I eat clean but am always low in calories...what can I add?



  • timtam163
    timtam163 Posts: 500 Member
    I sometimes add egg and soy sauce and scallions to my oatmeal, that'll add 100-200 calories depending on how you prepare the egg. Other than that, add some fruits perhaps, or some avocado, or nut butter on whole grain bread/a rice cake... get some plant calories in there.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    This depends on your overall nutritional goals for the day (do you need more protein? more fiber?) and what you personally find most satisfying. I personally would prefer to bulk my meal up with more vegetables, but your preferences may be totally different.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    Psychgrrl wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    Cutting both fat and carbs makes it very difficult for your body to fuel itself. It needs one or the other to turn into energy so you'll most likely find yourself hungry, listless and cranky before too long. Fat can be very satiating for some, carbs moreso for others. You need to figure out what types of food keep you feeling full and satisfied within your calorie allotment and adjust your macros accordingly (carbs up/fats down or fats up/carbs down while maintaining a minimum protein intake) for long term success.

    Furthermore, without underlying health issuses--hypertension, diabetes etc,--there's no pressing reason to cut sugar or sodium from your diet. The more you restrict yourself and/or quickly alter the foods you eat, the more likely you are to struggle IMHO.

    The doc said a few months ago that I'm starting to get High Blood Pressure so that kinda scared me.

    Did you doc specifically say they felt the carbs/fat were to blame for the HBP or did the doc say you need to lose weight and cutting carbs and fat was a way to do that? Or did the doc not make any specific recommendations regarding diet?

    The reason I ask is usually losing weight, with any WOE (way of eating), is enough to reduce blood pressure.

    She didn't say, I was there for a TB test. She was taking my BP and asked if I was nervous and I wasn't so I said no and she's like well your BP is a little high...and I said oh maybe stress? But I was in denial I know its related to weight :(

    High BP is a serious thing but I would expect your doctor to have said something if she thought it was an issue. Don't borrow trouble. By that I mean don't self-diagnose yourself with a medical condition or near-condition and then restrict your eating due to it. This is a huge problem among dieters and the typical result is that it makes losing weight so much more difficult than it needs to be. Eat a healthy well-rounded diet. Eat a reasonable amount of food. Get some activity in. Your health will improve and for most people that means that various health markers improve as well.
  • traindisp
    traindisp Posts: 15 Member
    i'm in same boat with you, myfitnesspal keeps telling me i am not eating enough. so i added oatmeal and and OS trim turkey or beef stick, that helped. I've been having issues getting my calories over 1100, but i am 11 years post- gastric bypass, so my ability to consume is limited. but since starting back logging food and really trying to increase protein, i can tell a difference in my metabolic rate. i am constantly dehydrated and hot, so trying to keep the fluids coming, which is another task all together being a gastric bypass patient, but at least I've started losing, and with that, i know i am doing something right. following up with my doctor today and a nutritionist, and i am anxious to show them my food log to see if i am on right track. i have not been hungry at all, bored yes, but not hungry!
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    When one is trying to lose weight I know its a calories in vs. out thing but doesn't our P/F/C intake levels as well as things like nutrition affect it to?

  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    When one is trying to lose weight I know its a calories in vs. out thing but doesn't our P/F/C intake levels as well as things like nutrition affect it to?

    Your macronutrient goals are important for your overall health -- you need a certain amount of protein and fat. Aside from that, some people find that certain macronutrient levels make it easier for them to hit their calorie goals because they feel more satisfied. For some people, protein makes them feel fuller. For others, it's fat or even carbohydrates. What works well for one person may not work for another, so that's where personal observation comes into play.
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    When one is trying to lose weight I know its a calories in vs. out thing but doesn't our P/F/C intake levels as well as things like nutrition affect it to?

    Your macronutrient goals are important for your overall health -- you need a certain amount of protein and fat. Aside from that, some people find that certain macronutrient levels make it easier for them to hit their calorie goals because they feel more satisfied. For some people, protein makes them feel fuller. For others, it's fat or even carbohydrates. What works well for one person may not work for another, so that's where personal observation comes into play.

    I think for me its a combination of P + C, Fats dont really do much for me other than cravings. Is there a right distribution. I'm currently at 50% C, 30% P and 20% F.

    I heard that was a good distribution split.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    When one is trying to lose weight I know its a calories in vs. out thing but doesn't our P/F/C intake levels as well as things like nutrition affect it to?

    Your macronutrient goals are important for your overall health -- you need a certain amount of protein and fat. Aside from that, some people find that certain macronutrient levels make it easier for them to hit their calorie goals because they feel more satisfied. For some people, protein makes them feel fuller. For others, it's fat or even carbohydrates. What works well for one person may not work for another, so that's where personal observation comes into play.

    I think for me its a combination of P + C, Fats dont really do much for me other than cravings. Is there a right distribution. I'm currently at 50% C, 30% P and 20% F.

    I heard that was a good distribution split.

    Humans can thrive on all different types of macro goals. The "right" distribution is one that has sufficient protein and fat to meet your needs and helps you feel happy and satisfied.
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    edited July 2017
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    When one is trying to lose weight I know its a calories in vs. out thing but doesn't our P/F/C intake levels as well as things like nutrition affect it to?

    Your macronutrient goals are important for your overall health -- you need a certain amount of protein and fat. Aside from that, some people find that certain macronutrient levels make it easier for them to hit their calorie goals because they feel more satisfied. For some people, protein makes them feel fuller. For others, it's fat or even carbohydrates. What works well for one person may not work for another, so that's where personal observation comes into play.

    I think for me its a combination of P + C, Fats dont really do much for me other than cravings. Is there a right distribution. I'm currently at 50% C, 30% P and 20% F.

    I heard that was a good distribution split.

    Humans can thrive on all different types of macro goals. The "right" distribution is one that has sufficient protein and fat to meet your needs and helps you feel happy and satisfied.

    Ok I get it. It's less about numbers and more about listening to your body kind of thing.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    Some people find it to not be very fulfilling. Others find it to be worth the calories. There's no universal response to cheese.
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    Some people find it to not be very fulfilling. Others find it to be worth the calories. There's no universal response to cheese.

    just test and see kind of thing.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    I found myself starving mid-morning the other day and grabbed a 70 calorie string cheese stick that got me through till lunch easily. Nothing bad about that ;)
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    I found myself starving mid-morning the other day and grabbed a 70 calorie string cheese stick that got me through till lunch easily. Nothing bad about that ;)

    Hmm for me string cheese wouldn't cut it. My body likes volume. It wants hearty meals all the time even snacks.
  • Zinka61
    Zinka61 Posts: 563 Member
    What about fruits and vegetables, legumes and other foods full of potassium that can help lower blood pressure? And, as someone said above, just more of what you do eat.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    Cheese is high calorie for the volume but also has a good amount of protein and I find it extremely satiating. As others have said, no food is inherently bad, you just have to find what works for you. It took about a year to figure out high fat/low carb is what works best for me.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    sheepingly wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    I found myself starving mid-morning the other day and grabbed a 70 calorie string cheese stick that got me through till lunch easily. Nothing bad about that ;)

    Hmm for me string cheese wouldn't cut it. My body likes volume. It wants hearty meals all the time even snacks.

    If volume is your jam, hit the veggies hard. Shoot for 10+ servings - seriously. There was a challenge for that here, and some folks were struggling to consume it, satiation-wise.

    l'm a volume gal, and I do that daily. I've gotten 20+ servings, on occasion. Think about a big heap'o'raw veggies, not just the usual carrots'n'celery, but try jicama, kohlrabi, celeriac, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, hakurei turnips, radishes, avocados, olives and more. And greens, like others said. Roast some cauliflower, onions, garlic, parsnips, beets, regular turnips, mushrooms! Buy a bunch on the weekend (farmers market?), cut 'em up, roast some, put others in the fridge in water or not.

    Be sure to get enough fats - you need them to maximize absorption of the fat soluble vitamins. Olives & avocados are a start.

    For my prefs, lose the packet oatmeal. Old-fashioned oatmeal is more satisfying, and pretty much as quick in the microwave. Use a deeeeep bowl so it doesn't boil over. Add some walnuts (omegas, calories) and/or hemp and flax seed. Fruit for sweetness, and if you need it sweeter, try blackstrap molasses or all-fruit spread. I like a blop of nonfat Greek yogurt on mine.

    Fruit in general is great, too, if you want some volume, tastiness, and calories. Apples are lovely - quarter & add peanut or almond butter. Grapefruit - peeled & sectioned (try dipping sections in a Carribean-style hot sauce that has nutmeg-y stuff going on: So good.). Pears, apricots, guavas, papayas, more - yay!

    I should stop now. I think I need to go eat something.

    Tl;dr. Eat lots more veggies, some fruit, and little more fat.
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    sheepingly wrote: »
    I forgot to mention. The reason why I gained weight besides the eating bad stuff, I ate too much in volume. My body likes volume whether it's healthy or bad food. It just likes a lot of it.

    The one thing I'm afraid of is doing things like drizzling olive oil or adding nuts will up the calories but not "fill me up".

    The things that tend to fill me up in the past was things like meat + starch (i.e. rice, potatoes etc.) which aren't necessarily a safe bet.

    If you're a volume eater, then why not just eat more of the foods you're already eating? Have a cup of rice instead of half a cup, have 3 cups of broccoli instead of two, 6 ounces of chicken instead of 3, etc.

    Would eating more of the chicken or veggies be a better option to eat more of than rice?

    Or more cheese. I love cheese.

    isnt it bad for you or like high cal without being fulfilling.

    I found myself starving mid-morning the other day and grabbed a 70 calorie string cheese stick that got me through till lunch easily. Nothing bad about that ;)

    Hmm for me string cheese wouldn't cut it. My body likes volume. It wants hearty meals all the time even snacks.

    If volume is your jam, hit the veggies hard. Shoot for 10+ servings - seriously. There was a challenge for that here, and some folks were struggling to consume it, satiation-wise.

    l'm a volume gal, and I do that daily. I've gotten 20+ servings, on occasion. Think about a big heap'o'raw veggies, not just the usual carrots'n'celery, but try jicama, kohlrabi, celeriac, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, hakurei turnips, radishes, avocados, olives and more. And greens, like others said. Roast some cauliflower, onions, garlic, parsnips, beets, regular turnips, mushrooms! Buy a bunch on the weekend (farmers market?), cut 'em up, roast some, put others in the fridge in water or not.

    Be sure to get enough fats - you need them to maximize absorption of the fat soluble vitamins. Olives & avocados are a start.

    For my prefs, lose the packet oatmeal. Old-fashioned oatmeal is more satisfying, and pretty much as quick in the microwave. Use a deeeeep bowl so it doesn't boil over. Add some walnuts (omegas, calories) and/or hemp and flax seed. Fruit for sweetness, and if you need it sweeter, try blackstrap molasses or all-fruit spread. I like a blop of nonfat Greek yogurt on mine.

    Fruit in general is great, too, if you want some volume, tastiness, and calories. Apples are lovely - quarter & add peanut or almond butter. Grapefruit - peeled & sectioned (try dipping sections in a Carribean-style hot sauce that has nutmeg-y stuff going on: So good.). Pears, apricots, guavas, papayas, more - yay!

    I should stop now. I think I need to go eat something.

    Tl;dr. Eat lots more veggies, some fruit, and little more fat.

    Good idea. I think the problem is im not being creative enough with the foods i currently am eating.