Forks over knives? New here



  • Jacsprat2014
    Jacsprat2014 Posts: 16 Member
    China–Cornell–Oxford Project
    The China–Cornell–Oxford Project was a large observational study conducted throughout the 1980s in rural China, jointly funded by Cornell University, the University of Oxford, and the government of China.[1] In May 1990, The New York Times termed the study "the Grand Prix of epidemiology".[2]

    The first two major studies were led by T. Colin Campbell, professor of nutritional biochemistry at Cornell, who summarized the results in his book, The China Study (2004). Other lead researchers were Chen Junshi, Deputy Director of Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine in Beijing, Richard Peto of the University of Oxford, and Li Junyao of the China Cancer Institute.[3]

    The study examined the diets, lifestyle, and disease characteristics of 6,500 people in 65 rural Chinese counties, comparing the prevalence of disease characteristics, excluding causes of death such as accidents.[4]
  • fullylugged
    fullylugged Posts: 67 Member
    edited August 2017
    Jacsprat: Have you followed "The Engine 2" page on FaceBoook? Lots of good ideas there (Rip Esselstyn, vegan tri athlete and fireman.) Son of the author. Susan Voisin ( has delicious recipes that we use often.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Frim Wikipedia. Campbell was one of the directors.
    The book is loosely based on the China–Cornell–Oxford Project, a 20-year study—described by The New York Times as "the Grand Prix of epidemiology"—conducted by the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, Cornell University, and the University of Oxford. T. Colin Campbell was one of the study's directors.[8] It looked at mortality rates from cancer and other chronic diseases from 1973–75 in 65 counties in China; the data was correlated with 1983–84 dietary surveys and blood work from 100 people in each county.

    Wikipedia is far from a reliable source but I notice you cut out that bit that supports your belief.

    Just under that cut out is some of the sources debunking it.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member

    It took a month to pull together all the sources in the China study book.

    Denise Minger does a fantastic job of looking at the data without bias.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed foods so Flora spread for example or vegan butter, cheeses etc are not recommended.
    This is contraversial because it attacks the dairy industry and the US and UK gmt prefer we don't know the truth about this so people are always trying to throw it into disrepute.
    Have a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited August 2017
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed fo

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed foods so Flora spread for example or vegan butter, cheeses etc are not recommended.
    This is contraversial because it attacks the dairy industry and the US and UK gmt prefer we don't know the truth about this so people are always trying to throw it into disrepute.
    Have a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...

    I'm so sorry you lost your friend.
  • fullylugged
    fullylugged Posts: 67 Member
    edited August 2017
    SLLeak: No, you mis-quote the copy paste. No one says plants are the "only" diet that can reverse cancer. And it's actually heart disease, not cancer ("Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease" by Caldwell Esselstyn). A plant based diet is correlated with a lower incidence of certain cancers. But do what you want. I have many cross-fitter, paleo, supplement taking friends that don't eat plants.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    edited August 2017
    SLLeak: No, you mis-quote the copy paste. No one says plants are the "only" diet that can reverse cancer. And it's actually heart disease, not cancer ("Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease" by Caldwell Esselstyn). A plant based diet is correlated with a lower incidence of certain cancers. But do what you want. I have many cross-fitter, paleo, supplement taking friends that don't eat plants.

    No-one is against plant based diets here, we are against the *kitten* that it can reverse cancer etc or that it is any better for you than a balanced diet that includes animal sources.

    A plant based diet can be healthy or unhealthy as can an animal products based diet.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed fo

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed foods so Flora spread for example or vegan butter, cheeses etc are not recommended.
    This is contraversial because it attacks the dairy industry and the US and UK gmt prefer we don't know the truth about this so people are always trying to throw it into disrepute.
    Have a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...

    I'm so sorry you lost your friend.

    Thank you, she was one of the best!
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    SLLeak: No, you mis-quote the copy paste. No one says plants are the "only" diet that can reverse cancer. And it's actually heart disease, not cancer ("Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease" by Caldwell Esselstyn). A plant based diet is correlated with a lower incidence of certain cancers. But do what you want. I have many cross-fitter, paleo, supplement taking friends that don't eat plants.

    I didn't misquote anything, and you are the one that has totally misunderstood what I was saying. I didn't say that she said that plants are the "only diet". I said "eating only"... you misread what I wrote. The poster said, and I quote: They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.

    No food, in any combination, plant or animal based "reverses" cancer. I have nothing against plant-based diets, I have vegetarian friends, some of whom are healthy some of whom are obese. What I do have something against is when someone says eating something (anything) can "reverse" cancer. If that was true, we'd all know about it.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed foods so Flora spread for example or vegan butter, cheeses etc are not recommended.
    This is contraversial because it attacks the dairy industry and the US and UK gmt prefer we don't know the truth about this so people are always trying to throw it into disrepute.
    Have a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...

    Just have a look for yourself at The China study and decide what you think. That's what I am trying to do.

    I don't need to read a load of hand-picked tosh to know for a fact that eating only certain foods will NOT cure cancer. Don't you think, just using common sense, that if there was ANY SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE that eating certain foods CURED cancer that it would be general knowledge? No-one would keep that a secret now would they? Just looking at it from a purely money-orientated point of view, don't you think that if this was the case, in the UK for example, the NHS would be handing out leaflets with a grocery list to every cancer patient to go cure themselves rather than treating them with expensive and painful chemo etc.??

    This is what is wrong with such rubbish, there are people out there who trust these "scientists" and will attempt to follow the "guidelines" and cure themselves rather than go to the doctor until it is too late.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    Forks over knives means food (forks) or correct nutrition over surgery (knives). Not salad fork against steak knife as you might expect !

    If you watch Forks over knives film on Netflix and then What the Health documentary it is clear. They are not funny so not mockumentary. They have literally tons of clinical evidence that shows that correct (whole food plant based) nutrition can keep you healthy and ward off and reverse cancer diabetes arthritis autoimmune diseases.etc.and extend your life an average of 9 years.
    Also read The China Study's (listening currently on audible app)
    This means no oil sugars or salt (except in original plant form) and very little processed foods so Flora spread for example or vegan butter, cheeses etc are not recommended.
    This is contraversial because it attacks the dairy industry and the US and UK gmt prefer we don't know the truth about this so people are always trying to throw it into disrepute.
    Have a look for yourself and make your own mind up.

    This makes me sooooo ANGRY. So, what you are saying is that there is actual clinical, peer reviewed evidence that eating only plants in the correct combination can reverse CANCER? I am pretty sure that if it was as simple as that the whole world would know about it by now and my lovely friend wouldn't have had to die in agony just last week! Please provide a link to the "TONS" of evidence so we can all spread the word...

    Just have a look for yourself at The China study and decide what you think. That's what I am trying to do.

    That's fine but have a read of the evidence against it also.
  • Jacsprat2014
    Jacsprat2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Yep I intend to research it. Thanks