Some eating out advice

edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I work at one of the most fattening restaurants in America (Forbes said it, so I believe it). And to those of us that still insist on going out to eat even though it's the worst possible thing for our bountiful figures, here is some advice for you to save yourself some embarrassment:
1) Please don't order diet coke when you're overweight. I promise you that you're server, no matter how nice they appear, is only thinking very judgmental thoughts. Such as, "really lady?! it ain't helpin' much!"

2) Prefacing everything with "I don't get to indulge very often, so I'm going to go all out tonight!", is really unnecessary. Because, Honey, judging by your over-abundant curves, it's apparent that you DO indulge, and often.

3) Oh, and substituting whole wheat linguine for fettuccine but still getting the alfredo sauce?? Really silly.You should hear my co-workers make fun of their tables when they order that dish!

Anyway, this was all meant in good fun. My philosophy is: you have to have a really good sense of humor about your weight in order to survive as a fat person in skinny America. Anyone else have some funny "fat" stories? Have a good day!


  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I like my diet coke :)
  • Me too! It's all I drink! It's ironic to me that skinny people drink "regular" and not-to-skinny people drink "diet". Oh well. I've just learned to have a good laugh about it when I go out to eat. I just sit back, pat my tummy, and say, " I'll take a diet coke; yah, you heard me..." !
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    When I was a server, I'd always have to stop myself from rolling my eyes at the "I don't usually do this, but I'm going all out tonight"-ers.

    ...but as for #1, some people (like me) can't STAND Coca-Cola Classic, and much prefer Diet Coke. I grew up in a Diet Coke house, and it's the only soda I'll drink regardless of my weight. It might be a matter of personal taste, rather than diet or not. Plus, what's wrong with trying to cut 100-200 calories from your meal? And along with that...what's wrong with trying to get some nutrition from your pasta rather than a bunch of refined carbs? The calorie counts are ABOUT the same regardless of the type of pasta you use.

    I get that this is meant in good fun, but the judgments are clearly not thought through very well.

    Just re-read that - sounds kind of b i t c h y. Sorry I'm having a rough day and i think my sense of humor is suffering. :-P
    I should have gone with what I originally wanted to say, which was simply "trace the ABCs with your tongue..." in response to your "Some eating out advice" headline. ;-)
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Confirmed. I just KNEW THEY were making fun of me behind my back. That's coming out of their tip.
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Hmm I actually find this post really insulting. Sorry, I know you say it's in good humour but I hate the idea of anyone judging what I choose to eat, especially someone who you would expect to behave professionally, given that it's their job!
  • Luckymam
    Luckymam Posts: 300
    Well, they can laugh at me all they like. I LIKE diet Coke and don't like the 'full fat' version - I can feel my teeth decaying with the first mouthful.

    I order wholewheat versions because they are better for me and I'll have whatever sauce I want. I'm in a restaurant and want something tasty. I DON'T go often and for that very reason I'll order the most delicious thing I can find. I can make boring, fat-free food at home. If I'm paying for a meal, I want something nice!

    And if they think I'm fat NOW, they should've seen me before I lost 45LBS!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    What if they order the alfredo sauce on the side? Do servers still make comments or do they think the patron is just weird?
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I had a great "fat funny" day at the movie theater one day. I went after work with a friend and hadn't had a chance to eat all day. So I was soooo hungry, and of course my eyes are bigger than my stomach (although my stomach is always trying to catch up <smiles>). So I ordered a hot dog, a pretzel with cheese, some reeses pieces and then to be priceless I got a water and a skinny cow ice cream. The counter guy looked at me like I was stupid and so I answered him..."Well, I am on a diet." It was hilarious. His face was priceless and I got the entire line to laugh! It's one of my favorite funny fat stories!
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I'll tell you what more fun. Lets guess where you work.

    I'm going to say either Outback or Red Robins. Or one of those places that serve the hamburger where it has 2 grilled cheese sanwhiches as its bun.
  • red01angel
    red01angel Posts: 806 Member
    Having been a servers' defense...working with the public in a service industry (restaurant/retail) is a potentially soul crushing job. You do what you can to make it bearable, but it DEFINITELY can turn you into a judgmental cynic. It's never's just that talking s&#% about patrons and customers is practically part of the job, whether it's "right" or not.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,023 Member
    I'll tell you what more fun. Lets guess where you work.

    I'm going to say either Outback or Red Robins. Or one of those places that serve the hamburger where it has 2 grilled cheese sanwhiches as its bun.
    I'm going to say Olive Garden, considering her moniker is olivegardenwaitress. :tongue:
  • brwneyes71
    brwneyes71 Posts: 89 Member
    I don't see this as eating out advice. This is nothing new. This is cruel. We are all here to support each other not tear or break each other down. I don't find anything humours about this at all. This just makes someone not want to go out and eat. I think you should have chosen your words better or maybe your title diffrent. But this is just my thoughts. Just don't think this is funny in anyway. Losing weight is hard enough all by itself.
  • jerren
    jerren Posts: 196
    I'll tell you what more fun. Lets guess where you work.

    I'm going to say either Outback or Red Robins. Or one of those places that serve the hamburger where it has 2 grilled cheese sanwhiches as its bun.
    I'm going to say Olive Garden, considering her moniker is olivegardenwaitress. :tongue:

    LMAO. you know what. I just looked up and saw that.

    Everybody is free to point and laugh at me now.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I'll tell you what more fun. Lets guess where you work.

    I'm going to say either Outback or Red Robins. Or one of those places that serve the hamburger where it has 2 grilled cheese sanwhiches as its bun.
    I'm going to say Olive Garden, considering her moniker is olivegardenwaitress. :tongue:

    SNAP !
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Sorry but I also found this post insulting. I know you meant it in fun, but it rubbed me the wrong way.

    I never drink pop at all (diet or regular) ever since i cut it out of my diet 4 years ago.

    That being said, who's to say that someone (whether they are 100, 200, 300, or 500 lbs) who says "I don't usually do this but i'm going to go all out tonight" hasn't been watching what they are eating, and for all you know they may have already lost 100lbs or more. This may indeed be a treat night for them. I try not to make judgments of people because i don't know their backstory.

    I always try to order wholewheat pasta if i least that way i am getting more nutrients from the meal, even if it is high calorie.
  • Anything is easier if you have a good sense of humor about it. Geez. I swear everyone justs WANTS to have a chip on their shoulder... And my post is not "cruel". If I were skinny, it might be cruel. And furthermore, as fat people, I can assume that we have all been the brunt of some truly "cruel" actions. Hmph...
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    It's not even so much that I'm insulted for me, as a person. I just feel like this post goes against so much support on the site.

    It kind of screams (and I don't think this was your intention) that if you are bigger and want to eat out then you should eat the fattiest thing on the menu because that's what is expected of you. I just think it sends the wrong messages.
  • oh and the "that's coming out of their tip" comment... classic. OHHHHH NOOOOO! oh please, please, please tip me!!! I want your $2.50, I need that money!! I take back everything I said!! In fact, you're the skinniest, most lean, trim, ripped person I've ever seen!! You can have all the alfredo sauce and chocolate cake that you want! Just please, please, please tip me!! If you don't, my power is going to be turned off, and I'm going to be evicted! All because I didn't get your 2 bucks! My life is over!!
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
    I used to work at a "finer" restaurant that had you bring over the tray of desserts to show people, you know, desserts that have plastic ice cream on top of the real apple pie so it looks a la mode, well, if I had a dollar for every time someone said, "THose are all low cal right?" And then proceed to laugh-hehehehe, oh yawn, let's just all agree to stop doing that okay?
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    oh and the "that's coming out of their tip" comment... classic. OHHHHH NOOOOO! oh please, please, please tip me!!! I want your $2.50, I need that money!! I take back everything I said!! In fact, you're the skinniest, most lean, trim, ripped person I've ever seen!! You can have all the alfredo sauce and chocolate cake that you want! Just please, please, please tip me!! If you don't, my power is going to be turned off, and I'm going to be evicted! All because I didn't get your 2 bucks! My life is over!!

    WOW !! I was kidding. Just like you were. Right?
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