so scared!!



  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    Well LOLZ there's like a reason that they say to eat minus 500 from TDEE, and not minus 2000.

    While this is true, the more likely reason is still underestimation in this particular case. Most people will steadfastly deny that's possible, but people these days really have little clue what the counted portions will look like on their plate. With individuals at such a starting weight it's RARELY possible to go into starvation mode. Some doctors will actually per scribe around 500 calorie a day diets in extreme cases, "starvation mode" is so overused, people fall into this buzzword mentality too often.

    Buzzwords don't cause a lack of appetite but starvation can and does. Oh, and if one is in a calorie deficit mode of 2000 on a regular basis, would you like to know what that does to one's cognitive skills (i.e. brain function)? Could I have the names of the doctors who prescribe the 500 calorie diets you mentioned? I'd like to notify the AMA. Go ahead, I'll wait.
  • so every time I exercise, I get stuck around this weight I'm currently at 345-347...

    Now 2 weeks ago, I went out of town, ended up gaining a bunch of weight
    anywho, ended up coming back, doing hip hop abs, eating clean and lost 9-11lbs in a week....which put me at 346.

    I'm exercising 5-6 times a week...eating clean/paleo/better
    and while I know I'm working hard, I'm just scared...I just passed my scale and weighed myself and ballooned to 348.

    Idk...I guess I just want to vent. But is there anything I should do differently this week u think?

    Okay. First things first, you have a lot of weight to lose, so the numbers (so to speak) are on your side really. Your body has a load of excess adipose tissue to give up and it will do so willingly to get you down towards your true natural weight if you approach this whole venture in a measured and sensible way.

    Secondly your diet is too boring and that's why when you went out of town it all went to pot. (PS I'm using 'diet' in the dictionary sense of the word - what you put in your mouth - not what people seem to think it is, which is deprivation and permanent hunger). If you can't go out of town/meet up with friends/take a vacation without blowing it all out, then your diet is not fit for purpose. This is not a matter of willpower or motivation.

    My rules are simple. They may not work for everyone.

    Rule number one: only eat what you like. Do not force yourself to eat 'diet' foods that you don't like. You've lost your appetite because your taste buds are bored. They are geared to thrive on variety.

    Rule number two: work on portion control. This is often a big deal for most people and where they fall short. It's easy to 'go on a diet' and cut most things out, but when you reintroduce them then you balloon in size again, mainly because, for example you haven't learned that it is possible to eat one slice of pizza with well-prepared veggies and be full, rather than the whole thing. If you can't imagine adhering to your current diet for ever more, then it is not fit for purpose (I sound like groundhog day!)

    Rule number three: move more. Your BMR and TDEE must be huge! Make the most of them. Any exercise at your weight will generate calorie burns that I can only dream of. For example, if you have a sedentary job and never exercise, commit to something simple like walking 30mins a day (around the block, etc). Or if you are at a gym, the elliptical is very easy on the joints.

    Rule number four: decide on an acceptable caloric deficit that you can adhere to for the months and years to come. You are NOWHERE near in danger of going into starvation mode, but if you choose to eat at a too large deficit, you might feel permanently deprived and hungry, derail and start binging on all the things you have refused yourself.

    If you want initial rapid weight loss to give you a high and a sense of achievement then you can aim for a larger deficit - but I would advise using a combination of moderate caloric restriction and exercise to generate it. If you like to eat more, then go for a smaller deficit and do more activities. Having said that, eating 2000-2400 (which is a fair bit of food) will probably generate a large deficit for you anyway so please don't go down the 1200 pathway which seems to be the crazy flavour of the month in these parts.

    By the way, all the numbers you quote are well within the scale margin of error. 346, 348; all the same. I would not be focusing on single pounds lost. Tidy up your diet and get comfortable with that, weigh in monthly at most. You want to be seeing your weight drop in 5 to 10 pound allotments. Single pounds...don't count. You might have been more dehydrated that morning or done a big poo or something :laugh:
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    First, put the scale away. It's an evil, lying *kitten*.

    Yep. I have finally come to believe that this ^ is absolutely true!
    Has taken 18 months to accept it though, lol.
  • Well LOLZ there's like a reason that they say to eat minus 500 from TDEE, and not minus 2000.

    While this is true, the more likely reason is still underestimation in this particular case. Most people will steadfastly deny that's possible, but people these days really have little clue what the counted portions will look like on their plate. With individuals at such a starting weight it's RARELY possible to go into starvation mode. Some doctors will actually per scribe around 500 calorie a day diets in extreme cases, "starvation mode" is so overused, people fall into this buzzword mentality too often.
    right, I agree with you, she's not going into starvation mode and is probably mis- counting cals by a landslide.
    I still think a lower deficit is better to not let a person be so hungry and out of their element that they binge or outright lie about what they consume
    I agree with this.
    We also know - there's research out there - that people underestimate by a good 25-30%. The flip side of this is that we can probably lose weight eating more than the numbers say. If you're really keen on getting this right, a food scale is your greatest weapon. I don't use one but I know that every week my box of cereal ends up about 50-100g short :laugh: Also people tend to forget bits of food they had here and there which really add up. If you have a smartphone/portable device, the app is your friend.
  • lighteningjeanne855
    lighteningjeanne855 Posts: 566 Member
    What/how do you eat, dear? Are you at least 80% Paleo. If so, stay away from the scale; it lies! "Give it away!" the paleo doctors advise! You are gaining muscle from your workouts, and muscle weighs more than fat! Drink a lot of water. Go read about Paleo; just put it into the search box for reading material, or do the same on youTube.
  • You are gaining muscle from your workouts, and muscle weighs more than fat!

    I'm choosing to ignore the chat about Paleo as I think it's just another fad but each to their own. But the above is manifestly not the case for the OP, If she is eating at a caloric deficit the best she can hope for is not to lose too much muscle mass (and some exercises are better at preserving LBM than others. NO WAY is the OP building any muscle, let alone enough to register on the scale. It is probably mostly water retention/bloating/constipation or whatever. Also, you would expect, given that most paleo adherents end up eating relatively low carb, that the OP's glycogen stores will be low so she is probably actually seeing smaller weights on the scale than her true weight.
  • kgainez23
    kgainez23 Posts: 38
    I only recently found out what paleo was.

    To be honest, I'm eating 'cleanish'...not doing a lot of processed foods, not doing a ton of carbs like pasta/rice, not eating corn or potatoes. just mainly meat (minus pork) and green veggies. I just heard/understood that was relatively close to what paleo was.

    I appreciate you alls help tho! I really do.

    The reason I eat so little is because some days, I can seriously eat the 1200 calories and feel fine. I don't think I'm in 'starvation mode' or whatever.
    I was at about 1000 today until I decided to indulge in some Wendy's (which wasn't even worth it).

    So I'm not sure. I guess I'm just going to continue to wait it.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    I only recently found out what paleo was.

    To be honest, I'm eating 'cleanish'...not doing a lot of processed foods, not doing a ton of carbs like pasta/rice, not eating corn or potatoes. just mainly meat (minus pork) and green veggies. I just heard/understood that was relatively close to what paleo was.

    I appreciate you alls help tho! I really do.

    The reason I eat so little is because some days, I can seriously eat the 1200 calories and feel fine. I don't think I'm in 'starvation mode' or whatever.
    I was at about 1000 today until I decided to indulge in some Wendy's (which wasn't even worth it).

    So I'm not sure. I guess I'm just going to continue to wait it.
    do you weigh your food, and track oils cooked with?