Where did you lose fat when you began losing?



  • CrystalConsults
    CrystalConsults Posts: 67 Member
    Interesting thread, thanks for asking the question! Been doing MFP for 35 days. Haven't taken measurements since starting, but for me, it comes off in the reverse order that it came on. So, the last place I tend to gain is upper abs, that has gone down, then sides of abs. Weird, right?! Still got the post menopausal pooch. Sigh. And, I've noticed that right above my knees is starting to let go of some fat.
    Don't recall being able to lose the saddlebags. Ever. But I'm working with heavier weights this time and "In it to win it." Or lose it, as the case may be. :wink:
    BTW, my scale at home measures body fat, and yes, I realize that could be off, but I'm using it anyway.
    My goal is fat loss rather than weight loss. Started at 28.1% fat. Will reassess when I get to 22%. RIght now about 26%. (On a business trip, so haven't weighed in a week.)
    And yes, I stick with my 1500 calorie limit (brought my food scale!) even though my long time friend lives here and we're eating out each night.
    Tracking away from home is difficult to do, but not impossible. :smiley:
  • sdolan91
    sdolan91 Posts: 250 Member
    my boobs. yay. :angry: