What do you eat when you don't have much time to cook?



  • ccruz985
    ccruz985 Posts: 646 Member
    Cottage cheese, Triscuits, Perdue chicken short cuts. Yogurt with dried fruit or chia seeds mixed in. Open faced English muffin with peanut (or cookie) butter, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey (honey only if it's pb). Also, the crock pot is life.
  • blh202
    blh202 Posts: 31 Member
    Sugar snap peas, grape tomatoes, hard boiled eggs, string cheese, strawberries, banana, grapes.

    Frozen already cooked grilled chicken pieces. Just throw in skillet with some veggies, coconut oil and honey and makes for quick, healthy meal.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    super quick - Instant cup of noodles, bag of microwave veg, stir all together after cooked crack an egg in and microwave again, bish bash bosh job done ;) shove a bit of extra soy or sweet chilli too after it's done. (obvs instant noodles are processed and salty but meh ;P)

    If you wanted to make this but leave out the pre-fried noodles and sodium, you could use Zoodles (spiralized zucchini noodles) in a cup of low sodium broth. I have a hand zoodler which cost something like five bucks - it's like a big pencil sharpener - takes about a minute to spiralize 1 zucchini and another minute to boil it. So, two minutes and a little bit of wrist exercise, and you've got a low carb (important for me as a diabetic) low calorie, low sodium, easy meal.

    Or use non-instant Asian noodles - cook in about the same amount of time but without the built in sodium and calorie load.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Bagged salads
    Shrimp cocktail
  • becky10rp
    becky10rp Posts: 573 Member
    Morningstar Faux Chicken; black bean burritos (I use the Foreman Grill,load a bunch of black beans and veggies and salsa into a Flat Out wrap), cottage cheese and fruit.
  • vikinglander
    vikinglander Posts: 1,547 Member
    stelafaro wrote: »
    I don't have time to cook much working full time and taking care of grandkids, so i pick one day, usually on the weekend to cook healthy meals, package and freeze for the week.

    This. Except the grandkids. ;-)
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    My go to's when I am lacking time or just every day lunch ideas...

    Bento boxes with Hummus, raw veggies, almond butter w/apple slices, cheddar cheese and hard boiled egg
    Eggwhite scramble- with sauteed veggies or crumbled sausage or bacon with a side of avocado slices
    Protein shake with peanut/almond butter, chia seeds or flax seeds, or raw honey with a side of raw almonds

    I do prep on Sundays so I always try to have things for lunch and quick grabs in the fridge as well as meals that only need to be warmed up for dinner... Having a grill is helpful as well in a limited time constraint. We like medium rare steak so a quick steak and some grilled veggies is always on the menu as well as thin cut chicken breast as they cook in only a few minutes.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    One meal prep tip - if you don't have a lot of fridge space - let's say you have a roommate or a mini fridge - and can't have tons of giant Tupperware containers per week - you can parcel out food into single serving sandwich baggies. Just grab a baggie, dump and microwave. I use baggies for spaghetti squash, which is great with pasta sauce.
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    scrambled eggs and veggies or a fried egg sandwich. I also usually have things in the freezer from earlier meal prep.