Grains are the devil



  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Ok so I was watching this documenttary on the best possible diet for a human to consume, and this guy was saying that grains in general are not meant for human consumption especially in the amounts we eat them in. Basucally he said that not only are they high in carbs, which in excess cause fat, but contain chemicals called phylates (i believe thats what it is) that actuall block absorption of other good nutriens like fiber, iron, magnesium copper and antioxidants. so eating oatmeal is actually bad for you. So when they say whole grain and good cereal grains and all that its really not good at all. What does everyone think of this?

    Um, dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of plants. So how do whole grains block absorption of something that by definition isn't absorbed?
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I call bull****! eating dead flesh is so much better right? When you hear of someone that has such an all or nothing ideation beware.

    LOL yup.

    Since you just called meat "dead flesh" I'm assuming you're vegan and have an all or nothing attitude about animal products?

    I call the meat I eat "cow meat" or "cooked flesh" or "dead chicken". It's fun to call it that.
  • tkcasta
    tkcasta Posts: 405 Member
    That is true, civilization is probably a good thing. However says the man on the TV. In the vast timeline of human existence, grain based argiculture has only been practiced for .01%. Just before that was a peak in our species brain developement and since we rely on grains in much of our food, our brain development has stagnated. I guess some anthropologists possited that out diet of high protein and forraged goods helped evolve our brains and now we have less variety, making our brains kind of lazy on the advancements. So if we stop eating grains its only a matter of time before telekinesis...ha

    I would also like to point out that there are many anthropologists on the other side of the table. They believe that greater food supply (of course grains a a biggie) means better nutrition - especially prenatal - causes better growth and development of our brains. Granted one could argue that any abundance of food could do this, but grains are easily grown and harvestable. Also, the protein aspect is probably more important in that hunting evolved and that equals better nutrition.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    Just remember to limit your oxygen intake. Too much can kill you!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Ok so I was watching this documenttary on the best possible diet for a human to consume, and this guy was saying that grains in general are not meant for human consumption especially in the amounts we eat them in. Basucally he said that not only are they high in carbs, which in excess cause fat, but contain chemicals called phylates (i believe thats what it is) that actuall block absorption of other good nutriens like fiber, iron, magnesium copper and antioxidants. so eating oatmeal is actually bad for you. So when they say whole grain and good cereal grains and all that its really not good at all. What does everyone think of this?

    Absolute nonsense and needlessly demonizes an entire food group that humans have been consuming for thousands of years.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    I do, like, 3 second on, 3 second off, intermittent oxygen fasting. I highly recommend it!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Ok so I was watching this documenttary on the best possible diet for a human to consume, and this guy was saying that grains in general are not meant for human consumption especially in the amounts we eat them in. Basucally he said that not only are they high in carbs, which in excess cause fat, but contain chemicals called phylates (i believe thats what it is) that actuall block absorption of other good nutriens like fiber, iron, magnesium copper and antioxidants. so eating oatmeal is actually bad for you. So when they say whole grain and good cereal grains and all that its really not good at all. What does everyone think of this?

    Um, dietary fiber is the indigestible portion of plants. So how do whole grains block absorption of something that by definition isn't absorbed?
    Sounds pretty suspect doesn't it. I haven't dug deep I admit. But I've also heard lack of carbs can lead to cognative problems (a few studies I've read on google scholar). Sure they were short studies which made me think what are the long term effects after an adjustment period...but then people throw out stuff like that and it makes me want to eat popcorn 'cause I'm smart enough to pick up on how funny it sounds...but then...the carbs.

    There seems to be some science in the whole paleo thing for example but then you get people arguing for it with things like the above OP has found and it just makes me think, maybe not.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    I do, like, 3 second on, 3 second off, intermittent oxygen fasting. I highly recommend it!


    thanks, i'll try that!
    i went lowOx for awhile...didnt help.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    I do, like, 3 second on, 3 second off, intermittent oxygen fasting. I highly recommend it!

    At night, my husband uses the 5:2 IF method. Breathes 5 minutes, stops for 2. The huge gulp of re-intake often wakes me up.
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I think you shouldn't believe everything you see on television.

    Pretty much every type of food out there has been "proven" to be
    bad for you....

    I eat what I want.
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    I do, like, 3 second on, 3 second off, intermittent oxygen fasting. I highly recommend it!


    thanks, i'll try that!
    i went lowOx for awhile...didnt help.

    Nooooo...the OxFlu makes me listless and then, sadly, dead.
  • Sarahmeridith
    Sarahmeridith Posts: 298 Member
    I love grains.... Especially wheat flour based items... But gluten and my body don't like each other so I guess for me they are evil
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    :sick: I just ate 570 calories worth of cornbread...clearly I'm doing it wrong. (Followed that up with 90 g of fiber one and a pint of ice cream):sick:

    Edited for typo
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    I believe that documentaries are made for a given point of view, and they attempt to support that point of view despite evidence. Omission of critical information. I think almost everyone will agree that fiber is good for most people

    From web MD the top sources of fiber are:

    1. Beans. Think three-bean salad, bean burritos, chili, soup.

    2. Whole grains. That means whole-wheat bread, pasta, etc.

    3. Brown rice. White rice doesn't offer much fiber.

    4. Popcorn. It's a great source of fiber.

    5. Nuts. Almonds, pecans, and walnuts have more fiber than other nuts.

    6. Baked potato with skin. It's the skin that's important here.

    7. Berries. All those seeds, plus the skin, give great fiber to any berry.

    8. Bran cereal. Actually, any cereal that has 5 grams of fiber or more in a serving counts as high fiber.

    9. Oatmeal

    like all things grains in moderation has many benefits. And personally I like oat meal.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    We also need to watch out for Dihydrogen Monoxide! The FDA doesn't even seem to CARE about this deadly compound!
  • kimbtaylor1
    kimbtaylor1 Posts: 210 Member
    Ok so I was watching this documenttary on the best possible diet for a human to consume, and this guy was saying that grains in general are not meant for human consumption especially in the amounts we eat them in. Basucally he said that not only are they high in carbs, which in excess cause fat, but contain chemicals called phylates (i believe thats what it is) that actuall block absorption of other good nutriens like fiber, iron, magnesium copper and antioxidants. so eating oatmeal is actually bad for you. So when they say whole grain and good cereal grains and all that its really not good at all. What does everyone think of this?

    This is was talking about human evolution if I remember it correctly. It is very similar to the Paleo diet. Meaning the first humans didn't eat grains...not for a long while anyways. They were hunters and ate the meat from their catch.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I tend to stay away from food documentaries due to crap like that.
    As another said they only give one side. No thanks.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    Here is a pretty good overview of the arguments for and against grains:

    Personally, I think the arguments against grains are just another fad. There are probably some good points regarding processing techniques, gluten allergies, etc., but it kind of sounds like yet another attempt to locate the magic bullet of weight loss. Give it a couple of months and there will be a new diet boogeyman.
  • colleya2
    colleya2 Posts: 6
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    Hahahaha love it !!!! ;)))