
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
    stats for the day:

    other- 15min set. hand cranking manual trailer = 100c
    jog- 11min, 9.50min mi, 6.2-6.5sp, 160mhr, 1.12mi = 131c
    floor exercises- 34min, 3sets o f10ea 15diff exercises, 152mhr, = 262c

    total cal 483.

    put the summer bikes to bed, taking out the winter bikes over too soon
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Lenora A rainbow child is a child that lives after a person has had miscarriages or babies that did not live. It refers to the hope and promise of life. I lost 2 pregnancies and then had a hemorrhage that took my son's twin but I was able to hang onto him. Three attempts of IVF did not work for me in addition to the ones that did. We had 16 eggs to start. I took heparin shots as well as other junk like ?hormones and oil and even insulin but it was worth it (about 4 shots daily). I hate shots and my poor husband had to give them all then-I recall telling him 1000 shots. Now I can hold the one injector I use weekly.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Hmmm I must be a rainbow baby.. my mom lost a baby, then had my brother a year before I was born,but he died right after birth as he didnt get enough oxygen.. and then they had me, I knew she miscarried after having me, and they adopted my brother Sean when I was 4.. Learned something new today...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Michele ... I think your comment about sewing a dress should have been directed to Chris? Because in no way shape or form can I sew anything beyond a simple straight line and even then I'm usually doing something wrong!!

    Josephine ... I love the reference to the rainbow for your surviving son ...

    Chris ... you look great!

    Allie ... I'm excited for you and your move! Thank you too for the link to Gloria's Giving Fund. From the information shared there ... her daughter Patrice will be taking in the two boys.

    I have not been hearing from my son too much this year while he is at his second year of school. Then, last night we had a long FaceTime chat ... it was like manna for my soul! I miss that boy's face so much! He has had one major migraine since starting back ... last Thursday ... but managed to rally enough to only miss one day of classes. (Gloria used to ask about his migraines all the time ... :( )

    Older son has been clearing the hurdles for employment!! He starts training on Monday. Had to negotiate his hours and pay LOWER so that he wouldn't lose his benefits. Although, we're in touch with an organization that has indicated that there are changes within the Social Security Income guidelines that may allow him to retain more than he thought. This is important to him because he is looking to fund additional education. Just a side note ... my son, while physically disabled, in 4 years graduated college magna cum laude and speaks multiple languages. Forgive me ... my hackles rise up when people lump all disabled people together. Disabilities are not equal. Being in a wheelchair does not mean that an individual struggles with mental delays/intellectual issues as well. I probably read some of your comments wrong, but I needed to say that. There, I'm done.

    I am struggling to eat right these past few days, but am hanging in there. I need to get back to planning meals ... willy nilly eating is not my friend!

    Beth near Buffalo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,064 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Vicki Grand Island, NE, Hugs to you friend! Proud of you to look at Christmas in a new light. So sorry of your sons passing..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :) This has been a relatively sedentary day for me. Dog walking for about two hours in the morning plus some 10 minute walks later netted me about 14,000 steps. I rode the exercise bike briefly while reading all the posts and spent 15 minutes doing my simple weight training routine for the day. Right now I'm using only 5 pound dumbbells sticking to my plan to not lift anything heavy until the one year anniversary of my surgery (only about two weeks from now). My eating was similar to most days but I'm over on calories but pleased at my food choices.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful cooler NW Washington where rain is forecast for tomorrow.
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    DJ, when I have done yard sales, I swear by 3pm I am zonked! Its the sitting, its the waiting, but there were moments of sales madness,( usually in the mornings) and I would make money, then husband would ask if we could do pizza and I'd say SURE because I'd be so tired! So there went all my money!
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    www.givinggrid.com/inmemoryofgloria this is the fund that ls set up for Gloria's family.

    : Thanks for sharing this. Fund is at 2% of goal. Did we ever find out about the dog? Thrilled for your upcoming move to a new home, and a new life!

    Chris: Everytime I read your story I am reinspired. And you look ah-maaazing in the red dress. :star::sunglasses:

    Loving all the photos and the prospect of two more babies this April. <3

    Rye: Your stove is the same as what my mom had when I was growing up. It was solid! They don't make'em like that anymore.

    Update on my DH: He's been a trooper going through a battery of medical tests. New dermatologist called to say his melanoma is back, right in the same spot on the forehead that was operated on twice 18 months ago. (sigh) We are now awaiting the results of fasting blood test and the home colon test. Will see the doctor in two weeks. Meanwhile, I have had a home care person in on Wednesdays for 3 hours. She's lovely, and really does a great job getting him engaged in conversation, hearty snacks, walking the cat and playing simple games. It has been a blessing not to have to travel for work during the past 3 months. But, I do have to leave for few days in the first week in October. When I get back, a new boss will be starting for our department. My gut tells me there is a reorganization on the horizon. Trying not to think about it. :#:p:s She will be the 14th person in that position in the 16 years I've been with the org. Yeah, it's a tough job.

    Re: I have to echo your advice to try to love and forgive yourself. To that end, I can recommend a free app called Insight Timer, which is a repository of 1000's of guided meditations. I find that if I can have my head in a good, grateful place, then life's stressers don't have as much power to derail me. My favorite meditation time is immediately after exercise early in the morning. Already engaged in deep breaths. :sunglasses:

    Stay well, friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,448 Member
    Regarding knees ...

    I've had knee issues since I was about 12. That year, I was involved in track and field in my school, and decided to try hurdle jumping. That was all right ... I did quite well, except that it was a very dry and dusty year, and we were running on a dust track, and twice I slipped after clearing a hurdle and fell on my knees and damaged them.

    At one point in my early 30s I was told that I would probably have to have knee replacements by the time I was 50 ... that kind of shocked me into taking better care of them!

    Most of the time they're OK, but ...

    -- I can't do squats unless I've got a coach right there ensuring I'm in the right position.
    -- I have to be really careful with lunges and make sure I've got my knees in exactly the right position for every lunge.
    -- I have to be careful climbing all the stairs I climb. I've got to tackle them straight on and not twist anything.
    -- And with cycling, I have to have my bicycle set up absolutely correctly.

    I also take glucosamine when I'm exercising a lot.

    M in Oz
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Evening ladies! I am so glad my knees are good. Occasionally m back goes out for no reason at all and I have muscle relaxants if at happens. Also my Aleve tens unit.

    I love the spirit of Christmas. When I was working, I never minded having to work it. We discharged ever person we could so the only ones left were the really sick ones or the ones that their doctor allowed some excuse like possible UTI for an elderly person living with family. Those weeper he kind that family members didn't want around for the holidays. So those old people needed lying on. Plus so many of the patients had the little Christmas trees, decorations in the rooms. We were always hmming carols and everyone was happy to the patients and to each other. It was really very family oriented. I read of a hospital that welcomed all family members and they had a big feast. Now that is community.

    I'm a bit worried about Meldoy. When we first got her about 5 years ago. She developed pancreatitis and she spent most of her time under my dresser. She came out to use the little box only. I help food and water under the dresser and tied a little ball to a drawer pull. She has been there for several hours tonigh. Now Mozart does irritate the dickens out of her at times but everyday is better. And Mozart does immediately respond to just seeing my blue water bottle pointing at him and he stops what he is doing to her.

    Allie, so excited abut you getting the keys to your condo! You will have to take picture for us. Take it easy and take care of yourself. Get your bed done and maybe pt some personal touches to it and then concentrate on all the rest of the place. Am I am willing t bet that the first several nights will be lonely.

    Night nit, Joyce, Indiana
  • Re - Right at this moment, I am not particularly 'liking myself' ... seems like the scales go up and down so much it is difficult to see any progress. Exercise for the past 4 weeks has been difficult; but, Wednesday we are supposed to go to Daytona Beach; provided the house is not damaged on the inside. Outside was ok. Sarah is supposed to go by there on her way home to check out everything. Guess sister will call tomorrow with whether we go or not.

    Michele - Why do you 'let' Maria get to you? Don't ask her for anything. Ask Denise; if Denise doesn't know, then use your judgment on things. Personally, I'd either wear something appropriate to wear to church (a simple dress or a pair of dress slacks and nice top. Two months from now - do you really 'think' it will actually matter? I just don't think I would wear jeans, IMHO. Let the chips fall where they may. You don't have to have a relationship with Maria; unfortunately, since Denise and Pete will be living near her ... that relationship is Denise's to bear. Just give Denise a call every few weeks and ask how 'she' is doing. Don't mention Pete unless she does. Certainly, don't let the conversation move towards "Maria" ... change the subject - or, if you have to, tell her you've got to 'go'. You don't have to tell her why. Sooner or later she should be able to put it together. "Gee, Mama won't talk if I mention Maria's name." If you have 'friended' Maria on FB - Delete her as a friend or block her. What she says (or thinks) about you is 'really none of your business'. She wants to be a 'pluperfect B****' - let her. I'm sure you are not the only one who thinks she is. Just don't let Maria Monster into your soul. Bad Karma!!!!!! One of the things I have found, that can be 'hard' is that my sons are married ... while they will always be my sons ... they have their own family. But, there again, the old saying is "A Daughter is a Daughter all of her life; and Son is a Son until he takes a wife." Maria, apparently really doesn't want to let go of her son. She is gonna mother the relationship between the two of them. If Denise is going 'out of her way' to try to make Maria 'like' her to the point of taking her advice over yours; there isn't anything you can do about that. My DDnL#1, has a 'good heart'; but, she certainly does some really stupid, childish things. But, Trey takes up for her - so we don't say anything to him at all about her. Will really takes up for Tami and he has NOTHING to do with Jenn (Trey's wife) ... to the point that he'd just prefer that they never come home, just so he doesn't have to put up with her $#*T. In that regard, I do view Jenn as the 'divisive' wedge in my family and I have found that 'if' she can't succeed at making trouble between Will and Tami or Will and Trey, she IS going to turn on me. I don't let her. She has written several emails that have blasted my socks off. I print them out, put them in a folder; and, I don't respond. I don't have her as a friend on FB, haven't asked, she hasn't asked. She even told me that she 'blocked' me; and, I had told her that "I did not care ... because at that time, I had deactivated my FB account. She could say whatever she wanted to - on FB or to my face ... she can't hurt me any more. I won't let her; Louis won't let her.

    Now, Kim (Taylor's Mom) has been texting and calling Jenn, wanting to get back in their 'good graces', saying she has cleaned up her act. Jenn told her that would be up to Taylor, she is now a grown woman. Kim told her that she was happy that Jenn took her in as her own. WELL, what was she supposed to do? Taylor is my son's daughter, he wasn't going to allow her to stay in a 'very' unsafe situation. This woman has lost all 3 of her children either because they chose to go live with their Dads or DFACS took them away. Not long ago she was living in this county. Now she says she is in Louisiana. IF she is in NOLA - we know she is probably NOT cleaning up her act. I don't think many Meth-Heads clean up their act without a LOT of help and being away from people who are also in that mind-set. Trey will 'never' talk to her - he doesn't 'care' what she has to say. I'm surprised that Jenn does. But, that isn't my problem. Taylor says that she does NOT like some of the things that Jenn has said about her Mama. Regardless of their current relationship ... she is STILL her Mama (egg donor; incubator). She just isn't ready to have a relationship with her ... but when she does - Jenn will probably be hurt by it.

    Will called tonight. He was having fun calling his bosses and former bosses (all went to LSU). He went to MSU and they (LSU) was getting their @$$-e$ kicked! Once he went to a LSU/GA game with his bosses and they have a box. He said that he just 'cheered' for both sides; but, was secretly happy with GA won. It's just a crap shoot. One year they do, the next year they don't. I like college football ... but NOT all damn day of it. I'll be watching something and Louis wants to check the score. EVERYTIME ... there is 10 minutes of commercials on. I keep telling him to not come in 'on the hour' or at every '15 minute' intervals. Never listens.

  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    DH went to bed early with a bad stomach so it has been a quiet night snuggled under the Afghan my grandma made, with a good book, some licorice tea and the kitties. They are getting restless now tho, they want their late night feeding.

    I'm glad y'all liked my stove, I do love it even if the inside is a tad small. My house was built in 1950 so it fits the kitchen architecturally. We bought the stove with the house, so no story about it.

    After reading about so many of you who have had knee problems, I'm wondering if maybe lunges and squats are too complex for me if my knee is bad. My sister had to stop running because of bad knees but I never did much impact activity after childhood - and I never had trouble walking as far as I wanted to. Right now, It doesn't hurt much walking, but it is hard to sit down or get up from a chair and I don't think I could manage a flight of stairs, so I'm glad I don't have to. (No stairs at my house). Still mulling over the strength/weight conundrum - I do want to get the benefits but it is going to take some thinking and research to figure out what I can do that is not likely to cause me injury with the combo of my physical challenges and my complete unfamiliarity with such exercises. I'll certainly continue my swimming in the meantime so at least I'll be using the muscles that I do have :)

    Wishing everyone a happy Sunday, I'm off to feed the cats before they decide to eat me, then I think I'll head to bed early.

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    went in my pool today. Now in here. Going to meet a friends of ours for dinner tonight. I'm planning to have the crabcake with asparagus. Why is it that they charge for vegetables? Update: the hubby wanted a spinach bacon quesadilla for an appetizer. Since Vince wouldn't eat it, to be nice I had one piece. You know, with all that cheese, my stomach wasn't feeling good at all, I couldn't even finish the crabcake (which I would have much preferred to the quesadilla -- I was just trying to be nice eating it)

    janetr - can I sweeze mia's cheeks now?? She's so precious

    Penny - great work. Would you care to come to NC and do some work?

    Terry - go parasailing. That's my vote. You don't want to have something you regret. What a great hotel room you have there.

    Lanette - a year or so ago Vince was talking about wanting to sell the condo, but I told him that I really liked being able to just go there and relax. Honestly, it really isn't so much relaxing, it's almost as if I have two houses to keep. But I really like going somewhere where we can have the cats with us, have almost all of the comforts of home. We were talking to our friends today (the hubby offered to go with Vince down to the condo to make any repairs) but Vince said, which I can understand, that at first he wants to go down just to assess the damage, take pictures of anything, then go to the insurance to see what if anything would be covered. Why make a repair when insurance will pay for it? I'm thinking that he expects that afterwards, assuming that there are repairs that need to be done, that we'd both go down. I honestly think the two guys could probably get it done in less time. But I guess the first step is we shall see what needs to be done. This isn't a new condo, same one we inherited from MIL

    Beth - I used to work with a kid who had CP and I was always so amazed at how much he could do. He did a stellar job on his SAT's. I remember reading a long paragraph to him and then there were questions he had to answer. I couldn't believe some of the insiteful answers he gave. Yes, I had to write them. Ever since then I look at a disabled person very differently. The son of a friend of mine has CP, he has a good acting career now, he's been on television and in movies. It's amazing the numerous things that can be done. I'm in awe.

    DJ - I'm just not sure if Denise would tell me what should be worn to the rehearsal dinner. I think she is of the opinion that this is a real upscale place. It's a steakhouse. You know, she has changed. When we went shopping for her veil, she chose this costume jewelry. She was always the one who wanted the best of everyhing. No costume jewelry for her -- only real diamonds, etc. We used to laugh that she needed to marry a doctor or lawyer to keep her in the style she wanted. But now...... that just surprises me. I'm old fashioned, too. Like for her shower I wore the dress that I wore to the other girl's wedding (the one I made the cake for). Denise really liked it, yet people in Pete's family came in jeans. His mother wore these really casual pants. I would have expected her to be more dressed up, she made such a point of "well, I'm mother of the groom".

    Rori - (((HUGS)))) You inspire me so much the way you keep going on in spite of everything.

    Lenora - I'm trying to stress Denise as little as possible which is why I asked Maria and not Denise. I may have to ask Denise, tho

    Michele in NC