August 2017 Running Challenge



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    5512bf wrote: »
    August Goal - 120 Miles

    8/1/17 - 4.02 Easy
    8/2/17 - 4.15 Easy
    8/3/17 - 4.0 Easy
    8/4/17 - 4.5 Easy
    8/5/17 - 6.0 Easy
    8/6/17 - 3.0 Easy - 28.71 Week
    8/8/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/9/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/10/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/11/17 - 5.0 Easy
    8/12/17 - 7.5 Easy
    8/13/17 - 2.51 Easy - 30.04 Week
    8/15/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/16/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/17/17 - 5.01 Easy
    8/18/17 - 5.02 Easy
    8/20/17 - 7.0 Easy - 27.06 Week
    8/21/17 - 4.71 Easy
    8/22/17 - 6.01 Easy
    8/23/17 - 6.04 Easy
    8/24/17 - 6.04 Easy
    8/25/17 - 4.02 Easy
    8/26/17 - 9.56 Easy - 36.38 Week
    8/28/17 - 6.2 Easy
    8/29/17 - 6.85 Easy w/ strides

    Total 132.2 of 120 Miles

    Had a beautiful 57 degree morning today at 4:30 am. Added in a some speed/cadence work and did 10x125m strides. Did them fairly easy and didn't push the pace, just worked on foot turnover and maintaining form. Made sure to keep the effort in the lower portion of z3.

    @Orphia Pretty much everything I'm doing now is to get in shape to start training. Still have a long way to go to get back to last year but I'm confident by Mid October - Early November I'll be ready to circle a spring marathon and get to work. I've pretty much decided to go with Pfitzinger 18/70 training plan again so I've got some work to get back to 55-60mpw to get that started.

    @5512bf Awesome! I had a quick Google - do you mean this plan?

    I'm certainly not going to hit my goal of 85 miles this month. I've done 50, but had to take too many enforced rest days thanks to my calf injury. But on the bright side, I ran two 5k road races and came second in my age-group in both of them.

    I ran 6.5 miles last night and will probably get another 6 miles in tomorrow. After that, I've got a couple of weeks away from running because I'm going hiking in Utah. No running planned, but lots and lots of walking. And then when I get back, the cooler weather should mean I'll ace my long runs ready for my HM in November.

    @BruinsGal_91 Bravo on your age group 2nd places, that's amazing!!

    Ooh, love the sound of the hiking in Utah. Pics, pics, pics!

    As for me - still on the couch. Tried to go to work for half a day this week - and that will not be happening again until this is better. You know how you feel walking back to the car after your first marathon? That's how my left side felt for the entire time I was there and then the next 12 hours. But there is some good news - I have given the medications as long as I can to work without success, so we are going to go ahead and do a surgery/procedure to clear this thing. With the holiday weekend coming up and timing issues, I won't have it until next Wednesday - the same day my flight was leaving for Switzerland - but at least there is an end in sight for this thing. I'll try to keep up with the group posts next month - but probably won't be able to run again until October.

    @wishiwasarunner Sorry you're not getting to go to Switzerland! But I'm glad there is a plan to heal your injury.
    Keep us posted, and best wishes.

    On the stretching thing. I pretty much never stretch, however, I have been getting deep tissue massages like once a month since May, and that seems to really help.... My one guilty pleasure.

    I've had 3 deep tissue massages since June which have stopped the nerve pain in my intermittently tight glute.

    I don't stretch either, unless you call using a spiky ball on my glute occasionally 'stretching'.

    I do Body Balance (yoga/tai chi/pilates) usually once a week because it's fun, relaxing, and has core segments, but haven't done it since July to avoid risking injuries leading up to my marathon.

    I'm naturally flexible, but I think flexibility for flexibility's sake is anathema to running.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    1---5.49mi/ 8.85km
    3---4.23 / 6.8
    5---4.55 / 7.3
    6---9.14 l 14.7
    10---2.87, 1.98/4.6, 3.2
    11---shot, travel day.
    23---2.56 +2.83/4.1+4.6

    Total 80.10/129
    Goal 89 miles/144 km

    Upcoming races:

    Sept 30 Festival 5k Tishomingo Ok.
    Oct 1 Spirit of Survival, Lawton OK. Quarter Marathon
    Oct 14 AIM for the Cure- 5K, virual run
    Dec 2- POOP trail run, Hoping for a half! Norman OK.
    January 27 Running the Rose, Tyler Tx. (11miler or 7k)
    Pre-op PR's
    1 mile 8:27  5k 24:42. 10k 1:00.52.  HM 2:17.28
    Post-op Training PR's 1 mile 9.25  5k 34.27 10k 1:12.35

  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    @lporter229 - love the picks. I want to do stand up paddleboard and might try for this weekend if the weather cooperates.

    @wishiwasarunner I'm sorry that you had to cancel your trip. Hope the procedure goes well and you can recover quickly.

    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    08/01/17 :::: 5.5 :::: 5.5
    08/02/17 :::: 2.4 :::: 7.9
    08/03/17 :::: 5.0 :::: 12.9
    08/04/17 :::: 2.5 :::: 15.4
    08/05/17 :::: 10.2 :::: 25.7
    08/06/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 28.7
    08/07/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 32.2
    08/08/17 :::: 6.0 :::: 38.2
    08/09/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 38.2
    08/10/17 :::: 3.9 :::: 42.0
    08/11/17 :::: 2.1 :::: 44.1
    08/12/17 :::: 10.4 :::: 54.5
    08/13/17 :::: 3.3 :::: 57.8
    08/14/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 61.0
    08/15/17 :::: 5.1 :::: 66.1
    08/16/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 69.1
    08/17/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 69.1
    08/18/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 69.1
    08/19/17 :::: 10.5 :::: 79.7
    08/20/17 :::: 2.8 :::: 82.4
    08/21/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 85.4
    08/22/17 :::: 3.2 :::: 88.6
    08/23/17 :::: 4.2 :::: 92.8
    08/24/17 :::: 3.5 :::: 96.3
    08/25/17 :::: 0.0 :::: 96.3
    08/26/17 :::: 11.7 :::: 108.0
    08/27/17 :::: 3.0 :::: 111.0
    08/28/17 :::: 3.1 :::: 114.1
    08/29/17 :::: 5.3 :::: 119.5

    Tonight was HM/marathon group speedwork and we had a new workout this week that he called 30-30-30s. 30 seconds hard, 30 seconds recovery, repeat 30 times. I didn't hate it as much as I thought I would, because the end of each interval came so quickly. But 30 intervals was a lot! With warm-up and cool-down it came to 5.3 miles for me, which brings me within .5 miles of goal. I guess I should have run a little bit more so I could quit for the month :).

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    garygse wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Like some others, I fall into the "don't stretch prior to running" camp; just take it easy for the first mile or so before getting into my stride. I do do static stretches once I'm done though.

    I do not even do that much. Unless it is a 5k race, I pretty much just set my pace best I can and go at the start. Probably why I am not an elite I guess. :smiley: I find the more I have to pay attention and think about running the less I want to do it. So I just go.
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    8/1/17 - 3.01 miles treadmill before weight lifting.
    8/2/17 - 6.13 miles
    8/3/17 - 3.03 miles on the treadmill before weight lifting.
    8/4/17 - Rest day
    8/5/17 - 12.04 miles, rough BG before, during, and after run.
    8/6/17 - Rest day; weight lifting
    8/7/17 - Rest
    8/8/17 - 3.01 miles treadmill before weight lifting
    8/9/17 - 6.01 miles, "Race Pace" (not quite) - felt good and indicators for fat adaptation look promising
    8/10/17 - Rest (not exercising due to blood tests on 8/11)
    8/11/17 - Rest
    8/12/17 - Rest (lots of walking at state fair)
    8/13/17 - 9.00 miles
    8/14/17 - Rest
    8/15/17 - 4 miles treadmill before weight lifting. Having electrolyte issues
    8/16/17 - 4.85 miles. Still having electrolyte issues
    8/17/17 - 4.35 miles treadmill before weight lifting.
    8/18/17 - Rest
    8/19/17 - 14 Miles
    8/20/17 - Rest
    8/21/17 - Rest
    8/22/17 - 4.06 miles treadmill before weight lifting. Not feeling it today; probably low on electrolytes.
    8/23/17 - 7.05 miles
    8/24/17 - 4.02 miles
    8/25/17 - Rest
    8/26/17 - Rest
    8/27/17 - 15.10 miles trail, very slow with lots of walking. Some low BG issues and electrolyte problems towards the end.
    8/28/17 - Rest
    8/29/17 - 4.00 miles treadmill before weight lifting. Not feeling it at all; lots of walking mixed in. Need electrolytes


    Upcoming Races:
    9/9/17 - Wabash Trace HM
    10/21/17 - Oregon Trail Run HM
  • NikolaosKey
    NikolaosKey Posts: 410 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi all!

    8/4: 15.2k -Slow LR-
    8/6: 12k -w/u, 8k negative splits, c/d-
    8/7: 9.4k -Steady+strides, c/d-
    8/10: 10.6k -w/u+intervals-
    8/12: 10.2k -Trail run easy-
    8/13: 10.4k -urban run-
    8/14: 17.1k -Long run-
    8/17: 12.8k -w/u, Tempo run, c/d-
    8/19: 12.3k -Easy-
    8/21: 11.2k -Easy-
    8/22: 15.2k -w/u, Repetitions-
    8/24: 8.7k -Tempo & c/d-
    8/25: 10.6k -w/u, 4x200 repetitions, 2x1k Threshold, 4x200m repetitions c/d-
    8/28: 15.1k -Long Run-
    8/29: 10.2k -Easy-

    Goal: 181.0k/150k

    Take care everyone.

    Upcoming races:
    7/29: 4th Nea Peramos Aquathlon
    9/16: 4th Kavala Night City Run 10k
    9/24: Xiropotamos Trail 2017 11k
    10/1: Voreia Sirris Challenge 23k
    10/15: Nestos Trail VFTU 10k
    11/26: 4th Democritus Half Marathon
  • cameronheel
    cameronheel Posts: 191 Member
    August goal 125 miles (definitely out of reach since I got no miles in the first week)

    Aug run.....MTD 0 miles
    Aug run.....MTD 0 miles
    Aug run.....MTD 0 miles
    Aug run.....MTD 0 miles
    Aug run.....MTD 0 miles
    Aug 6.....10 miles..MTD 10 miles
    Aug run.....MTD 10 miles
    Aug 8.....3.1 miles..MTD 13.1 miles. 1st run of 1/2 marathon training program.
    Aug 9.....3.2 miles..MTD 16.3 miles 2nd run of 1/2 marathon training program
    Aug 10...4 miles.....MTD 20.3 miles 3rd run of 1/2 training program
    Aug 11...0 miles.....MTD Rest Day
    Aug 12...0 miles.....MTD Cross-training day per plan. Did 1 hour of cycling.
    Aug 13...7 miles.....MTD 27.3
    Aug 14...0 miles.....MTD 27.3 Rest Day
    Aug 15...3.1miles...MTD 30.4
    Aug 16...4.1miles...MTD 34.5
    Aug 17...5 miles.....MTD 39.5
    Aug 18...0 miles.....MTD 39.5
    Aug 19...0 miles.....MTD 39.5 Cross-training day, did 11 miles of cycling
    Aug 20....7 miles....MTD 46
    Aug 21....0 miles....MTD 46 Rest day
    Aug 22....4.4 miles.MTD 50
    Aug 23....2.3 miles.MTD 52.3 Also biked 10.8 miles
    Aug 24....0 miles....MTD 52.3 Planned on a 4 mile run, but life got in the way.
    Aug 25....0 miles....MTD 52.3 Rest day before 10K run.
    Aug 26....6.2 miles.MTD 58.5
    Aug 27....0 miles MTD 58.5 I did do a 25 mile bike ride as cross training.
    Aug 28....5 miles MTD 63.5
    Aug 29....7 miles MTD 70.5

    Scheduled Races:
    Aug 26 - Kellie's Krew Run For a Cure - My first 10K. Completed in 53:17. 5th place overall and first in AG.
    Sept 16 - FCYC 5K Glow Run - Fayetteville NC
    Nov - Turkey Trot 1/2 marathon(date TBD) - Pinehurst NC
  • cburke8909
    cburke8909 Posts: 990 Member
    6 miles this am going to come up 8 miles short of goal but I'll take it considering the shut down for runners knee. Heart rate was very high today at one point 199 bpm while running a modest 10 minute/mile pace. Not sure what that means.


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    6 miles this am going to come up 8 miles short of goal but I'll take it considering the shut down for runners knee. Heart rate was very high today at one point 199 bpm while running a modest 10 minute/mile pace. Not sure what that means.

    MIght just mean your sensor was placed poorly. Check placement and fit before running again.

  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    73.5 /90
    coming up short this month :(
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member

    August goal done.

    August Running Challenge
    Goal: 75 km
    Ran: 76/ 75

    30/8/17 Run 8.5 km walk 4 km
    29/8/17 Run 7 km
    27/8/17 Walk 3 km
    23/8/17 Run 8 Km+walk 4 Km
    22/8/17 Run 3.5 km + SL A
    21/8/17 sick rest day
    20/8/17 sick rest day
    19/8/17 Run 7 km
    18/8/17 rest day
    17/8/17 SL B+ walk 4 Km
    16/8/17 Run 6 km walk 5km
    15/8/17 walk 4 km
    14/8/17 Circuit training
    13/8/17 Rest Day
    12/8/17 Walk 6 km
    11/8/17 Run 4.5 km
    10/8/17 SL A+ walk 2 km
    9/8/17 Run 5 km walk 5 km
    8/8/17 Run 7 km
    7/8/17 Run 8.5 km
    5/8/17 Walk 4 km+SL B
    4/8/17 rest day
    3/8/17 Run 8 km
    2/8/17 Run 3 km + SL A
    1/8/17 walk 4km

    SL~Strong Lift
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Interesting study... it seems to imply that stretching is all in your head (though the article admits more testing needed)

    Do any of you stretch before you run? I have not since leaving gym class. Does not seem to help/hinder me best I can tell.

    The rule of thumb is dynamic stretching before exercise and static stretching afterwards.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @ddmom0811 Love bats. He was just trying to get the bugs in your light. I don't see many here. We do have a healthy population of dragonflies this year though.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Azercord wrote: »
    @PastorVincent Rolling seems to do more than anything for me and I'll spot stretch if something starts to get really tight (calves/hips usually) but I'm not regular with it. I used to stretch a lot (gymnast days) but I think I would call that flexibility over stretching.

    When I was first getting used to high mileage building, I would get really sore and tight. Rolling and the Yoga for Runners really helped me. I probably should still do it, but since I don't get as sore as I used to, I am less motivated to do it.