September 2017 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited September 2017
    @JessicaMcB I'll go next time they do, training plans don't exactly match up, so I'll have to see though. I now k ow thoug h that road running alone is really going to suck.

    You are going to crush your ultra. Finishing is my goal. Oh, an acquaintance just finished her first 100 in just over 25 hours. She was on track to set the women's CR, but thr last 6 miles really hammered her.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @__TMac__ Oh that looks like a great place to run!

    @kristinegift Ha! Did the 7 other runners appreciate it?

    @MNLittleFinn 20 laps? I could not have done that! Ugh! I would have lost track by lap 3!

    @fitoverfortymom YAY!!! Well done!!

    @Elise4270 Boo! Sick pets are the worst! :(

    @ariceroni Definitely keep those cats far far apart until a blood testing and such can be done. Who knows what the little one might have picked up out there.

    @katharmonic Great report. Next time you should jump after them screaming "I'll save you!" :lol:

    @cburke8909 If you can run a 9 min pace for 16 miles in training, a sub 4 is well with in your reach. Are you getting close to race week? When even you do your 20 (or there abouts) mile run, I encourage you to do it as close to your race day plan as you can. Pre race food, pre-race sleep, mid race fuel, Gatorade, clothes, etc. Think of it as a trial run. No surprises on race day if you can help it.

    @Runningmischka Great to see you back!

    @JessicaMcB You ran for 7 HOURS? Wow!!! I am impressed!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @PastorVincent between the figure 8 being 1.03 miles and my Garmin keeping track of distance it was easy.... but I felt like a darn hamster on a wheel.... needless to say, I think trail running somewhat ruined road for me.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    @PastorVincent 6 of the 7 liked the route (good scenery, pretty houses, rolling, if steep, hills); one was doing his first double digit run in months and did not like the surprise hills :D
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent between the figure 8 being 1.03 miles and my Garmin keeping track of distance it was easy.... but I felt like a darn hamster on a wheel.... needless to say, I think trail running somewhat ruined road for me.

    I wish I had good trails here to run, but alas, closest I can come to that is a paved park trail.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent 6 of the 7 liked the route (good scenery, pretty houses, rolling, if steep, hills); one was doing his first double digit run in months and did not like the surprise hills :D

    Well shoot, you got most of them at least! :smiley:
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited September 2017
    Bad *kitten* for your friend @MNLittleFinn ! That guy I was telling you about at LSU ran the 107 miles to the race, WON the 100 miler (ran it sub 20!!!) yesterday and is gearing up to run the 107 home again tomorrow...who are these intense 100 milers?! Haha!

    Whistler sent me a mysterious email today about sending me something in advance of the race- hopefully they aren't expecting any spectacular performances lol. I feel you on roads v trail (obviously since technical trail is life) but there is merit to adding road work!

    @PastorVincent just under seven hours honestly felt fine, my legs could've kept going- my bad foot was complaining a lot though so I called it at training distance even though I had debated the entire run just pushing to 80. I need the damn thing to chill out because I don't have time for it :/
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @JessicaMcB maybe they are sending you you your #1 female awards now. Yeah, that friends only been running like 2 years total bad *kitten*. That LSU runner is insane in the best way!

    I'm looking at possibly having a lot more of my Saturday to s be on road, and then double up with a mid-long run on trail on Sunday. May be run like 15-24 On sat and another 10 on sun.

    Keep up the amazing running!
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    9/1 = 5.5 miles
    9/2 = Rest Day
    9/3 = 16.5 miles (run/walk intervals)
    9/4 = 8.5 miles and a Hatha yoga class
    9/5 = Camp Gladiator class
    9/6 = 6 miles and 45 minutes strength training
    9/7 = 10.5 miles
    9/8 = 7 miles
    9/9 = rest day

    So, I have a question for any runners who have participated in Halloween races. Two of the people I am running my first 1/2 with are considering wearing costumes. At first I was super excited - Hell yeah I will wear a costume! After a little research and consideration, however, I am becoming increasingly concerned about comfort, cost, chafing, durability, etc. Suggestions?

    (September miles) 54/175 (September goal miles)

    Upcoming Races:
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    12/10 = BCS Marathon
    1/6/18 = River Road Run Half Marathon
  • Dcorrick
    Dcorrick Posts: 56 Member
    Got restless pre-storm, so got just a little running in this a.m. Was raining after the first few minutes, but all it did was make it more humid.

    We are hunkered down, and as prepared as we think we need to be. Our forecast is better than it was two days ago. The first bands of Irma are arriving, and the storm will be here in force tomorrow. I'm on the lower east coast, and we'll have impacts, but my thoughts are with the Florida Keys and the Naples/Ft. Myers area. This is a worst-case situation for Key West and the Lower Keys.


  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Great Job! @fitoverfortymom

    @ariceroni What an adorable kitten. I have a tendency to bring home strays as well. This is why I now have 3 dogs and a husband that threatens to move out if I bring home any more - LOL.

    @Dcorrick and anyone else in Flordia. Stay safe!
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    Great job @fitoverfortymom - that is an impressive pace improvement over your training runs!

    @amymoreorless - I have had the same concerns about costumes. You are running a half, so chaffing and discomfort definitely could be an issue - not like it is just a 5K. I have seen a lot of women run in superhero tights that look really comfortable, though. That would stay in the spirit but still give you plenty of comfort. You could try them out on a run or two before hand as well - while I might feel a little strange getting in a training run dressed as a pirate or a hot dog, lol.

    @JessicaMcB - 70 km on that blister I just saw - WOW.

    Stay safe out there everyone!
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    9/1 - rest day
    9/2 - 7.2km
    9/3 - rest day (walk)
    9/4 - rest day
    9/5 - 5.5km
    9/6 - rest day
    9/7 - 7.1km
    9/8 - rest day (walk)
    9/9 - 8.4km

    Total 28.2/100 km

    Haven't posted in a few days as I've been really busy. Thursday night's run was at 27C. Average pace was was way slower than the norm. This morning was the big jump to 60 total minutes of running and I was pretty dead by the time I finished. My various trackers weren't playing very nice with each other so I went for the one with the greatest distance.

    Weather has turned and we are finally into fall with the trees dropping their leaves etc. Bodes well for my race in 2 weeks.

    Currently cuddling a 2.5 year old with a fever and hoping his Tylenol kicks in soon. I hate when the littles are sick.

    Stay safe everyone in storm paths!

    Upcoming Races:
    9/24 Heartbeat Run 10K
    1/1/18 Resolution Run 5K
    8/18/18 Edmonton Marathon 10K

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited September 2017
    @MNLittleFinn thanks! I know it sounds super creeper but I can't wait to race LSU next year and meet him. Maybe I can adopt some of his coolness by osmosis :D

    @amymoreorless I always have thought costume runs sound so fun but I too would be terrified of chafing. I think thats probably why a lot of women's "costumes" are some sort of singlet, shorts with tutu over top and head accessory.

    Be safe @Dcorrick !

    @wishiwasarunner I am fortunate to have both a high pain tolerance and an abundance of hard headedness, haha!

    @sarahthes I hope your little guy is on the mend quickly! My oldest two are sick atm as well (naturally the baby is healthy and antagonizing them lol)
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    9/1 13.1 miles! 2h:09m:49s
    9/2 3.1mi 31m:56s
    9/3 rest
    9/4 4.38mi 41m:07s
    9/5 6mi 57m:38s
    9/6 4mi 39m:50s
    9/7 7mi 69m:59s
    9/8 4mi 38m:49s
    9/9 9mi 1h:26min:35s

    A good 9 miles early this morning! It was cool and beautiful. Got to see a pretty sunrise too. Wore my hydration vest for practice and almost had negative splits. I kept my pace below 10min miles the entire time which I'm happy about.