What's Your Take? (Friends List)



  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member

    I've been on myfitnesspal for quite a while but there was a time when I was unable to utilise this app due to an op.

    However, I'm now up and running and back to using the app. I feel accountable to myself - I know that I cannot lie as it will eventually show on the scales (not that I use them often) and my clothes.

    I also feel guided as I have diabetes (TYPE 2) and the app is practical in showing the amount of sugars I've consumed each day.

    I would like people to blog with but although I'm computer literate I don't have a great knowledge of blogging and the 'do's and dont's' so people bear with me!

    I enjoy reading people's comments, especially those who are brutally honest...with a sense of irony! Couldn't be arsed with perves...worked with enough in my time...lol.

    Would be interested in interacting with fellow app users. :-)

    Cheer up darlin....no need to be so....(wait for it) BLUE...
  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member
    I typically get cut due to making perverted comments...only dropped a couple that have not logged on for 30 days of more...

    Whaaaat? That's like a requirement to be on my fl. No perverted comments, no go.

    Junk pic sent...


    Did i mention how i was licking the chocolate chip cookie dough from my spoon during this conversation...

  • Gracie1214
    Gracie1214 Posts: 120 Member
    I deleted a lot off mine list last week as they were either just logging in and getting praised but not actually losing weight or I didn't interact with them.Pointless them being there really.
  • TKelly06
    TKelly06 Posts: 225 Member
    It would probably help if I had friends on said friends list before I can comment on this...
  • MSmith74
    MSmith74 Posts: 24 Member
    My FL inspires me, I don't delete people at all, I guess I would if they were mean. Some people might be finding you inspiring and just not commenting (maybe they are just quiet people) . I don't comment a lot,... but I still like to see my FL out there and I do take inspiration from it often.

    I agree. Just because I don't comment on everything I find most everything inspiring. I have fb, instagram, Twitter, fb page, a blogspot, a fitness website, have a full time job to pay the bills and I run a business... busy, busy. I may not always have a ton of time to comment but I really enjoy seeing it.

    I just made 20 days and I have to say it is because of my FL. I used to not really care... "oh I'll log in tomorrow". But now I look forward to seeing how people are doing and what people are saying.

    So - ADD ME if you want, I'd love to connect! :)
  • theoriginaljayne
    theoriginaljayne Posts: 562 Member
    I used to have a lot of friends. While I genuinely liked most of them, our interactions didn't really become more frequent or meaningful after we gained the ability to post on each other's walls. (I'm really not what you'd call a social butterfly, either.) So I deleted everyone and socialized only in the forums, where there's still plenty of discussion and inspiration. I enjoyed the privacy; I felt it helped me focus.
    I now have a couple of friends again. We'll see how it goes!
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I delete people who deactivate and people who spend all their time whining about their weight, but they log in intermittently and they're always asking about fad diets. I sympathize but I get sick of the drama. Everyone else can stay.Even if they don't log in regularly.
  • ijohn001
    ijohn001 Posts: 166
    My FL inspires me, I don't delete people at all, I guess I would if they were mean. Some people might be finding you inspiring and just not commenting (maybe they are just quiet people) . I don't comment a lot,... but I still like to see my FL out there and I do take inspiration from it often.

    I agree. Just because I don't comment on everything I find most everything inspiring. I have fb, instagram, Twitter, fb page, a blogspot, a fitness website, have a full time job to pay the bills and I run a business... busy, busy. I may not always have a ton of time to comment but I really enjoy seeing it.

    I just made 20 days and I have to say it is because of my FL. I used to not really care... "oh I'll log in tomorrow". But now I look forward to seeing how people are doing and what people are saying.

    So - ADD ME if you want, I'd love to connect! :)

    I totally agree.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    I used to cut people who didn't interact much. I haven't culled the list lately. I figure it is summer, and people are busy with family stuff, and may not be on as much. I try to interact with everyone at least once a week on my list, and more often if they interact with me. Yet, I still find myself getting cut on occasion. Maybe it's the creeper comments I make on friends' walls.

    Which is why you should only send creeper comments through PM or only to random strangers on the forum. Although I do like all the creeper comments my friends made on my wall.

    Have I sent you creeper PMs yet? In case not, I will send you one now. I don't want you to feel left out.
  • treesha450
    treesha450 Posts: 321 Member
    I don't delete my friends.. only one cuz she got weird and always wanted to chat on line outside of this site. She was a lesbian and told me how hot she thought I was and I said sorry I'm not gay.. she went on a rampage about how women are lesbians and men are gay. I used the wrong word, she was very angry about that ..so I deleted and blocked her. some people try to use this as a date site.
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    I delete people who haven't been on in over a month or have deactivated. Otherwise, I'm usually the one to get deleted. People add me (without any kind of message so I don't know what kind of friend they are expecting anyway), then end up deleting me soon after when I don't interact with them or post super motivational stuff on their profiles and statuses. :ohwell:
  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    Everyone who comes onto my FL gets a fair chance. I'll make the effort but if they don't they get binned. If they were good buds but they've stopped interacting, they get binned. If they are a friend collector they get binned.

    I've got 12 people in my FL, down from about 70. Most have come and gone, but the remaining few are the keepers. The interact, they entertain, they encourage and they support. And it's what they get back from me 100%.

    Being a MFP buddy is just like being a real life buddy..... it's a gotta be a two-way thing. If it ain't then they gotta go. :-)

    Take care, guys, be happy. 8-D
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I have a handful of friends who have been with me since day one. However, half of them no longer sign it, and if they do..it's to just keep their "logged in" days going (I see no point to that- but whatever)...more than likely I will be deleting them real soon. The other half are still logging daily and they were there to keep me logging in during my tough year of making excuses. I find them to be true friends because even though I wasn't as supportive then, they were there still checking up on me. Now my new set of friends...if they aren't active after two weeks, I do delete. A few of them will mention that they will be on vacation or will be away from MFP for x amount of days for whatever reason- I hang on to them. Also, if I notice I'm not getting support from the new group, I delete. I guess you can call me anal. LOL!
  • dessertlover27
    dessertlover27 Posts: 385 Member
    I used to cut people who didn't interact much. I haven't culled the list lately. I figure it is summer, and people are busy with family stuff, and may not be on as much. I try to interact with everyone at least once a week on my list, and more often if they interact with me. Yet, I still find myself getting cut on occasion. Maybe it's the creeper comments I make on friends' walls.

    Which is why you should only send creeper comments through PM or only to random strangers on the forum. Although I do like all the creeper comments my friends made on my wall.

    Have I sent you creeper PMs yet? In case not, I will send you one now. I don't want you to feel left out.

    Thank you for rectifying that situation. Creeper PMs are the highlight of my day. I will be anxiously waiting for it.
  • hevhoyda
    hevhoyda Posts: 146 Member
    I'm always up for making new friends and normally only delete friends if they don't log in often or interact much. Which technically would no longer make them my friend...true?
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I used to keep a tight friends list. But then I found loose friends and they were a lot of fun. I don't really care to "support" people anyway, so adding people who increase the fun factor of MFP is what I do now. The fun is what keeps me here and keeps me motivated.
  • greenihlonde
    greenihlonde Posts: 337
    I used to keep a tight friends list. But then I found loose friends and they were a lot of fun. I don't really care to "support" people anyway, so adding people who increase the fun factor of MFP is what I do now. The fun is what keeps me here and keeps me motivated.

    So THAT'S why you never never tell me I'm cool when I burn 2000 calories! :grumble: *delete*
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    I used to keep a tight friends list. But then I found loose friends and they were a lot of fun. I don't really care to "support" people anyway, so adding people who increase the fun factor of MFP is what I do now. The fun is what keeps me here and keeps me motivated.

    So THAT'S why you never never tell me I'm cool when I burn 2000 calories! :grumble: *delete*

    I do if I happen to see it at the time!!! Otherwise I'm not going digging for it. :P
  • debbash68
    debbash68 Posts: 981 Member
    I keep a close eye on my FL but then they delete me at the same time they serve me an injunction, I feel they're quite antisocial, just because you're in their bedroom when they wake up! Lighten up friends list!
  • Stump_Likker
    Stump_Likker Posts: 2,059 Member
    I delete when they deactivate. If they interact fine. If they don't fine. I have made 2 FR, the rest made FR to me. It's all good. ;)