Is it wrong to think...



  • AzGilrock
    AzGilrock Posts: 10 Member
    Well I'll say this. I lost around 50 lbs when I was 40 and kept the weight off for 2 years until I started playing Lord of the Rings Online. I had gotten really into cycling and that's what help me keep my weight off but after getting addicted to LOTRO I would stay up late Friday night and be too tired to get up for my early morning saturday bike ride. It gets over 100 during the summers here so if you don't go early you usually don't go. I ended up gaining all that weight back even though I fought it trying to exercise here and there for 5 years. It wasn't till I've finally quit playing that game and turned the addiction back to cycling that I'm finally making progress. I've been out of the game for over 6 months now but just got serious about the diet on July 1st. I'm down 11 lbs now and feeling great already even though I've got a long way to go. My saturday morning involves a 2.5 hr bike ride usually making about 44 miles. My riding group goes 50 miles but I get dropped after the first hour and usually shortcut a bit off the end. As much as I loved the video games I'm convinced it's hard to play any of the MMO format games as and older person and keep your weight down. I've seen some younger friends do it but all my older friends gained weight after getting hooked on the game.
  • Releven
    Releven Posts: 63 Member
    I do cook for them quite a bit actually.

    Typical scenero goes as followed. Friday I get off work between 4-6pm depending on overtime. 2-4 of them show up around that time to kick it for the weekend. If I don't have anything already prepped to cook or anything in the fridge that can feed a small army we usually go to the store to pick stuff out. 100.54% of the time they want burgers and bacon and bbq sauce, pizza, anything greasy or they just want to get fast food or order so they can log onto league and start grinding for points lol

    Let's say I do cook a good meal, I'll stick with chicken breast because I personally love it. I'll grill up and season some chicken breasts, peel and slice some homemade sweet potato fries, I'll make a sweet corn salad or maybe even do some sliced carrots. If I started this dinner at 6, it would be done about 645 or so, eat and clean up would be done around 7:30.

    10-11pm rolls around and the fat bodies are now starving! In comes the Pizza order, or wings, or a place in town delivers anything in town, you order it and they pick it up and bring it to you. So now this food just sits in the kitchen or living room buffet/pot luck style and even though i've ate, I have 60 calories left in the day, I did great for the day. Bam! 2 slices of pizza and 3-4 wings basically screwed me for the day because I cannot stop myself from eating it.

    I thought about having a policy or enforcing kinda like a "if you are gonna eat that stuff, leave and eat it at the place and then come back" so it's not sitting here tempting me and I don't have to smell it and get all crazy eyes about wanting to steal a few pieces.

    I feel that it would be a good step to helping me out.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    I have no advice for you that hasn't already been given. i just wanted to say your post really made me laugh :)
  • lilcassers
    lilcassers Posts: 163
    I agree. It is very hard with he company you keep. When I began my fitness journey a year ago, I had to switch up my routine a bit. I love all my friends and I have not given them up; however, I definitely go out with them less. Instead of going out 1-2 times a week and drinking and eating pizza, I do it 1-2 times a month. I became more balanced in my life and decided that I can cut down on those habits and still enjoy my life and my friends :)
  • hif123
    hif123 Posts: 19 Member
    I have no advice for you that hasn't already been given. i just wanted to say your post really made me laugh :)

  • rdst91
    rdst91 Posts: 8 Member
    Nope, it is so not wrong to think that. :) Next time you get a serious craving or you think you can't resist temptation-get on your phone, go onto the MPF app and just peruse. Google "weight lose success stories" and look at the images. Get a mantra or something....
  • bootsiejayne
    bootsiejayne Posts: 151 Member
    Let them eat the pizza. When you're bringing in the hot babes and they are making love to pizza, I promise the pizza won't be so appealing. :laugh:
  • Releven
    Releven Posts: 63 Member
    Let them eat the pizza. When you're bringing in the hot babes and they are making love to pizza, I promise the pizza won't be so appealing. :laugh:

    lol depends where you get the pizza from :drinker:
  • cbumbalough
    cbumbalough Posts: 142 Member
    Hilarious! Seriously though, I know what you are saying. Will power is a "B." Me and my husband tend to be co-enablers to each other. If one of us has something not good, we ever so sweetly get one for the other. :) We're trying to do better, but it's hard. I never kept junk in the house. I ate it out, but I didn't keep it at home. When I started dating hubby, he liked that stuff so I started getting it. Now, we're both trying to do better. It's very hard though. It all tastes so yummy, but I'm tired of huffing and puffing when carrying around my little toddler.

    You can do this. I guess the only thing I can tell you is what you already know. Just stick with your plan and tell the friends what you are doing. Maybe they'll want to join you.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    That my inability to stop eating bad food isn't all my fault?

    Don't get me wrong, it's clearly my fault for having terrible eating habits, what i'm getting at is the company that I keep as far as friendships clearly has an effect on how I consume my calories.

    For instance, I am almost 210 pounds my goal is 190, maybe less if it's healthy. My friends, i'd say my 5 closest friends, weight over 240+ and it's not a healthy 240, it's a lazy, playing league of legends for 18 hours a day, pizza as a meal 9 times a week, mcdonald's the other 13 meals 240 pounds. None of them care about fitness, none of them care how they look, and none of them are changing the way they eat anytime soon. So here I am trying to make a better person out of myself physically and I feel like I'm stuck in this never ending cycle of fast food temptation. I know that "will power" is the key to my success but it's really hard after eating grilled chipotle chicken breast and green beans to see that these guys have left over pepperoni pizza and not want it to make sweet love to my taste buds. I walk around the kitchen a few times, pretending to do dishes, or pretending that I need to clean stuff up or do something in that general area in order to just be around it. I want to smell it, touch it, lick it, devour it and the voices inside me are calling me to it worse than the damn smeagol guy on lord of the rings, except, I know in my heart I do not want the precious.

    I want to destroy the precious...

    But how?

    It sucks but you have to stay away from your friends for a while, maybe only hang out with them once a week because the company you keep is very important if you want to lose weight or achieve any kind of success for that matter. Stay away and focus on your health and fitness for a while, your body will be thanking you for the rest of your life.
  • CycleGuy9000
    CycleGuy9000 Posts: 290
    Let them eat the pizza. When you're bringing in the hot babes and they are making love to pizza, I promise the pizza won't be so appealing. :laugh:

    Best advice ever!
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Part of making a successful (and permanent) change to your eating habits is structuring your life to support the changes you make. While I wouldn't go so far as to say you should get rid of all your unhealthy friends, I would encourage you to find some new friends who enjoy physical activity and whose lives don't revolve around video games and fast food.

    One of the things that I have learned while losing and maintaining my loss is that you need to make changes in your environment as well as "dieting" and "exercising" in order to sustain lasting change.

    If you continue as you are, I doubt that you will be able to sustain the changes you are making, because you will not only have to work against your own negative habits, but you will have to work against the constant presence of peer pressure and temptation as well. I would suggest limiting your time with your pizza and gaming loving friends to once or twice a week to minimize the opportunities to slip back into your old habits.
  • SteelersFan7
    SteelersFan7 Posts: 217 Member

    I want to destroy the precious...

    I want to be your friend based solely on your use of this phrase. I always feel like I'm walking to Mount Doom without the ring.
    Best of luck on your journey.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Uh... I eat pizza and burgers and wings (well, boneless wings) and I'm fit, strong, healthy and pretty much at goal weight. I just make it fit.

    It's not like you're eating with them every meal of every day. I typically eat at more of a deficit during the week if I know I'm going to eat like mad on the weekend. My brother had a party this weekend, with burgers, hotdogs, brats, chips, dips, quesadilla, wings, cake, brownies, and lots of booze. I know I was under goal most days last week, so I felt zero guilt in enjoying a little bit of everything, and a lot more of some of it. Like the pudding shots.
  • cseckinger1
    My husband fried fresh fish, potatos, & okra last night. I made him go outside in the shed to fry it & would not go out there bc I didn't want the temptation. Maybe you & your buddies should come up w/something healthy to do instead of just eating junk! Maybe get them into a game of horse shoes, tennis, bowling, skating, swimming, ping pong, whatever it is they might like. Help them change their unhealthy habits bc 240 lbs. is not healthy!
  • JenSD6
    JenSD6 Posts: 454 Member
    I feel for you. It's your friends, your social life, and you don't want to cut them out. But they certainly aren't helping you when it comes to your physical health. I guess in the end it just comes to finding strength in your own self and the willpower to just say no. Or to be able to have a couple of wings or one slice and stop. Is there perhaps one you can get more onto your side of the health fence? And the two of you together can either support one another or help push the others to be a little more healthy, too?

    Side thought... buying a new, expensive keyboard helped me kill some of my habitual munching during my evening MMO'ing. Didn't want greasy fingers on the clean keys, considering what they'd done to the old one.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    it is your fault.

    I'm fully aware :) I was trying to approach it with a bit of humor, but I do know for a fact it's def not helping me any, that is my problem.

    Don't listen to opinions from females with no breasts wearing nearly empty banana hammocks and tiger stripe tattoos. I'd pluck out my eyes with a spoon and eat them on toast if I could only erase the image from my brain....
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    And if you do slip and make love to the pizza, make sure it's cooled off first. Weenie burns are the worst.
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    Pizza is pretty easy to make at home. If you know it's something they're going to end up with anyway try your hand at making up a healthier dough, fresh tomato sauce or pesto, and part skim mozzarella. You can throw on onions, mushrooms, bell peppers, various meats, etc. The best part is you know all the ingredients and can tailor it to your needs.

    My favourite is a couple tablespoons of pesto, baked or grilled chicken, loads of chopped crimini and button mushrooms, red onion, and yellow bell peppers topped with shredded mozzarella.
  • MrsKimiStar
    My family is like that!

    If you can, go take a walk at the times your tempted. Go out and do something that is not eating! Maybe start making new friends. Or take a sport you think your fat friend would like, say paint ball, and get them to get out and get some exercise without them knowing it.

    And if you have to have a slice of pizza, make sure you also eat a bowl of salad before that slice, and enjoy it!

    Loosing weight is a journey, sometimes we stumble, but don't give up!