September 2017 Running Challenge



  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @honunui - That looks painful! Hope you didn't hurt anything else!
    @RespectTheKitty - so sorry and praying for you.

    I run with a pepper spray that I have in my belt, but I always figure it will take way too long to actually pull it out. I like those "runner pepper sprays". Definitely you do want to test it out. I heard you should buy 2 and practice with one of them. As you are running imagine exactly what you would do if someone attacked. So ridiculous we have to even discuss this.

    Went to bed fairly early, 9pm but woke up at 2:15 and could NOT go back to sleep. Head just spinning with nonsense. I turned off my 4:07 alarm and figured I wouldn't run. Then as I laid there and the time ticked by at 4:20 I figured I'm up, sleep is not coming, just do 4 miles and hit my goal. So I did. I am going to be very tired this afternoon.

    9/1 - 5 miles
    9/2 - 45 miles biking
    9/3 - 40 miles biking
    9/4 - 50 miles biking
    9/5 - strength training
    9/6 - REST!
    9/7 - 5 miles
    9/8 - 5 miles
    9/9 - 8.9 miles
    9/10 - strength training in the house due to hurricane on it’s way
    9/11 - Rest - hurricane cleanup for 4 hours
    9/12 5 miles
    9’13 - hurricane clean up back yard
    9/14 - 3.1 miles _ strength training
    9/15 - 5.3 miles - more hurricane hurdling
    9/16 - 11 miles biking; 4 miles on treadmill
    9/17 - 42 miles biking
    9/18 - strength training (triceps)
    9/19 - 4.8 miles of intervals
    9/20 - strength training (biceps)
    9/21 - 5 miles of intervals
    9/22 - rest day!
    9/23 - 50 miles biking
    9/24 - 45 miles biking
    9/25 - 5 miles - some intervals and some recovery
    9/26 - 5 miles - slow ones
    9/27 - Strength training w/tabatas
    9/28 - 5 miles
    9/29 - 4 miles - goal!


    AIM at Melanoma 5k -- virtual participant - 10/14/17
    I/ITSEC 5K in Orlando - 11/29/17
    Daytona Beach HM - 2/4/19
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @BruinsGal_91 did you happen to hit up Timp in your hiking adventures in UT? My girlfriend from UT loves the trail out that way!

    On this episode of Jessica's wildlife encounters! I was fairly deep into the bush this morning and around 4AM I'm running, I'm running...I'm stopping hard because this giant buck in my path is staring me down and standing his ground. And while I'm thinking, 'Oh hell where did those other four come from?" I realize that its nearly October and the deer are in rut and I'm an idiot for running this area right now since they are more likely to gore your *kitten* in rut.

    Needless to say I bolted out of there as my hunter husband would probably go all Captain Ahab if I died by deer :D

    September 1- 23
    September 2- 60
    September 3- 30
    September 4- 20.6
    September 5- Off
    September 6- First Day of School
    September 7- 23.4
    September 8- 16
    September 9- 70
    September 10- 20.1
    September 11- 20.1
    September 12- 20.1
    September 13- Off
    September 14- 8
    September 15- Off
    September 16- 80.7
    September 17- 7.3
    September 18- 21.7
    September 19- 21.4
    September 20- 21.4
    September 21- 20.5
    September 22- 19
    September 23- 42.4
    September 24- 26.4
    September 25- 22.4
    September 26- 22
    September 27- 23.3 + 9
    September 28- Off
    September 29- 18.5


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    9/1- REST
    9/2- Family Time
    9/3- Family Time
    9/4- 6- 384 feet elevation
    9/5- 8- 1598 feet elevation
    9/6- 6.2- 1263 feet elevation
    9/7- 8- Track Thursday
    9/8- REST
    9/9- 20
    9/10- REST
    9/11- REST
    9/12- 8.1 - 1663 Feet Elevation
    9/13- 8.1- 1640 Feet elevation
    9/14- 7.2- 1388 Feet Elevation
    9/15- REST
    9/16- 14- 2352 Feet elevation
    9/17- REST
    9/18- REST
    9/19- 8,1- 1663 Feet Elevation
    9/20- 6.2- 1247 Feet Elevation
    9/21- 4
    9/22- 6
    9/23- 26.2- 1142 feet elevation
    9/24- REST
    9/25- REST
    9/26- 8.1- 1681 Feet elevation
    9/27- 6.2- 1253 Feet elevation
    9/28- 8.0
    9/29- 6
    Total Miles: 164.4
    Total Elevation: 16914 ft

    September goal: Survive 100k training and the beginnings of pre-race freak out
    Nominal Mileage goal: 200 miles.
    Elevation goal: 15000ft

    Today's notes: Tired again today. Work is really wearing me down this week. Woke up, got my 6 miles in, woke up wife got cleaned up and left for work. Nothing exciting really, but the countdown to Wild Duluth is full on now. Just one more week of full training and then taper.

    @JessicaMcB deer are out in force here too. Luckily I haven't seen any wolves though. I know another runner who cut his run short when he saw 3 of those four-legged barbarians..... population is up 22% ugh....

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon (full)
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @MNLittleFinn sorry work is zapping your energy- working for the weekend for real! I have never had a wolf encounter actually, I wonder if we have many up here. I'll have to ask Ben when he gets home!
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    9/01 - 5.15
    9/05 - 3.04
    9/07 - 2.2
    9/09 - 6.2 (10k race day!)
    9/11 - 3.36
    9/12 - 2.87 (this is what my phone calculated, the hotel treadmill had it at just over 2m)
    9/13 - 3.0
    9/14 - REST
    9/15 - 30 minutes of cross train/core exercise DVD plus I'll do walking later.
    9/16 - 4 (great pace for me today!)
    9/17 - REST
    9/18 - 3.99
    9/19 - 30 mins cross trail/core DVD, plus .33 mile light jog with the pupper
    9/20 - 4
    9/21 - REST
    9/22 - 60 minutes cross-training (Les Mills Bodypump at the Y)
    9/23 - 5
    9/24 - REST
    9/25 - 3.5 (in the rain!)
    9/26 - CROSS TRAIN // 30 min // Weights and such
    9/27 - 3.97
    9/28 - REST
    9/29 - Les Mills BODYPUMP + CX

    Goal: 40 miles
    MTD: 50.61

    Upcoming Races
    10/08 - (5k) Run the Rocks
    10/28 - (10k) Kooky Spooky
    11/18 - (10k) Turkey Trek
    12/09 - (HM) Fa La La Half Marathon

    Excited for tomorrow's long run. I will be at Red Rocks again, but this time on a trail and not stairs. Should see some really good elevation and good prep for next week's 5k there. Woot!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @MNLittleFinn sorry work is zapping your energy- working for the weekend for real! I have never had a wolf encounter actually, I wonder if we have many up here. I'll have to ask Ben when he gets home!

    I got headbutted in the face on Wednesday, after having a dictionary thrown at me..... semi-normal day. Where you are there may be fewer wolves, Griz country would do that, and wolves aren't really mountain animals, so there's that too.... Looking to 4 hours on trail tomorrow AM, I need the therapy.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member

    I got headbutted in the face on Wednesday, after having a dictionary thrown at me..... semi-normal day. Where you are there may be fewer wolves, Griz country would do that, and wolves aren't really mountain animals, so there's that too.... Looking to 4 hours on trail tomorrow AM, I need the therapy.

    oooookay I missed something here? :smiley: Do you work with children? A school perhaps?
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member

    I got headbutted in the face on Wednesday, after having a dictionary thrown at me..... semi-normal day. Where you are there may be fewer wolves, Griz country would do that, and wolves aren't really mountain animals, so there's that too.... Looking to 4 hours on trail tomorrow AM, I need the therapy.

    oooookay I missed something here? :smiley: Do you work with children? A school perhaps?

    federal setting 4 school. students who spend at least 50% of their day in a separate school... I'm at that separate school...... me, 2 paraprofessionals and 5 kids.... kind of tells you what it's like....
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    I forgot I am scheduled to run tonight! I can still make my goal if I can do 2.25 miles.

    I was looking at the AIM race yesterday, too late to join? I'd love to participate!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    edited September 2017
    @katharmonic -Good luck on your race this weekend. About the cold start- I usually take a long sleeve tee or light jacket that is in my give away pile of clothing. I wear it for the start of the race and then discard it as soon as I get warm. Many larger races will have bins for discarded clothing along the course. They have volunteers pick it up and give it to charities. If you race doesn't do that, you could always put it in a trashcan at a water stop.

    @honunui- Ouch! That looks painful! Be careful out there!
    @RespectTheKitty - More mojo being sent your way. Take care, sweetie.
    @Kristinegift- Oh no! Unfortunately, I can relate exactly to how you are feeling. Hope it's nothing major and a quick fix so you can still enjoy the beautiful fall running.
  • ariceroni
    ariceroni Posts: 422 Member
    edited September 2017
    September Running
    09/01: Off, rest day
    09/02: 4.02 mile easy run + 30 min biking
    09/03: 20.05 mile long run
    09/04: 60 min biking + strength training
    09/05: 5.04 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/06: 8.03 miles- 7 mile progression, 1 mile cool down
    09/07: 5.40 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/08: 3.56 mile easy run
    09/09: 75 min biking
    09/10: 13.17 mile long run- 3@MP/1E/2@HMP/1E/2@HMP/1E/3@MP
    09/11: 6.04 mile easy run + strength training
    09/12: 6.05 mile easy run + 15 min elliptical
    09/13: 10.05 miles- 1.5 mile warm up; 10x800m with 400m recovery; 1 mile cool down
    09/14: Off, rest day
    09/15: 6.06 mile easy run
    09/16: 20.01 mile long run
    09/17: 90 min biking
    09/18: 5.06 mile easy run
    09/19: 5.19 mile easy run
    09/20: 6.04 mile easy run + strength training
    09/21: 6.00 miles @ MP
    09/22: 12.03 mile long run
    09/23: 10ish miles backpacking
    09/24: 5ish miles backpacking
    09/25: 3.01 mile easy run
    09/26: 4.00 miles- 3@MP, 1@HMP + strength training
    09/27: 6.04 mile easy run
    09/28: 3.00 mile easy run
    09/29: 8.06 mile "long" run
    09/30: 13ish miles backpacking (planned)
    Total: 165.92 miles

    Another quick update- I have a very busy day and weekend ahead! I have officially met/surpassed my goal for the month! Yesterday was just an easy 3 miles, averaged 9:07 pace because my legs were feeling really good haha. This morning I ran my last "long" run before the marathon- 8.06 miles at an average pace of 9:17. The taper crazies are really starting to kick in, I keep getting the urge to power walk everywhere or add in extra runs, and I've started having dreams about the marathon! So far they have all been good dreams at least :wink:

    I know I haven't really talked about time goals in here, but I figure it is good to get it down "on paper", so to speak. Of course since this is my first marathon, my #1 goal is to finish! Even better if I finish without having to walk at all. My "A" time goal is to finish under 4 hours, ideally around 3:55, which is the pace I at least plan to start the race at. My "B" goal is under 4:10, and "C" goal is under 4:20. Last I checked the weather forecast is looking pretty bad for next Sunday though so I may have to revise these goals if it stays bad...

    Anyways, this is the last you'll probably see of me in this thread since I'm going backpacking again this weekend! Not the best thing for tapering, but at least it will help keep my mind off the race for a bit. Great job this month everyone; I will see you all in the October thread!


    Upcoming Races:
    - Chicago Marathon, 10/08/17
    - Space Coast Half Marathon, 11/26/17
    - Excalibur 10 Miler, 03/18/18
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    @ariceroni- Good luck making it through your final week of taper and, of course, good luck on your race if we don't get another chance to tell you. I know you will do great. And the one thing I learned about checking the weather forecast more than 4 days in advance is that the only thing it tells you is what the weather is NOT going to be like on race day. So hooray for crappy forecasts!
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    9/1 = 5.5 miles
    9/2 = Rest Day
    9/3 = 16.5 miles (run/walk intervals)
    9/4 = 8.5 miles and a Hatha yoga class
    9/5 = Camp Gladiator class
    9/6 = 6 miles and 45 minutes strength training
    9/7 = 10.5 miles
    9/8 = 7 miles
    9/9 = rest day
    9/10 = 13.5 miles (run/walk intervals with running group)
    9/11 = 8 easy miles and 30 minutes strength training
    9/12 = Vinyasa yoga class & 3 mile walk with the puppy and hubby
    9/13 = 8 miles
    9/14 = 7 miles and Camp Gladiator class
    9/15 = 3 miles (and a long 6 hour car ride)
    9/16 = 6 miles hiking (up a mountain)
    9/17 = rest day (and another long 6 hour car ride)
    9/18 = 13 miles
    9/19 = sick day
    9/20 = 8 slow miserable miles
    9/21 = 7 miles
    9/22 = 11 miles
    9/23 = rest day
    9/24 = 13 miles
    9/25 = 8 miles and 30 minutes strength training
    9/26 = vinyasa yoga class
    9/27 = 11 miles (8 five minute speed intervals)
    9/28 = 6.5 miles (easy pace)
    9/29 = 10 miles - easy birthday run with running BBF in the amazing 69 degree and light misty rain weather

    Oh, and monthly running goal smashed. Also, my new fancy (and now updated) TomTom watch tells me that my scientifically calculated "fitness age" is 20 (my birth certificate allegedly claims I am 40....ish) - happy birthday to me! :)

    184/175 (September goal miles)

    Upcoming Races:
    10/28 = Hill Country Halloween Half Marathon
    12/10 = BCS Marathon
    1/6/18 = River Road Run Half Marathon
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    @amymoreorless I'm so sorry to hear about the assaults just awful. I run with pepper spray but it's like this

    It's like a water bottle strap. It took me 1 run to get used to it. I never pay any attention to it at all. The difference I see here is the one I have your hand can be around the canister and your thumb in the trigger in less than a second. Please stay safe.

    @skippygirlsmom That looks like a better option. Thanks! Ordered today.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    09/01/17 - 10 miles - mostly Z2
    09/02/17 - Rain
    09/03/17 - 9 miles - Z2/Z3
    09/04/17 - 9 miles - Z2
    09/05/17 - Rest
    09/06/17 - Strength Training + + 5 miles - Z3/4
    09/07/17 - Strength Training + + 5 miles - Z3/4
    09/08/17 - 7 miles Z2
    09/09/17 - 16 miles
    09/10/17 - 12 miles Z2
    09/11/17 - Rest
    09/12/17 - 9 miles Z2
    09/13/17 - Strength Training + 7 miles Z2
    09/14/17 - Strength Training + 7 miles Z2/3
    09/15/17 - 7 miles
    09/16/17 - Rest
    09/17/17 - 13.1 miles Z2
    09/18/17 - 8 miles Z2
    09/19/17 - 9 miles Z2/3
    09/20/17 - Strength Training + 5 miles 50% Z2 50% Z3
    09/21/17 - Strength Training + 7 miles 70% Z2 30% Z3
    09/22/17 - 7 Miles
    09/23/17 - Rest
    09/24/17 - 12 miles Z2
    09/25/17 - Rest - donate blood
    09/26/17 - Rest
    09/27/17 - 8 miles - Z2/3/4
    09/28/17 - 8 miles - Z2
    09/29/17 - 8 miles - Z2

    Summer Goal: Get my marathon pace below 9 minutes.
    Official Marathon PR: 4:11:28

    Next Races (more as I find them):

    10/14/2017 - Stop, Drop, and Run - Fireman style obstacle course - 5km
    10/14/2017 - HAWAIIANS LOVE S.P.A.M. (Skin Protection Against Melanoma)
    05/06/18 - Pittsburgh Marathon - aiming for sub four hours.

    Nothing special to report save that RunKeeper tells me I hit a PR for most elevation in a month, and there are still days left! 15,750 feet!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @PastorVincent nice elevation. You got tomorrow's run still to add more!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent nice elevation. You got tomorrow's run still to add more!

    Typically pock up at least 1k if not 1500 on the weekend route. It just depends on how busy I am which I never know till it happens. 20k is not in reach, but 17k could be. :) That is a decent sized mow hill I think :)
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited September 2017
    @PastorVincent nice elevation. You got tomorrow's run still to add more!

    Typically pock up at least 1k if not 1500 on the weekend route. It just depends on how busy I am which I never know till it happens. 20k is not in reach, but 17k could be. :) That is a decent sized mow hill I think :)

    Youll get it. Low elevation month for me. Took to many days off after hard runs. Still hoping for like 19000 after tomorrow's run, have to see.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @PastorVincent nice elevation. You got tomorrow's run still to add more!

    Typically pock up at least 1k if not 1500 on the weekend route. It just depends on how busy I am which I never know till it happens. 20k is not in reach, but 17k could be. :) That is a decent sized mow hill I think :)

    Youll get it. Low elevation month for me. Took to many days off after hard runs. Still hoping for like 19000 after tomorrow's run, have to see.

    I really need to find some trails in reach. The one near work that is like 1/2-3/4th a mile long is just not cutting it.