September 2017 Running Challenge



  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ariceroni hope all is well with your Grandmother’s place!
    @bride001 Sorry for the family crisis, I hope things are better.
    @dbhawkins1010 hhhhmmm “What’s next?” Depends on you. Run some 5Ks, train for a 10K, add some mileage and/or speed, train for a half :smile: the skies the limit! Oh I missed your Daughter’s birthday – so Happy Birthday to her.
    @seanevan10 ouch I hope the foot/ankle is okay

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm sorry about your knee :( . Did you bust it up on descent? Descent is not my friend, give me all the climbing lol

    @MNLittleFinn and @juliet3455 2019 actually works well into my five year racing plan- lets CDR together! All the ball busting mountains in that one if you're looking for mountainous good times @PastorVincent :D .

    Also juliet3455 I am 99% LSU 100 will be my A Race next year (I just need to get the bid before they sell out in January)- has anyone in your club raced Lost Souls? Any interest in racing a Western States qualifier??? Everythin about it screams pain and good times- they lined the night course with horrifying clown mannequins holding bags of "free candy". I love it! lol

    September 1- 23
    September 2- 60
    September 3- 30
    September 4- 20.6
    September 5- Off
    September 6- First Day of School :'(
    September 7- 23.4
    September 8- 16
    September 9- 70
    September 10- 20.1
    September 11- 20.1


  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ That climb looks nasty. I'd love to try it sometime.
    FUN! CR: 38:27 VAM: 1536
    Holy shizznit

    So I just looked at Strava, I have a brief hill (100 ft?) where I hit a 19% grade that really beats me up. This course is 27% grade... for KILOMETERS. I almost wonder if I could WALK up it!.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm sorry about your knee :( . Did you bust it up on descent? Descent is not my friend, give me all the climbing lol

    @MNLittleFinn and @juliet3455 2019 actually works well into my five year racing plan- lets CDR together! All the ball busting mountains in that one if you're looking for mountainous good times @PastorVincent :D .

    Sorry, I probably should know this... but what is CDR? Cranky Drowsy Reindeer?
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @PastorVincent maybe you could tie a rope around someone's waist and they could pull you up.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    edited September 2017
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ That climb looks nasty. I'd love to try it sometime.
    FUN! CR: 38:27 VAM: 1536
    Holy shizznit

    So I just looked at Strava, I have a brief hill (100 ft?) where I hit a 19% grade that really beats me up. This course is 27% grade... for KILOMETERS. I almost wonder if I could WALK up it!.
    @PastorVincent maybe you could tie a rope around someone's waist and they could pull you up.

    @skippygirlsmom - maybe. But, now I am thinking about the killer slip-n-slide we could set up for the downhill trip :)

  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm sorry about your knee :( . Did you bust it up on descent? Descent is not my friend, give me all the climbing lol

    @MNLittleFinn and @juliet3455 2019 actually works well into my five year racing plan- lets CDR together! All the ball busting mountains in that one if you're looking for mountainous good times @PastorVincent :D .

    Sorry, I probably should know this... but what is CDR? Cranky Drowsy Reindeer?

    Canadian Death Race- its a killer :D:D:D
  • rusgolden
    rusgolden Posts: 1,337 Member
    September goal: 95 miles

    9/02 - 3.0 miles, 8:15 m/m, 149 AHR
    9/03 - 7.1 miles, 9:28 m/m, 146 AHR
    9/05 - 2.0 miles (Short Hill Intervals w/ WU/CD), 9:57 m/m, 138 AHR
    9/06 - 5.0 miles, 8:24 m/m, 149 AHR
    9/07 - 3.0 miles, 8:10 m/m, 150 AHR
    9/09 - 3.0 miles, 7:56 m/m, 153 AHR
    9/10 - 6.0 miles, 8:45 m/m. 150 AHR

    Total: 29.1/95

    2017 Races
    02/25/17 - 26:06 - 5K Mardi Gras (not official course)
    04/01 - 53:23 - 10K Jadon's Hope Bug Run (1st and PR)
    04/22 - 1:58:24 HM Garmin Oz Run (1st and PR)
    06/18 - 54:04 - 10K Father's Day Run (gun time)
    08/05 - 24:02 - 5K Spencer Duncan (PR)

    09/16 - 10K Kade Meyer Celebration Run
    10/01 - 8K Double Run (5K+3K)
    11/19 - HM Pilgrim Pacer
    11/23 - 8K STL Turkey Trot ??

    I'm in week 4 of my HM plan with a 10K race this coming Saturday. Not planning on much of a mini-taper this week, but might not do or all of the Thursday 4 mile run and Sunday the plan calls for 8 miles, so not sure how I will feel running that the day after the race.

    Thoughts and questions ahead... I am thinking about adding a Turkey Trot run on Thanksgiving, but not sure if that would be wise just 4 days after my HM. There is another HM the week before, but prefer the one on the 19th... suggestions/advice appreciated... :smile:
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    edited September 2017
    ariceroni wrote: »
    ariceroni wrote: »
    Since it was a shorter long run and I was short on time too (had to leave the house at 10:30 am to visit my boyfriend's family for the day, which meant getting in my miles, eating, and showering before then), I decided to make it a bit of a workout with some miles at marathon pace and half marathon pace: first 3 miles at MP (8:51, 8:49, 8:51), 1 easy, 2 at HMP (7:58, 7:57), 1 easy, another 2 at HMP (7:55, 7:55), 1 easy, and the final 3 at MP (8:47, 8:47, 8:49).

    @ariceroni Are you following the Strava marathon plan ending 10/8 and/or a McMillan plan? Strava told me to do this for my long run this weekend, and they base their plans on McM, but I was planning to do 16 w/ hills instead with my group. I loved the look of the long workout though. Looks like you killed it!

    @kristinegift Thanks! To be honest I'm not really following a training plan exactly, it's more of a "make it up as I go along" thing :sweat_smile: I loosely based things off the HH intermediate 1, at least as far as the general structure (3 easy/short runs, 1 medium long, 1 long) and the long run progression. I based my midweek workouts (kind of) from his Advanced 1 plan, except with progression runs instead of tempo runs, and then whatever I feel like (usually 400s or mile repeats) instead of hill repeats. I've thrown a few long run workouts into the mix (mainly pick ups or some MP miles near the end) too. As far as this most recent one, I just thought it sounded like a good combo tbh, nice and symmetric and some miles at MP on fatigued legs. So funny that it is the same as Strava/McMillan! :lol: It's very possible I saw this somewhere and subconsciously remembered it. It was a very fun long workout though! Just enough fast miles to tire out the legs a bit, but not so hard that I couldn't finish the workout strong. I would definitely recommend it sometime if you get the chance!

    @ariceroni I've got a trail race for my long run this weekend and then 20 miles next weekend, but maybe I'll do some fun fast miles in the middle/end of that if I'm feeling up to it! I miss the days of long run workouts! It sounds like you've got a good balance of easy and hard runs in there with the hard long runs and the kick*kitten* progression runs. I can't wait to hear how the marathon goes!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm sorry about your knee :( . Did you bust it up on descent? Descent is not my friend, give me all the climbing lol

    @MNLittleFinn and @juliet3455 2019 actually works well into my five year racing plan- lets CDR together! All the ball busting mountains in that one if you're looking for mountainous good times @PastorVincent :D .

    Sorry, I probably should know this... but what is CDR? Cranky Drowsy Reindeer?

    Canadian Death Race- its a killer :D:D:D

    That might be a bit much for me! :open_mouth:
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @PastorVincent slip and slide sounds like fun
    @JessicaMcB I just want a shirt from that race so I can wear it and act all bad *kitten*
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    9/10 rest (11h driving!)
    8/11 4m easy
    September total: 22.5 of 65 miles

    2017 Goal: Beat 20-yr-old PR (29:32)
    *Oct: Apple Harvest 5k
    *Nov: Movember 5k
    *Dec: Mitten Run 5k

    I had a morning appointment so waited until the afternoon to run. I think it was a bit warm for me, and I hadn't eaten well, due to my routine being off, so it was harder than it should have been. Was supposed to be a fast effort, but after the first mile I dropped down to easy just so I'd be able to make the full distance.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @skippygirlsmom the shirt from Sinister 7 (a similarly difficult 100 mile mountain ultra out of Blairmore) is way better designed and they refer to the finishers as 'Sinners' which tickles me. But you get more street cred if you solo CDR it seems :D . Meanwhile Lost Souls 100 in Lethbridge is all heat and coulee running and scrambles but is supposed to be the most ultra community oriented race in AB (it also claims to be the most difficult in the province). Then you have the In the Buff 120 out of Rochon Sands which has yet to have a female solo finisher-
    guess where I'm going next year lol, which is supposed to be a savage course full of boulders and wet sand.

    I guess what I'm saying is come to Alberta everybody, we have all the most wonderfully terrible races ;)
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »

    I guess what I'm saying is come to Alberta everybody, we have all the most wonderfully terrible races ;)

    @JessicaMcB without a doubt!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited September 2017
    @JessicaMcB @juliet3455 if you guys are serious about CDR 2019, I will actually talk to my wife about a family trip.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,583 Member
    edited September 2017
    Plugging along.

    Added 3 miles yesterday afternoon.


    14.5 miles total for September
    40 miles September goal


    eta: fixed ticker
    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    9/11: 2.8mi TM, 2,000ft vertical mtn stimulus.
    Grade: 15-22 degrees.

    Total: 16.9/50mi+

    @PastorVincent You for sure can. Just a slower pace. Most of the mtns I frequent are 15-45deg with hands and feet scrambling to reach the peak for the steepest. We're talking about 25 min miles on some feeling equivalent to 6:30/mi. To me at least.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    ROBOTFOOD wrote: »
    @PastorVincent You for sure can. Just a slower pace. Most of the mtns I frequent are 15-45deg with hands and feet scrambling to reach the peak for the steepest. We're talking about 25 min miles on some feeling equivalent to 6:30/mi. To me at least.

    Well, I would for sure try! :)