What do your kitchen counters say about you?



  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Small counter space between fridge and stove contains the most clutter: Knife block, tall sealed pasta jar, recipes I'm planning on using in the next couple of weeks and grocery list with a couple pens handy.

    Medium counter space between stove and sink: small pile of oven mits/pot holders, trivel, spoon rest, microwave, cofee maker, sugar and coffee containers

    Large counter space between sink and main entrance: dirty dish, a couple plant pots I need to clean out and put away, a couple 2 liters of soda for Hubs, bananas and potatoes. And a box of emergenC

    I guess this says I'm a planner (recipes/grocery list) but also a procrastinator and only semi-organized. :)