walking, riddle me this...



  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I was looking up things about walking as exercise and for the most part the articles were saying it was pointless unless you're walking this fast or this long etc.

    Much of the guidance from the medical fraternity is that a minimum of 20 minutes of exercise is needed to generate a beneficial aerobic effect. To sustain that effect then at least 20 minutes three to four times per week.

    Beyond about 45-50 minutes the aerobic benefits start to plateau, so unless you're training for something specific then that's your sweet spot.

    Sounds as if you're fine, but as your fitness improves you'll walk further in that period of time.
  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Pssshhhh! Walking is fabulous. Gets you moving. Before I hurt my back I lost my first 50lbs with just counting calories and walking. You'll be shocked at how fast you build up speed and distance. Get some great music and enjoy!
  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    Rule number one: to lose the weight you don't have to exercise. It's just a matter of eating less calories than your body consumes and you will lose the weight.

    Now as far as exercise I have a simple philosophy anything is better than nothing. Better to walk 20 minutes then sit for an hour.

    Let me give you hope now. I started my weight-loss Journey January 1st 2016 weight was 288 lbs. I had a double hip replacement a year before that I have an arthritic left knee that needs to be replaced and I have an arthritic left shoulder that needs to be eventually replaced. It took me 8 months to lose 80 lbs and I've been maintaining around the 208 area for approximately 10 + months.

    My weight loss was done primarily with calorie reduction. Yes I did exercise but out of the approximate 80 lb I lost I can maybe a tribute 10 lbs to exercise loss. To put things in perspective to lose one pound per week, you have to lessen your calorie intake buy 3500 calories. You can either do it one or two ways you can reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories a day or you can eat the same amount of food you're currently eating but you probably have to walk 15 - 20 miles per week.

    Personally being blunt no way in hell was I going to walk 15 to 20 miles a week. It's just easier to reduce your calories. what you have to remember this is a long-term Journey you're on and you wanted to be sustainable. You should also be proud of yourself for making the effort to lose the weight. I would also recommend that you keep on exercising because what you're going to find is as you lose the weight you'll do a lot more than you could ever picture yourself doing.

  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Walking is great. It helps improve your cardiovascular system, it's an exercise you can do, it decreases stress, it improves stamina for other activities, and for me it was 30 minutes when I wasn't sitting on the couch watching TV and snacking. What's not to like? Congrats on making the time to improve your health!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    I do A LOT of walking, low end (for me) walks, 6-7ish miles, higher end walks 9-10 miles, 3-4 times a week. I still do a day or two of strength training or if the weather is too hot or rainy I ride my bike inside (on a trainer thingy) But I much prefer the walking to other 'exercise'. I get to get out, see things, find things (I've found A LOT of discarded change/money just lying there on the sidewalk, street, etc. $$$ !!!) I see nature, animals, etc. I also have mental health issues and the long walks just make me feel better, even if just for a bit. A total win for me! Keep at it!