What's your favourite way to exercise/work out?



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Golfing while pulling clubs and walking! I am on a streak at the moment. So far I have golfed at least 18 holes (twice I have done 27 holes) 5 days in a row. Weather permitting I hope to make it 10 days. Tomorrow I am golfing in the morning and after dinner. Did I mention I love to golf. LOL
  • AmyBecky74
    AmyBecky74 Posts: 437 Member
    Walking. I put my music on and go.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited August 2017
    AnvilHead wrote: »
    jjpptt2 wrote: »
    I'm enjoying running for it's cheapness(&limited commute) right now, but dancing would be my ideal. :)I am a ballet teacher and I'm going to give some unsolicited advice to the OP: Don't wait to sign up for ballet. Most of it can be modified, and few adult classes make you wear a leotard& tights. Unless you are saving it up as a reward, sign up for a progressive beginner class now, as enrollment should be starting soon for most studios. It's a ton of hard work- you'll really feel it.

    Running is cheap?! :noway: :laugh:

    Yep. Compared to cycling, it's basically free.

    $300 for shoes every year... vs $200 for a bike...

    And yeah, I know you could spend more for a bike, but you can spend more for shoes too..

    For the casual athlete, biking is less expensive.

    What can you get (except maybe an older road bike) for $200?

    I like them both equally, I can't ride outside all year 'round (I'm not one of those crazy Canucks that rides outside when it's -40) but I can, ad do, run winter & summer.

    Walmart, Target, etc Lasts 12-18 months.

    People who would ride a $200 bicycle would probably also buy $2 flip-flops for running.

    I would ride a $200 bicycle. and I wear $120 sneakers.

    I rode a $95 bicycle for a year in Afghanistan, put $20 in parts into it, and sold it for $75 when I left.

    You can, and I have ridden a $200 bike...it was fine for the occasional ride...it sucked when I started riding daily. Kind of like you could probably get away with some cheap runners from a big box store if you only run occasionally...but if you're running daily, you'd want something more.

    I sucked it up for about 6 months with my $200 beater because I wanted to make sure I was really into the whole cycling thing before I made a bigger investment. My first entry level bike from a shop ran me about $900...my shoes were around $100...cycling shorts around $60-$80 depending and you need multiple pair...and shorts aren't anything you want to get too cheap with when you're putting in mileage...they also have to be replaced annually when the chamois wears out. Decent Jerseys will run you around $60-$80 as well...and cheap jerseys aren't very comfortable.

    I would consider myself to be a casual/recreational athlete and cycling enthusiast...it's expensive. My current road bike is a middle of the road carbon bike and ran me about $2,500.

    My trainer who races competitively (I only do it for fun) has a bike that is over $10K...he's a retired pro though...
  • ironhajee
    ironhajee Posts: 384 Member
    Mixology has the best recipes
