Excess Skin???



  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    Thank you for your reply and sharing your photo.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Sadly, that "after" pic looks like my "before" stomach, I think due to pregnancy. I'm resigned to having loose skin, especially since I plan to get pregnant again in a year or so. I'm planning to continue strength training and exercising, and will only consider surgery if it becomes a health risk.
  • kazsjourney
    kazsjourney Posts: 263 Member
    Oh i wouldnt say "sadly" i never refer to my body like that lol. And its not a after photo its a current photo ;)
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    I looked up this topic last week, and read that one can eat foods rich in collagen.
    From Wise Geek, http://www.wisegeek.org/which-foods-contain-the-most-collagen.htm
    "Deriving its name from the Greek word kolla, collagen is indeed a vital element that helps to keep the body functioning. Fortunately, there are a number of foods that help to support the creation of collagen within our bodies. Here are a few examples of the many different foods that provide the building blocks for the collagen production.

    Soy products such as soymilk and cheese contain an element known as genistein. The presence of genistein gives soy products their collagen production qualities, as swell as helping to block enzymes that tend to break down and age the skin. Just about any soy product contains enough genistein to be helpful, including soy products that have been developed as substitutes for meat products."

    I plan to make lots of bone broth/stock, with 'patas' or beef and pork legs. The bones and ligaments yield much collagen, especially after roasting.
    Dark green vegetables are also excellent examples of foods containing collagen producing agents. Rich in Vitamin C, regular consumption of kale, spinach, collards, and asparagus helps to strengthen the body’s ability to manufacture collagen and to utilize the protein effectively.

    Red fruits and vegetables also are excellent sources to up the collagen content of foods in the diet. The presence of lycopenes in these types of foods helps to act as antioxidants, which in turn increases collagen production. Try adding rep peppers, beets, and fresh or stewed tomatoes to the diet. In like manner, darker berries, such as blueberries and blackberries also help to boost the antioxidant level in the body and stimulate the production of collagen."
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm almost at 100lbs lost. I do have a little pooch of skin that only showes when I bend over and touch my toes. But that is going away slowly. This has taken over two years to do. I think if you take it slow and don't do any drastic fad dieting the loose skin can be kept under control.

  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    When I started that was one of my main worries, after all the reading I came to the conclusion that slow and steady seems to be the best way for me. So, I have been losing in phases after every 20 or so lbs I go to maintenance for a couple of months, to give my skin time to catch up. Also, a lot of weight lifting and cardio through out.
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    I look like a F'N Shar pei without my shirt. But I am much more healthy and look good in clothes. It is getting better slowly as I continue to lose inches but again. Lose skin beats the hell out of fat.
  • kellehbeans
    kellehbeans Posts: 838 Member
    I am 20 (21 in September) and I have lost 61lbs. I do have excess skin, but with moisturising, strength training and copious amounts of water - it'll go back. Especially as you're only 21. Don't worry about the skin for now - focus on your weight! Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    EDIT: Forgot to mention, it does take time too.
  • lucybarnes9822
    I'm 28 I need to loose a total of 64lbs but I have also just had 2 10lb babies close together while being obeset so my stomach was very stretched it was llike I was having twins and my stomach, hips and thighs are covered in stretch marks. I have lost 15lb of the weight so far but it's difficult to tell. I think I would be too scared to have a tummy tuck, hopefully my skin will eventually shrink , Im currently walking or doing the 30day shred everyday and I'm also doing planks everyday to try and draw my waist in. I'm worried about my boobs too they are still ok at the moment but I have also breast fed so the skin has been a bit stretch there too.
    Kimbtaylor1 looks good, I hope my skin shrinks like that.
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I'm almost at 100lbs lost. I do have a little pooch of skin that only showes when I bend over and touch my toes. But that is going away slowly. This has taken over two years to do. I think if you take it slow and don't do any drastic fad dieting the loose skin can be kept under control.


    Thank you for sharing
  • coffeeMAME
    coffeeMAME Posts: 23 Member
    I think it depends on just how much weight there was to start. I used to weigh 335lbs. I now weigh 185. So, 150lbs lost. I have a lot of extra skin, especially my lower stomach and on my back, though it is still filled with quite a bit of fat which makes it hang in a very ugly way. I plan on losing 30 more, and then looking into surgery.

    I have lost the weight in a very healthy way, over the course of about 3 years. I exercise, mostly walking and 'toning' exercising, though there does not appear to be any tone under all this skin. I am disappointed. Three years ago if someone had told me I could be this small I would have been so excited. But three years of watching my skin get flatter and hang looser, I have started to hate the way I look. I feel worse about myself now than I did when I was fat--because I am actually TRYING, and it just looks gross.
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    83lb down and been told by a doctor that my skin will never shrink back, tummy tuck is the only way for me to get rid of it, that said i am 37 and had 4 kids, your still young so take it slowly and you may get lucky
    good luck x
  • coffeeMAME
    coffeeMAME Posts: 23 Member
    I think it depends on just how much weight there was to start. I used to weigh 335lbs. I now weigh 185. So, 150lbs lost. I have a lot of extra skin, especially my lower stomach and on my back, though it is still filled with quite a bit of fat which makes it hang in a very ugly way. I plan on losing 30 more, and then looking into surgery.

    I have lost the weight in a very healthy way, over the course of about 3 years. I exercise, mostly walking and 'toning' exercising, though there does not appear to be any tone under all this skin. I am disappointed. Three years ago if someone had told me I could be this small I would have been so excited. But three years of watching my skin get flatter and hang looser, I have started to hate the way I look. I feel worse about myself now than I did when I was fat--because I am actually TRYING, and it just looks gross.

    Just took some pics for a reference.... back and stomach skin.


    NOTE: I am 23 years old. So. Just being young does not mean your skin will not sag. It depends a lot on how much your skin has stretched--like, how much of it is stretch marks--stretch marked skin will not shrink away.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I think it depends on just how much weight there was to start. I used to weigh 335lbs. I now weigh 185. So, 150lbs lost. I have a lot of extra skin, especially my lower stomach and on my back, though it is still filled with quite a bit of fat which makes it hang in a very ugly way. I plan on losing 30 more, and then looking into surgery.

    I have lost the weight in a very healthy way, over the course of about 3 years. I exercise, mostly walking and 'toning' exercising, though there does not appear to be any tone under all this skin. I am disappointed. Three years ago if someone had told me I could be this small I would have been so excited. But three years of watching my skin get flatter and hang looser, I have started to hate the way I look. I feel worse about myself now than I did when I was fat--because I am actually TRYING, and it just looks gross.

    Just took some pics for a reference.... back and stomach skin.


    NOTE: I am 23 years old. So. Just being young does not mean your skin will not sag. It depends a lot on how much your skin has stretched--like, how much of it is stretch marks--stretch marked skin will not shrink away.

    But you still have an incredible amount of bodyfat on you. Losing 150 lbs is an extraordinary accomplishment, but it doesn't mean that you might not still have another 50, or more if you're a shorter woman and have a small to medium frame, to go. Loose skin, on a LEAN person, absolutely does not look like that; if it's there it's hanging down slightly, and paper think, similar to the skin on the back of your hand. So take solace in the fact that it can get better if you keep going lower in body fat.

    Keep going!
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    I am down 130+. I do have some loose skin and I don't really care. I look great in clothes, and I'm comfortable enough with my self and my body to feel confident in a bikini, loose thighs and stomach aside. If I'd never been 300+ pounds, I wouldn't look like this. But I WAS, so this is my body, and I'm proud of what I've accomplished and give exactly zero f**ks what anyone else thinks.

    I will say that there is a pretty remarkable change in my body between the day I hit goal weight and one year later, despite NO change in weight.

    I have some stomach pics that I would share but won't post publicly (bra/panties) so drop me a PM if you'd like to see.

  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    I don't have pictures either, but I have lost 96lbs. I do have excess skin which sometimes for me is hard to see past. However, I am 29, 30 soon, and I believe that my skin looks great for someone who has lost this amount of weight. Most of my excess skin is on my tummy, and my thighs, as this was where I carried my weight. I am hoping some strength training will also help me tighten things up. Also I think another factor is how fast you lose the weight. If you lose slowly, your skin adjusts as you go.