Have seen a nutritionist for a year- basically no progress

Let me start out saying that I am a 25 yo receptionist with a loud voice in my head that comes out the second I take the last bite of something "bad". In my head, bad foods are the ones not on the current meal plan. Now I know that it's not good to make foods "good or bad" but I can't help this. Over the past year my weight has yoyoed between 171 and 165. It goes up easy and down slowly. My nutritionist measures my muscle and fat and it's hard for me to lose fat. This is because of my eating. I can eat off the meal plan all day but I always feel like I need to also eat something that isn't healthy. Then I realize what I did and maybe stress myself out? I also drink (probably too much) on weekends with my boyfriend and occasionally partake in a snack at the office (birthday cupcake or a donut). My question is if I usually workout 3-4 days a week and eat exactly off the meal plan (which on here only at most is 1300 Cals) why and I still at a high weight and at 30% body fat? I lift weights and try to do cardio. I am 5'6 btw. If anyone has any tips or experience please let me know.


  • halmsafit
    halmsafit Posts: 47 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Are you counting the calories from alcohol? That can add up fast. Have you been logging everything here? There is nothing wrong with enjoying your foods, but it does need to come with a balance. Specifically you need to be in a calorie deficit (eat less than you burn throughout the day).

    What type of food plan does your nutritionist have you on? Sounds like whatever it is, it doesn't really suit your lifestyle, and it's not working. Additionally, nutritionists have a wildly varying level of training. They may not be the best source of information for you.

    Right now it's-
    Muscle milk shake for breakfast or egg white and veggie cups with 1 piece toast for breakfast.
    Snack am and pm-rice cake with PB2,yogurt, or apple with chicken tenderloins )
    Lunch - meat(usually chicken or turkey) with lots of veg and a starch
    Dinner/ usually same as lunch but starch only 3 days
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    Just my thoughts....

    That nutritionist needs to go. Plenty out there.
    Possibly you're not logging correctly.
    Kick it up at the gym
    Do be so restrictive, just stay in caloric goals. Maybe not being so tight on calories with slower loss will be better...you might be eating more than you think to compensate for hunger?
    Talk with doc, maybe do some bloodwork
  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    Buy a $20 food scale today. That should take about 20 minutes, give or take.
    Compare that to the time and money you've already spent.
  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    Instead of rum and coke. Rum and diet coke. Each drink may contain 1.5 oz of alcohol. Simply ask a bartender. Log them.
    You won't need a nutritionist once you get a food scale and learn how to use this site.