Contacts... Yay or Nay?

impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
So I was thinking of finally getting rid of my glasses and switching to contacts...was wondering if anyone out there who wears em already has anything good / bad to say about them.


  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    I tried them, but my eyes were too dry - they were so uncomfortable. I hated wearing glasses and was always losing or breaking them, so 9 years ago I got LASIK surgery. I've had perfect vision ever since and I love it!
  • mounty89
    mounty89 Posts: 41
    Big yay!

    Been wearing them for about 5 years now and i won't ever go back to glasses. I started off with the daily disposable ones which are very good for a beginner. The monthly ones which i have now are ok but by the end of the month they can feel a little bit dry.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I wear contacts 99% of the time. I am near-sighted and have tried in the past working out while wearing my glasses. It just didn't work for me. They'd fog up, constantly slip off my sweaty face. I don't have this problem with my contacts.
    Oh and I wanted to add, I don't sleep with them in and I do take a day occasionally where I don't wear them at all and just use my glasses.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    I wear both, I am VERY short sighted and have hard gas permeable lenses, which take a long time to get used to. It is so much easier/more comfortable working out in contacts, don't know what I'd do without them! I do like having the option to switch it up though, and if my eyes get tired or gritty I stick my glasses on (or if I fancy looking nerdy :laugh: )
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I absolutely loved my contacts until I needed multiple focals. After that I quit wearing them.
  • Wilhellmina
    Wilhellmina Posts: 757 Member
    That differs per person. I got glasses which I wear for watching tv, but when I am out I got contacts. I don't feel them at all, which made me forget to take them off a couple of times. But there are people who can't stand them. I think you really should go to an opticien and see if you are suitable to wear them in the first place and then just try if you like it or not.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    Love them, and this is me speaking as someone who has a massive phobia of eyes lol. Last year I decided to suck it up and make myself do it, and now I love wearing lenses, it's great to be able to wear regular sunnies and just stick them on top of my head when I go into a shop rather than having to switch glasses every time. It's also great for exercising because you don't get sweaty specs slippage! I do still wear glasses, when I started out with lenses I maybe wore them 1-2 days a week, now it's more like glasses 1-2 days a week. But i also work in an opticians so get to have lots of different funky glasses, so I can't go entirely without them!
  • IbiH
    IbiH Posts: 250 Member
    Been wearing contacts for 24 years, now I wear them for vanity and sunny weather (so I can wear my selection of sunglasses).

    I have daily disposable ones, now I know buy 2/3 boxes a year.

    Also great in winter when walking into bars, they don't steam up!!!
  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    get a free sample of dailies, to try out.
    Ive worn contacts for over 30 years, its also nice to chill in glasses last thing at night and, have them to put on first
    thing in the morning :)
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    I use both. There are some days when I can face putting my finger near my eye so need to have my glasses as an alternative.
  • mlfrailing
    mlfrailing Posts: 79
    I have been wearing them for 35 years. Nothing to fog up, get dirty... Can wear cheap sunglasses or safety glasses. You can dive with a regular mask.

    Bad, you have to clean them once in a while.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Good question for me coincidentally. I just lost my glasses somehow in a restaurant or other place in public so they are long gone. I wore them for quite awhile and didn't mind glasses but they got dirty and its a pain when taking pictures... I look better without.

    I'm going to schedule an appointment and make the jump to contacts. I really wish I could live without but my vision is terrible when looking far away. It's rather weird as most people I know have problems reading or seeing things up close but I can just fine... It's far away that is a nightmare. Reading street signs is an absolute nightmare.
  • never worn glasses (except shades), went straight to lenses 25 years ago... wear them all day everyday and only ever had 1 problem when i slept with them in after a drunken night out and thats when the lenses were a lot drier than they are these days. Personally I prefer dailies, dont have to worry about cleaning them, tearing them, losing them, eyesight changing etc - but they obviously cost a bit more.
  • impudentputz
    impudentputz Posts: 479 Member
    Thanks for the responses guys, just getting tired of my glasses and wanted to know if contacts would be a better alternative.

    Again, thanks :drinker:
  • alyngard
    alyngard Posts: 103
    I've been wearing contacts for 10+ years, I love them!!! I have an astigmatism in each eye so I can't get laser surgery, but they are a good alternative. I have the monthly ones that I take out and clean each night, but it's really not a hassle. I also have a pair of glasses that I generally wear around the house in the evenings, or when I wake up in the a.m. before I actually get up and get ready for the day. The only issues I have is that if I wear them for more than 8 hours my eyes do tend to get dry, or if I take a nap in them they are super dry when I wake up, but I just got some lubricating eye drops for that. Oh and the occasional time when I take them off when I'm tired and switch the left/right, so when I wake up in the morning and put them in, I wonder why I can't see!! haha

    That's really it though. As I said, I think they're great, but they are probably not for everyone and they do take about a week or two to get used to, after that, you really don't feel them. Also, depending on what the issue is with your eyes, you may not be able to get them. I guess your eye doc would know that though.
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I've worn contacts since I was 14. Total life changer for me as I outright refused to wear my glasses. Cue years of missing the bus home from school as I couldn't read the info on the front & waving at random ppl I didn't know. Oops! I find contacts awesome for swimming as I wouldn't be able to see the end of the pool without them. Only downsides the horror when they roll up to the top of your eye ball. Occasionally split Ouch! & others have said. The "miracle" when you wake up in them the next day after a night out & think you can see lol. Definitely book a free trial & give them a go.
  • worldsbestauntie
    worldsbestauntie Posts: 280 Member
    I wear contacts. I much prefer them over contacts. No specific reason I just do.
  • 2stepscloser
    2stepscloser Posts: 2,900 Member
    I love them :). It will definitely take some getting used to if you've never worn contacts before. My eyes are super sensitive to light so I only wear my glasses on cloudy days. I could get prescription sunglasses but I guess I'm too lazy to switch back and forth.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
  • adlace
    adlace Posts: 375 Member
    squeamish about touching your own eye? or having something in your eye? If so, then no. You will only frustrate yourself. But give 'em try. Eye exams are good no matter what the reason and you don't have to go all out right away. Get the trials and see how they feel and and say something to your eye doc if they feel weird. So many different brands out there that you are bound to find a comfy one.

    Just do what the doc says. see lots off folks with corneal issues cuz they don't wear them the recommended way.