Problems with Ketogenic diet. Help!



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I don't really know where to start. So I was on MFP a few years back losing some outdated baby chub and calorie counting worked well for me ... but I was doing a lot of exercise as well. Anyway, 2015 I got diagnosed with breast cancer at 31 years old and long story I'm fat. The amount of steroids I was constantly pumped with due to me being so poorly on the chemotherapy was outrageous. Added to that general inactivity and craving junk...well, I'm in a mess. I can't have my reconstructive surgery until I lose at least 30 pounds. I need to lose a lot more but 30 would be a great start.

    I always relied upon exercise in the past to boost my calorie burn but I don't have the energy for anything but walking and some light resistance stuff. I looked into the Ketogenic diet and thought it sounded perfect for me and something that I could do. The first few days were a breeze. Got to day 3 or 4 and I'm wired. I can't sleep. At all. I'm irritable and my stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I can't get enough food down me. I could probably deal with most of that but the insomnia is something I cant accept and I know isn't good for my body. It's been through enough. I want to heal it not damage it further.

    So, I'm back here...wondering whether to go back to calorie counting. I don't know what to do for the best. I thought I'd be half way to skinny jeans by now but I seem to be to-ing and fro-ing between all these different ideas and schools of thought....that I just end up dizzy and reaching for a cake coz I'm so fed up...

    I thought cutting grains out would be good for me because I am actually afraid of sugar since having cancer. All the horror stories about sugar causing all major illnesses flying about made me think that Ketogenic had the health goods...but then came the waking nights...

    Someone help! Oh and more friends would be good.

    Thanks in advance, Lisa

    I wouldn't listen to stories, but rather pay attention to science. There are plenty of survivors, like yourself, on this board. At at this point, you need calories to help you recover. I'd drop keto and start eating foods that actually help you. And since sugar doesn't cause cancer, I'd incorporate things like grains, fruits, veggies, etc...

    The issue is, many find out that glucose is a fuel for cancer cells, so they interpret that as sugar causes or feeds cancer. What people don't realize, that regardless of if you eat sugar or not, your body runs on glucose and can create it's own. The reason keto might be beneficial for brain cancers (along with treatment) is that brain can run on ketones, which is a byproduct of very low carb/ketogenic diets.

    So please take care of yourself, and just get nutrition in your body.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    I don't really know where to start. So I was on MFP a few years back losing some outdated baby chub and calorie counting worked well for me ... but I was doing a lot of exercise as well. Anyway, 2015 I got diagnosed with breast cancer at 31 years old and long story I'm fat. The amount of steroids I was constantly pumped with due to me being so poorly on the chemotherapy was outrageous. Added to that general inactivity and craving junk...well, I'm in a mess. I can't have my reconstructive surgery until I lose at least 30 pounds. I need to lose a lot more but 30 would be a great start.

    I always relied upon exercise in the past to boost my calorie burn but I don't have the energy for anything but walking and some light resistance stuff. I looked into the Ketogenic diet and thought it sounded perfect for me and something that I could do. The first few days were a breeze. Got to day 3 or 4 and I'm wired. I can't sleep. At all. I'm irritable and my stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I can't get enough food down me. I could probably deal with most of that but the insomnia is something I cant accept and I know isn't good for my body. It's been through enough. I want to heal it not damage it further.

    So, I'm back here...wondering whether to go back to calorie counting. I don't know what to do for the best. I thought I'd be half way to skinny jeans by now but I seem to be to-ing and fro-ing between all these different ideas and schools of thought....that I just end up dizzy and reaching for a cake coz I'm so fed up...

    I thought cutting grains out would be good for me because I am actually afraid of sugar since having cancer. All the horror stories about sugar causing all major illnesses flying about made me think that Ketogenic had the health goods...but then came the waking nights...

    Someone help! Oh and more friends would be good.

    Thanks in advance, Lisa

    I wouldn't listen to stories, but rather pay attention to science. There are plenty of survivors, like yourself, on this board. At at this point, you need calories to help you recover. I'd drop keto and start eating foods that actually help you. And since sugar doesn't cause cancer, I'd incorporate things like grains, fruits, veggies, etc...

    The issue is, many find out that glucose is a fuel for cancer cells, so they interpret that as sugar causes or feeds cancer. What people don't realize, that regardless of if you eat sugar or not, your body runs on glucose and can create it's own. The reason keto might be beneficial for brain cancers (along with treatment) is that brain can run on ketones, which is a byproduct of very low carb/ketogenic diets.

    So please take care of yourself, and just get nutrition in your body.

    Thank you, that was really informative ☺
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    Another vote for walking.

    I struggle with depression, and thus motivation to exercise. I frequently have to force myself to exercise. On really bad days, I give myself permission to stop after 10 minutes if I need to. I never do - it's getting started that's the hardest part :)

    Best wishes to you.
  • LearningToFly13
    LearningToFly13 Posts: 329 Member
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Another vote for walking.

    I struggle with depression, and thus motivation to exercise. I frequently have to force myself to exercise. On really bad days, I give myself permission to stop after 10 minutes if I need to. I never do - it's getting started that's the hardest part :)

    Best wishes to you.

    Thank you and we'll done for pushing yourself. I know how debilitating depression can be. Take care xx