Would like a support group to help safe my life

Hi All,
This can be like every other cry for support. In a nutshell.
I'm 35. Small bone. I have hit rock bottom in the sense. My health has taken a turn for the worse.
In the past I've gotten up early before work to go gym. I've tried to keep the weight off. But a few years ago I done my back by snezzing. From that I've now got a slipped disc /disc bulge. This year I would say every 2 months I'm bedbound for a week or two. Which is where I get depressed and over eat. I've been a size 32 waist. But I'm now 40 waist weighting at 89kg.
My doctor has told me that if I don't lose it I'll I won't be seeing my kids much longer. They are 3 and 7 months.
This is my first ever post. Hoping to get help or a group of supporters.
I never thought it would come to this.


  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    edited August 2017
    I've had back problems a few times and I know how depressing it can be. Even walking can be a problem in the beginning. I've always been lucky in that mine eventually resolves on its own. What didn't work for me was too much laying about (beyond the first couple days), or worse yet, sitting. I'm guessing that good blood circulation effects healing, although there may be more to it than that. But too much too soon also set me back a few times. I had to learn to be patient.

    How's your back today? If you're good right now I'd consider some core strengthening work to prevent reoccurrences.

    In terms of depressed mood in general, exercise makes a huge difference to my mood, as does adequate sleep. With a 3yr old and 7 month old it can be tough to get enough. How are you doing in that regard?

    I'm hoping that you're not in a rush to lose this weight, and that you're willing to treat yourself kindly throughout the process. Have you read any of the stickied posts? Here's a great one: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member

    This is a support group that can help you obtained your weight loss goals. I would also agree with the advice from a previous post about getting help from a therapist or counselor. In2015 I was air med evacuated to a hospital that could handle my disease and was diagnosed with diverticulitis to the extreme. I had emergency surgery to remove most of my guts and spent 65 days on my back in a hospital while they gave me two complete transfusions and gave my body time to recoup and adjust to an Ileostomy. So I know where your coming from as I deal with this Ostomy everyday and there is no chance of a reversal. Get some professional help for the depression and join us at the Fat2Fit Weight Loss Challenge. September registrations will be opening shorty.
    Hope this helps and looking forward to seeing in the challenge.
  • CarlydogsMom
    CarlydogsMom Posts: 645 Member
    I feel your pain. I blew four discs with one sneeze when I was 30. Sciatic nerve damage, now some of it permanent (I have drop-foot on one foot) for the past 25 years after that fateful sneeze. But it took over a year of regular, active care to overcome the outcome of The Sneeze.

    You have some work cut out for you, but I would think there is definitely hope. First, aside from seeking internet support here (which you'll find! People are great!), have you first been checked out by a trusted doctor? Get the medical help you need. You may need physical therapy in the form of traction or other methods, to relieve the pressure on your disc.

    Also, I suggest, but also don't want you to listen blindly because none of us here know your specific details and medical history, that you also be open to alternative treatments that MIGHT work. For me, chiropractic care saved my life. After The Sneeze, I spent months waiting to get in to seeing osteopaths and neurosurgeons, while nothing was happening and my one leg was exploding in pain constantly. Finally, two people suggested going to a chiropractor that they trusted.

    She examined/consulted with me, and I started on a chiro adjustment program. It worked. Took awhile, but it worked. I'm probably in better health at 55 than I was at 30. I lift weights (free weights, squats, deadlifts, etc.!), mountain bike, essentially do whatever I want with a little bit of care.

    Had a friend whose back fell apart this summer; bedridden for 3 months while doctors told her it was a torn hamstring. One even told her she had a hamstring avulsion, which is a total tear of that huge muscle from her pelvis. They were about ready to cut her open, and an MRI on her ham showed it wasn't an avulsion. A later MRI on her back indicated the source (kind of "Duh....") was back issues, but at the time her back didn't hurt at all, just her leg. Anyway...she started a regimen of chiropractic and PT/traction, and within a week was up and around, and now is doing SO much better.

    There are options out there, but you really have to take your health into your own hands and do the work to figure out what YOU need. Walking, stretching, icing your back, whatever. The less you move, the more you atrophy. There is hope, though, and best of luck to you.
  • Numericmama373
    Numericmama373 Posts: 125 Member
    I have sciatica. A physical therapist worked with me and gave me exercises that have made all the difference for me. I would seek medical attention.
  • tokio888
    tokio888 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for all the comments.
    Is seeked medical advice. Give for a Mri. It's confirmed I have a slipped disc. But they are advising me that I need to lose weight and had to the gym. It's just lack of motivation thinking what's the point I'm start next week etc. I'm new to all this. So do you guys have groups here which can push people to go gym and post results?
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    Welcome. Are you in Japan? Let us know if we have language problems.

    Yes, there are groups and threads to keep people motivated. Search for "accountability." You can also add friends who will cheer you on. Feel free to add me.

    I have lupus and am sometimes bed bound so I know it can be hard. The main thing is to track your calories and not overeat, even when you are bored, depressed, and in pain! Your children are your motivation, think of them.

    Best of luck to you!
  • mw0212
    mw0212 Posts: 16 Member
    I have a torn disc. 18 months to heal! I try to do sitting exercises and keep calorie count in check until I can get some weight off and my back feels better. Anyone can friend me. Let's encourage each other.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,169 Member
    Do what your doctors say to do. If you lose some weight, perhaps you will lessen the physical pain your back is causing you. Why is this not enough motivation for you? If you start today, you will be one day closer to better health. I had a bulging disc a few years ago, and it was awful. Can you walk? Try walking 30 minutes a day, if that's all you can do. But if you have a gym membership, do only the exercises your doctor recommends. My guess is that your doctors would like you to lose weight to get some of that pressure off your back. Good luck.
  • CharGillott
    CharGillott Posts: 56 Member
    Try a chiropractor. I did and they can work wonders. He does electronic pulse on me. Among other things. I am back on my feet as if my back never went out. Good luck on your journey