Couch To 5K Challenge



  • CandiceChaCha
    I just wanted to tell everyone that you're awesome, and NOT to give up!

    I just completed Week 6, Day 2 of Couch to 5k, and I started at the exact same point as you.. horribly out of shape, never ever in a million years thought I could ever do it - but I stuck with it.. I repeated days when I had to.. and I have had to take a couple breaks for illness.. but you CAN do it!!!

    I am no skinny minny either.. I am obese, and I am RUNNING!

    Remember to run as slow as you have to in order to complete the work outs, and work on your speed later! Good Luck!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    Got my treadmill going again.... got halfway through and the arches in my feet cramped up (sooooo painful!!!) I am going to go buy some arch supports this afternoon and try again tomorrow.
  • truelove7
    truelove7 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi there! I'm relatively new to MFP and am starting C25K tonight with Day 1. :) Feel free to add me...I'd love a running buddy!
  • Brown523
    Brown523 Posts: 112 Member
    I would like running better if I didn't get out of breath so fast!

    Me too. Oh who am I kidding? I didn't like running when I was in 4th grade and really I don't like it now. LOL I should give this a try since Im doing my 1st 5k in September!
  • melfarnum
    melfarnum Posts: 1
    I would love to try this! I want to start next week because I will be off of medical restrictions then and I need to get back into shape! I need more friends who are doing this...I'll take all the motivation I can get!!
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    I have not been able to run the last couple of weeks due to a sprain ankle... I will start from the beginning with you tomorrow... I enjoy the feeling I have afterward's. Here is a link to a thread for c25k we try to keep each other motivated and progressing...

    PS: Everyone is fairly active and logs daily....
  • doliveira714
    doliveira714 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm In I will start it tomorrow, my employer started c25k program but we had to meet on certain days and times that did not work for me. I have a 5K that I do every September, so it would be great to be able to jog most of it rather than walk and also improve my time. Thanks for starting this group!
  • soccermom1013
    soccermom1013 Posts: 31 Member
    Hey Everyone!

    I started the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Challenge last week and have become addicted to working out... I will be starting the Couch To 5K Challenge tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining me :) We can motivate each other and keep each other accountable.

    You should go to groups and add a group for the C25K challenge. It'll be easier to stay together. We could then report in each week. Groups will be shown differently than this topic, as I said much easier to find everyday or each week.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Hi all, I'm in week 4, finishing day 3 today. I love the enthusiasm here, it's amazing!!!!

    When I started I could barely make it a minute. I ran 10 minutes with my trainer last night with no breaks. Can I make a few suggestions to prevent injury.

    1. Slow down, your body needs a day in between runs to recover
    2. Focus on your breathing, it makes all the difference in the world
    3. Run slow, this is not a speed race
    4. If you have a HRM, wear it! It will tell you when you need to slow down your running
    5. Don't be afraid to repeat a day or week

    This is my experience. Last Wednesday when I did W4D2, my quads swelled really bad and I had not been able to run until yesterday. It was literally driving me crazy.

    My first 5K is in September, that is what got me started and what keeps me going. I would love some more friends who are also learning to run so if anyone has officially made a group please let me know what the name is or add me or pm me.

    Good luck all!
  • LearningtoFly1
    LearningtoFly1 Posts: 2 Member
    I started this a few weeks ago. I have repeated weeks 3 and now am in week 4, having repeated it as well. I can't believe how much progress is made so quickly. Looking back at week 1 and even week 2, it didn't seem like I would ever be able to run for 5 minutes straight, but now I can!!! It's been an amazing adventure and I can't wait to run my first 5k in November!
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    I just created a group for this its called couch to 5k July 2013- EVeryone feel free to join! Corinne do you want me to add you as a moderator since you started this? :happy:
  • LindaGTaylor
    LindaGTaylor Posts: 260 Member
    How is the app? I have an very old android phone.. it is dead at the moment but I would like to get the app and try it... does it save progress for you?? How are you finding the workouts??

    I have an android and I love the C25K app... Yes it saves your progress... I like the voice instructions to walk or run plus the your half way there pep talk...

    I am on my way to join your challenge tlou.... Thank you for starting it!
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    I would like to join, I am actually on Wk2 Day 1. I have the C25K Free app for the I-phone and I really like it, it vibrates when it is time to change from walking to jogging. I am blind with out glasses and I do not run in my glasses so the vibration is really nice. Also with the vibration I tend not focus on how much further I have (I can't see my phone to tell) I just wait for the vibration, I like that, it makes it a little easier for me.

    My app is for 8 weeks, not 9, but I don't that will matter. I am headed over to groups so I can join. :-)
  • dblk19
    dblk19 Posts: 43 Member
    I would really like to join this challenge as well! I am on W2D6 and have already been running for 3 min at a time with 1.5 half walk...I have been looking for a group to bounce ideas around and motivate each other! Glad that I was able to find one...please feel free to add me!
  • Sonj1973
    Sonj1973 Posts: 188 Member
    My friends kindly downloaded the app onto a mp3 player for me so all been well hope to start next week (possibly Tues) all been well :)
  • sarah32lee
    sarah32lee Posts: 5,279 Member
    w1 done starting week 2 monday! :)