Grains are the devil



  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    Oxygen can be pretty bad for you too. I'm surprised people haven't stopped breathing...

    i did.

    i did a 7 minute oxygen fast.

    it didnt go well. after only 3 minutes i started to turn a shade of the 5 minute mark i was dizzy. i dont remember the 7 minute mark, but thats how long the doctor told me i was without oxygen.

    i went back to breathing. it seems safer than the alternative.

    I do, like, 3 second on, 3 second off, intermittent oxygen fasting. I highly recommend it!


    thanks, i'll try that!
    i went lowOx for awhile...didnt help.

    Nooooo...the OxFlu makes me listless and then, sadly, dead.

    That's so sad, I've had fantastic results, and only a few side effects (you know; fainting and then death)
  • Binkie1955
    Binkie1955 Posts: 329 Member

    is this the film you mean? I saw it too. seemed pretty credible and consistent with other stuff I've read.
  • MsJulielicious
    MsJulielicious Posts: 708 Member
    Grains are going to get you. Grains are going to get you. Not another peep. Time to go to sleep.

  • Fithealthyforlife
    Fithealthyforlife Posts: 866 Member
    We also need to watch out for Dihydrogen Monoxide! The FDA doesn't even seem to CARE about this deadly compound!

    I feel like I'm drowning.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Every food is bad for you.

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    Anyone will believe a documentary provided it has scary music in the background, sounds scientific, and has at least SOME truth to it, albeit misrepresented.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Grains are not really the devil i suppose, they have carbs which gives energy, I guess its just about excess. What trips me out are the phylates that block absorption of good stuff. I didnt even know those were a thing
    Grains "pros" outweigh the "cons". And phytic acid isn't as bad as you're making it sound.

    Antinutrients found in grains include digestive enzyme (protease and amylase) inhibitors, phytic acid, hemagglutinins, phenolic compounds, and tannins. Protease inhibitors, phytic acid, phenolic compounds, and saponins were shown to reduce the risk for cancers of the colon and breast in animals. Phytic acid, lectins, phenolic compounds, amylase inhibitors, and saponins were also shown to lower one or more of the following substances in plasma: glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triacylglycerol (13).

    In grains, protease inhibitors make up 5–10% of the water-soluble protein and are concentrated in the endosperm and embryo. According to Wattenberg (26), protease inhibitors have inhibitory actions including both suppression of the expression of neoplasia in cells already exposed to a carcinogenic agent and inhibition of tumor promotion.

    Hear both sides of the story then make you own decision if grains are for you or not.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Also noting that the majority of Asian cultures consume rice. And there's a damn lot of us running around.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 1longroad
    1longroad Posts: 642 Member

    Must be why my pancakes look like this.

  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    Hee hee hee - oxygen fasting! Love it!
    BTW - I thought if it was on tv or the internet it MUST be true!!!
  • lonjlehr
    lonjlehr Posts: 11
    yep thats the one
  • lonjlehr
    lonjlehr Posts: 11
    Grains are not really the devil i suppose, they have carbs which gives energy, I guess its just about excess. What trips me out are the phylates that block absorption of good stuff. I didnt even know those were a thing
    Grains "pros" outweigh the "cons". And phytic acid isn't as bad as you're making it sound.

    Antinutrients found in grains include digestive enzyme (protease and amylase) inhibitors, phytic acid, hemagglutinins, phenolic compounds, and tannins. Protease inhibitors, phytic acid, phenolic compounds, and saponins were shown to reduce the risk for cancers of the colon and breast in animals. Phytic acid, lectins, phenolic compounds, amylase inhibitors, and saponins were also shown to lower one or more of the following substances in plasma: glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triacylglycerol (13).

    In grains, protease inhibitors make up 5–10% of the water-soluble protein and are concentrated in the endosperm and embryo. According to Wattenberg (26), protease inhibitors have inhibitory actions including both suppression of the expression of neoplasia in cells already exposed to a carcinogenic agent and inhibition of tumor promotion.

    Hear both sides of the story then make you own decision if grains are for you or not.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Once again its not how I am making it sound. I dont believe the documentary. I ate bread today, and some tiger shrimp ravioli (thats pasta, made from grains) for dinner. I do not agree with the film. I know documentaries are one sided. Be a crafty consumer, come to your own conclusions. I was just wondering how people felt about what the film said. I didnt know about phylates (now I do) and wanted more info.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Oh, look another person who watched a documentary put on by biased parties and now suddenly knows everything. Tell me more of the error of my ways, please! :noway:
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Grains are not really the devil i suppose, they have carbs which gives energy, I guess its just about excess. What trips me out are the phylates that block absorption of good stuff. I didnt even know those were a thing

    You mean phytates.

    And unless you eat ONLY grains they are not an issue - phytate-binding deficiencies are only observed in very poor diets, usually in "third" world countries.

    They are a thing.

    Now google Lactoferrin.

    Another thing. A binding and transport thing.

    Oxalate? A thing that blocks other things.

    Alcohol is a thing too, and it blocks all the same things.

    Don't worry about it - eat food.
  • CrankMeUp
    CrankMeUp Posts: 2,860 Member
    Excess is the devil.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    That is true, civilization is probably a good thing. However says the man on the TV. In the vast timeline of human existence, grain based argiculture has only been practiced for .01%. Just before that was a peak in our species brain developement and since we rely on grains in much of our food, our brain development has stagnated. I guess some anthropologists possited that out diet of high protein and forraged goods helped evolve our brains and now we have less variety, making our brains kind of lazy on the advancements. So if we stop eating grains its only a matter of time before telekinesis...ha

    ^^ That is hilarious!

  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Between this and everything I've read in the forums lately about the evils of fruit, I'm starting to suspect a conspiracy.

  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Between this and everything I've read in the forums lately about the evils of fruit, I'm starting to suspect a conspiracy.



  • MonsterToBe
    MonsterToBe Posts: 244 Member

    This is specifically addressing the claims of paleo proponents from a scientific standpoint, but as grains-as-devil is part of the paleo stance I thought it appropriate to post here.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    Grains are the devil! Look at what they've done to our bananas!