishwasher i don't think we will have any issues. i will teach you how to use the electric kettle to boil water to scald the sink out after the dishes have been done as well.

    i have a 60 inch 4k tv now and a ps4 and a xbox one and a wii and a NES and a Sega genesis and an original xbox. you are free to play any of them you want. i even have Battletoads on the NES. no cable. no internet. i know most of the neighbor's wifi passwords though and we can log in on theirs if you want to *kitten* something though.

    also i hope you're into the group thing.

    "I will teach you how to use the electric kettle" I can't pass this chance of education up.

    Also everything has to be in 4's for me so I'm going to need 4 forks, 4 spoons, 4 butter knives and 4 showers a day. Hope that's ok.