August 2017 Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Interesting study... it seems to imply that stretching is all in your head (though the article admits more testing needed)

    Do any of you stretch before you run? I have not since leaving gym class. Does not seem to help/hinder me best I can tell.

    The rule of thumb is dynamic stretching before exercise and static stretching afterwards.

    Do YOU do that? Does it seem to help you at all?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2017
    @Stoshew71 thanks for posting the stretches (I'm sure it's not the first time you've shared them).

    I going to make a point to do it every day. Some good stuff there.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    My plan changed my midweek run to five miles as of today. Did it! And tomorrow is 3 miles. I will hit my goal, following my plan! Hurray!

    September will have a dilemma. I started earlier than 12 weeks to get ready for the HM on 11/4. I'm in week 7 now. Should I repeat week 11 over and over again when I get there until I need the scale back week at the end of October? Should I repeat the easier weeks now? The highest mileage is 12 miles on the plan. Geez, I'm not even going to do a full 13 miles before HM day? I'm starting to hyperventilate here!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    My plan changed my midweek run to five miles as of today. Did it! And tomorrow is 3 miles. I will hit my goal, following my plan! Hurray!

    September will have a dilemma. I started earlier than 12 weeks to get ready for the HM on 11/4. I'm in week 7 now. Should I repeat week 11 over and over again when I get there until I need the scale back week at the end of October? Should I repeat the easier weeks now? The highest mileage is 12 miles on the plan. Geez, I'm not even going to do a full 13 miles before HM day? I'm starting to hyperventilate here!


    My longest run before my first half was 9 miles. Not 9 pretty miles, mind you. Ugly, walking, slogging, takin' a break mid way miles. My time was 2:30. I had to walk most of the last 3 miles because my thighs chaffed bloody. (Don't forget the body glide).

    Don't invite injury. Make the best of it. I say stay focused on quality right now. Do taper the week before, eat right, and sleep well.

    The goal is to finish and enjoy the experience. Next one you can train harder and even smarter :wink:

    You got this.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Aug 22- 4.2 miles total 4.2
    Aug 24-4.7 miles total 8.9
    Aug 27-4.1 miles total 13.0
    Aug 28- 2.2 miles total 15.2
    Aug 30- 4.1 miles total 19.3

    Goal event November 18 Annapolis Running Fest 10k.

  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    8/1 - Rest/sick day - feeling better, but not sure running would have been good. Hoping for tomorrow.
    8/2 - 4.5 miles of hill repeats. Glad I did it, more glad I'm done.
    8/3 - 3.5 short miles before getting in the car with the family.
    8/4 - Road trip / vacation
    8/5 - Road trip / vacation / anniversary
    8/6 - 5 miles. Gorgeous morning for a run!
    8/7 - 5 miles. Again, beautiful morning!
    8/8 - 5 miles. Another nice morning!
    8/9 - 4.6 miles of hill repeats with group. I am soooo tired and sleepy today.
    8/10 - 4.4 treadmill miles / trek class. Then upper body weights/abs.
    8/11 - Rest day because I have to.
    8/12 - 6.6 mile group run. Perfect weather.
    8/13 - 2.3 treadmill miles. Then quick upper body weights.
    8/14 - 5.3 miles track / intervals.
    8/15 - 5 miles. Another relatively cool, delightful morning to run.
    8/16 - 4.85 miles of group hill run. Rough, but good.
    8/17 - Rest day. If I run more than 5 days in a row, bad things tend to happen.
    8/18 - 5 miles. Gorgeous morning to run.
    8/19 - 7.75 mile group run.
    8/20 - Unplanned rest day.
    8/21 - 5 miles of treadmill "intervals"...ugh
    8/22 - 5 miles.
    8/23 - 4.9 miles of group hill run.
    8/24 - 3.5 slowish miles. Had to cut it short since I overslept a bit.
    8/25 - Rest day.
    8/26 - 8 mile group run.
    8/27 - Hip / knee pain...decided to pass.
    8/28 - 5 gentle/ginger miles...hips still sore, knees OK
    8/29 - 5 comfortable miles.
    8/30 - 5 miles including some extra hills since I couldn't get to my group run.

  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @KatieJane83 That workout challenge sounds like a killer. I probably would have been dead after the 70 burpees! Congratulations on winning the training session, that's a great reward for a super-impressive workout :)

    @WandaVaughn If you can run 12 miles, you can also finish a half marathon! Most beginner plans have less than 13.1mi as the longest run.
    So you have 4 extra weeks? I wouldn't do week 11 of your plan five times. Usually your training plan should have some kind of rhythm of harder and easier weeks - like two or three weeks in which the distance increases, than one easier "cutback" week in which you recover from that. If you add weeks, you should do the same - maybe some mix of week 11 for some weeks with the last easy week repeated in between.
    Or if you feel good, you can also increase the distance a little further in those extra weeks. Don't do too much more, and again remember to add in one or two recovery weeks.
    Which plan are you following?

    @RespectTheKitty Great long distance in the middle of the week!

    @ddmom0811 Great that your ankle feels better! I sometimes see bats on my runs too, but never close. But I'm pretty sure they are really good at avoiding obstacles and won't get tangled in your hair :smile:

    @PastorVincent Hope you feel better already! Getting a cold in summer somehow is even more frustrating than in winter.

    I woke up with a cold too on Sunday. Stubbornly went on the long-planned long bike ride anyway and survived it, but Monday and Tuesday I was completely wiped out. Instead of 10km speedwork I did 6km of easy running on Monday. On Tuesday I went indoor climbing as planned, but spent a large fraction of the time sitting on the floor watching others climb. I was going to make today a complete rest day, but the throat ache from hell is gone, and they promised rain for tonight, so I'm tempted to run a bit...
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    @PastorVincent - FWIW, I do some brief dynamic stretches before running pretty much every time. I am a little less consistent with post-run static stretches. Might be in my head, but I've only had one injury in ~4 years.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member
    @KatieJane83 That workout challenge sounds like a killer. I probably would have been dead after the 70 burpees! Congratulations on winning the training session, that's a great reward for a super-impressive workout :)

    Which plan are you following?

    This is the plan that I'm following. As I said, I'm in week 7 now.

    According to the plan, I'm supposed to find a 10K race to run in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town. No racing for me. So I'll already have to alter the plan some. Just not sure how to do it, yet.
  • WandaVaughn
    WandaVaughn Posts: 420 Member

    Which plan are you following?
    As I said, I'm on week 7. The plan has me running a 10K race in week 9, but we've got a prior commitment. No race that day for me. Might do the 6.2 miles, anyway.

  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    8/1 8miles 1hr:16m:25s
    8/2 6miles 60m:39s
    8/3 5miles 46m:32s
    8/4 rest
    8/5 12miles 1hr:57m:36s
    8/6 rest
    8/7 6miles 57m:25s
    8/8 5miles 49m:20s
    8/9 rest
    8/10 13.1miles!!!! 2hr:04m:17s
    8/11 6mi 56m:44s
    8/12 5mi 48m:30s
    8/13 rest
    8/14 6miles 57m:56s
    8/15 9miles 1h:29m:30s
    8/16 rest
    8/17 12miles 2h:02m:55s
    8/18 6miles 58m:49s
    8/19 5miles 49m:16s
    8/20 rest
    8/21 5miles 47m:34s
    8/22 5miles 46m:54s
    8/23 rest
    8/24 6miles 56m:30s
    8/25 4miles 38m:08s
    8/26 9miles 1h:37m:58s
    8/27 rest
    8/28 3miles 27m:39s
    8/29 3miles 29m:19s
    8/30 5miles 47m:37s

    5 miles today, tried out my new hydration vest - Nathan Intensity Race vest in very berry! It felt pretty good, but I definitely noticed the extra weight running especially after 3 miles. I suppose I'll get used to the extra weight? I'm not sure if I should use it for my 13 miles this weekend or if I should keep "practicing" with it before trying it on a long run.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    My plan changed my midweek run to five miles as of today. Did it! And tomorrow is 3 miles. I will hit my goal, following my plan! Hurray!

    September will have a dilemma. I started earlier than 12 weeks to get ready for the HM on 11/4. I'm in week 7 now. Should I repeat week 11 over and over again when I get there until I need the scale back week at the end of October? Should I repeat the easier weeks now? The highest mileage is 12 miles on the plan. Geez, I'm not even going to do a full 13 miles before HM day? I'm starting to hyperventilate here!

    First. Stop. Drop. and BREATH! :lol:

    Okay, now as others have said, if you can run 12 in training you can run more than 13 in a race. In fact, I would bet you could run 15 in a race. Heck, 20 miles is all I ran before my first marathon. :smiley: I forget what the percent is but there is some rule of thumb that you only need run like 70% of your race distance in training.

    That aside, if you have 4 extra weeks, my suggestion would be to look at the last five weeks. Push the last week off so that it is the week of the race (as it is intended to be), and repeat the 4 that are left of that 5 in order. So... week 8,9,10,11,8,9,10,11,12. With out knowing your plan, I think that might work okay. As @_nikkiwolf_ said there are patterns the plans follow so you do not want to just repeat one week over and over.

    That is my best guess based on knowing nothing at all about anything at all so take it as it is worth. :)

  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    Interesting study... it seems to imply that stretching is all in your head (though the article admits more testing needed)

    Do any of you stretch before you run? I have not since leaving gym class. Does not seem to help/hinder me best I can tell.

    The rule of thumb is dynamic stretching before exercise and static stretching afterwards.

    Do YOU do that? Does it seem to help you at all?

    I do not do the full body dynamic stretch thingy that the guy in the video showed. I provided the videos as an explanation, and in case anyone did want to do that if they were interested. I'm all about sharing as much information to everyone and then let everyone decide for themselves what will work best for them.

    Me? I just go out and run. lol

    We have a professional running group in town that is sponsored by Fleet Feet. In other words, you pay people to go run with them because they are supposed to know what they are doing. Most of the people that participate are true beginners. Which is fine. They are doing it. And these groups are designed to motivate and educate the true beginner.

    Sometimes I just so happen to run in places where they meet and run. I on occasion watch them start with their dynamic stretching routine. arm circles, trunk rolls, leg kicks, and so on and so on. I haven't done any of that since I was in high school. lol

    If I am not feeling it right away, I just start slower than normal. Like this morning. It was a recovery day. Monday was go run up Madkin 2x. Yesterday was a decent 9 miler that was just a little slower than say goal marathon pace. So obviously I woke up this morning feeling it. So I just started in a very slow jog, probably 14 min/mile pace till I felt like everything started to loosen up which was about maybe a 1/4 mile in. Then I slowly picked up pace, but nothing crazy this morning. Yesterday's run was average 8:25 pace. Today it was a 10:41 pace. So that is my way of doing dynamic stretching. Just go run, but much slower.
  • 5512bf
    5512bf Posts: 389 Member
    August Goal - 120 Miles

    8/1/17 - 4.02 Easy
    8/2/17 - 4.15 Easy
    8/3/17 - 4.0 Easy
    8/4/17 - 4.5 Easy
    8/5/17 - 6.0 Easy
    8/6/17 - 3.0 Easy - 28.71 Week
    8/8/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/9/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/10/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/11/17 - 5.0 Easy
    8/12/17 - 7.5 Easy
    8/13/17 - 2.51 Easy - 30.04 Week
    8/15/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/16/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/17/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/18/17 - 5.02 Easy
    8/20/17 - 7.0 Easy - 27.06 Week
    8/21/17 - 4.71 Easy
    8/22/17 - 6.01 Easy
    8/23/17 - 6.04 Easy
    8/24/17 - 6.04 Easy
    8/25/17 - 4.02 Easy
    8/26/17 - 9.56 Easy - 36.38 Week
    8/28/17 - 6.2 Easy
    8/29/17 - 6.85 Easy w/ strides
    8/30/17 - 6.79 Easy

    Total 138.99 of 120 Miles

    Another beautiful 4:30am run. I'm going to have to enjoy these while I can because 55 degree mornings will soon turn to 35 degree mornings, then 15 degree mornings. With today's run I'm well within striking distance of 145 miles for the month. I haven't had a chance to reflect on what next month will look like but I think the goal will be to get to 45, maybe even 50 miles a week by months end. I'd really like to have 4-5 weeks of 50-55 miles a week in October before starting on my training cycle. HR on today's run was just teetering on that z2/z3 line which is what I consider the sweet spot. Average HR was 143, with the mile 1 at 140 and 145 for the last .8. I just need to get my easy pace down from 10:45 back to 9:30/9:45. Losing the last of my running vacation weight should provide that increase in speed over the next 8 -10 weeks.

    edit* Sorry about some of the data stuff I put in these. These are copy/pasted from my running journal
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    As I said, I'm on week 7. The plan has me running a 10K race in week 9, but we've got a prior commitment. No race that day for me. Might do the 6.2 miles, anyway.

    @WandaVaughn You may find interest in one of my blog posts. It would apply as much to a Half Marathon plan as it would to a Full Marathon plan.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    This is the plan that I'm following. As I said, I'm in week 7 now.

    According to the plan, I'm supposed to find a 10K race to run in 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I'll be out of town. No racing for me. So I'll already have to alter the plan some. Just not sure how to do it, yet.

    THat is a good plan, I know many people who have gone from very little base to finish HM with that plan.

    Just run 10k that week, and do not worry if it is a race or not. You will be fine. :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1---5.49mi/ 8.85km
    3---4.23 / 6.8
    5---4.55 / 7.3
    6---9.14 l 14.7
    10---2.87, 1.98/4.6, 3.2
    11---shot, travel day.
    23---2.56 +2.83/4.1+4.6
    30---2.55 I plan on getting a bit more after work. I'm not sure why this week seems so hard. I am running stronger and faster (duh, guess that's why). Very happy to feel like I'll be back to where I left off 440 days ago relatively soon.

    Total 82.65/133.3
    Goal 89 miles/144 km

    Upcoming races:

    Sept 30 Festival 5k Tishomingo Ok.
    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Oct 14 AIM for the Cure- 5K, virual run
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.
    January 27 Running the Rose, Tyler Tx. (11miler or 7k)
    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 9.25  5k 34.27 10k 1:12.35

  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ thanks! I was pretty proud of myself for being able to do it!