I keep sabotaging myself!



  • fmps5
    fmps5 Posts: 45 Member
    I love all the replies, you should read them every morning at breakfast. I also have a sweet tooth and I have found a low calorie "replacement" that is super easy and satisfying. It is called Flavor Ice, you'll probably remember the long plastic tubes filled with ice water and bright colors from when you were a kid. These snacks help you hydrate, take 5 minutes to eat ( helps get passed sweet cravings) and are only 20 calories each. I usually have 3 a day, one just as I walk in the door, one before dinner, and one while relaxing at night. It has saved me hundreds of times ( and thousands of calories) from reaching to grab cookies/cake/candy etc.... Even better they are only 10-12 cents each if you buy a big box on Amazon or at Walmart...

    Come up with a personal mantra as well...

    Mine is "It is better to feel fit and thin, than to feel full and fat"

    Good Luck
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,489 Member
    No. No click. Well, no one big click. Lots of little click. As reflected in the other responses, expecting one day to do a 180 into "healthy" eating is unrealistic.

    There is no one answer. Have you calculated a calorie target? Maybe figure out your maintenance calories and aim at that first.

    Do you keep a food diary?

    I've lost 100 lbs and kept it off 10 years. I don't count calories, but my food scale, I've been through about 6 of them, never left my kitchen counter. It's the only way I can control my portions. Eating to full is something I never got.

    Go somewhere and get a good look at a deep fryer. They're disgusting. If you can get away from fried food for a while, it loses its appeal.

    I don't eat candy bars. But sometimes I eat half a candy bar. I buy them 1 at a time. Cut them in half and put them in the freezer. Takes longer to eat.

    Weight loss is a skill set, a set of things to do. You won't lose without doing at least some of them.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Get rid of the all or nothing mentality - labeling foods good or bad or describing your choices as terrible, are just a recipe for failure. When people try to be overly restrictive, they often cave and do exactly what you're describing - eat more calories than they should.

    What are your stats: height, weight, goal weight? What rate loss did you choose? What calorie target are you aiming for? Do you eat exercise calories back?

    Also, why is sweet potato a healthier choice than a regular potato? Why not incorporate both in your diet?
  • Slimpossible007
    Slimpossible007 Posts: 16,290 Member
    eat the "bad" foods /// eat all of the "bad" foods //just eat them in moderation

    I eat at an avg of 1600 calories, I eat sweets, I drink alcohol, I eat crisps/pastries etc etc ... I am losing at 1lb a week (on average) not allowing your self certain foods makes you want them more ... so tell yourself that you shall have all of the foods at certain times / certain days

    just make the rest of your calories fit around your cravings!!

    find what works for you .. clearly cutting out foods from your normal diet doesn't work!
  • Polo265
    Polo265 Posts: 287 Member
    have the exact same problem. I have found that if I allow myself to even taste a potato chip or piece of candy (anything not "healthy") I crave more of it This is me. I was going to limit myself to one freshly baked chocolate chip cookie. I had saved calories for one cookie. Once I got that taste, I ate 6 of them. I was over 700 calories for the day. Same way with those little pre-packaged goodies of 100 calories. Once I get the taste, I eat several bags. :(