What irks you?



  • 123liveoak
    123liveoak Posts: 2,239 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    People that think they can lay claim to people online. Who the *kitten* do you think you are?

    Doesn't that also assume the one they are "claiming" is essentially property? Super charming. :smirk:

    But You ARE mine
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    When you are arguing with someone And they say "let's agree to disagree" . That's some real level *kitten* right here. Because I feel like two things.... 1) that person is a little *kitten* that can't finish an adult argument 2) they've just unofficially won the argument, because what can you really say to that?

    Lol. I love this. It's so true and the sign of a quitter


    Or it's a sign of a reasonably intelligent person who is recognizing that a debate has been reduced to "I know you are, but what am I?" So it makes sense to end it already? I figure the one who pulls rank and calls it done is probably more intelligent that the one who continues to repeat their POV over and over... Seems banging your head against the wall would yield better results.

    If you want to win an argument, you win it with facts, proof, articles etcc.... something that will undoubtedly prove your stance the superior.

    And some people who open a debate are not interested in facts, proof, etc. They just want to be a right fighter. Total waste of time for anyone involved. But I guess I just file that under "it is what it is." Very few times in my life has anyone ever presented a debate, factual or not, that actually changed my mind.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    jkou77 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    People that think they can lay claim to people online. Who the *kitten* do you think you are?

    Doesn't that also assume the one they are "claiming" is essentially property? Super charming. :smirk:

    But You ARE mine

    I'm either everyone's... or no one's. ;)
  • Just_J_Now
    Just_J_Now Posts: 9,551 Member
    Having no nap opportunities. :sleeping:
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    When you are arguing with someone And they say "let's agree to disagree" . That's some real level *kitten* right here. Because I feel like two things.... 1) that person is a little *kitten* that can't finish an adult argument 2) they've just unofficially won the argument, because what can you really say to that?

    Lol. I love this. It's so true and the sign of a quitter


    Or it's a sign of a reasonably intelligent person who is recognizing that a debate has been reduced to "I know you are, but what am I?" So it makes sense to end it already? I figure the one who pulls rank and calls it done is probably more intelligent that the one who continues to repeat their POV over and over... Seems banging your head against the wall would yield better results.

    If you want to win an argument, you win it with facts, proof, articles etcc.... something that will undoubtedly prove your stance the superior.

    You should just agree to disagree with her ;)

    Or you could directly post that to me. Really, did that not occur to you? Wow!
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    jkou77 wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    People that think they can lay claim to people online. Who the *kitten* do you think you are?

    Doesn't that also assume the one they are "claiming" is essentially property? Super charming. :smirk:

    But You ARE mine

    I'm either everyone's... or no one's. ;)

    keep the fans happy.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    When you are arguing with someone And they say "let's agree to disagree" . That's some real level *kitten* right here. Because I feel like two things.... 1) that person is a little *kitten* that can't finish an adult argument 2) they've just unofficially won the argument, because what can you really say to that?

    Lol. I love this. It's so true and the sign of a quitter


    Or it's a sign of a reasonably intelligent person who is recognizing that a debate has been reduced to "I know you are, but what am I?" So it makes sense to end it already? I figure the one who pulls rank and calls it done is probably more intelligent that the one who continues to repeat their POV over and over... Seems banging your head against the wall would yield better results.

    If you want to win an argument, you win it with facts, proof, articles etcc.... something that will undoubtedly prove your stance the superior.

    And some people who open a debate are not interested in facts, proof, etc. They just want to be a right fighter. Total waste of time for anyone involved. But I guess I just file that under "it is what it is." Very few times in my life has anyone ever presented a debate, factual or not, that actually changed my mind.

    Probably more than 90% of the arguments I get into (or debates if you prefer that term) end up in this category. They aren't interested in being swayed, or in learning something new on the topic being discussed. They are only interested in being right. And yes, in that case "Agree to disagree" is really the only logical conclusion unless that person wants me to commit assault because they won't let it go.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    When you are arguing with someone And they say "let's agree to disagree" . That's some real level *kitten* right here. Because I feel like two things.... 1) that person is a little *kitten* that can't finish an adult argument 2) they've just unofficially won the argument, because what can you really say to that?

    Lol. I love this. It's so true and the sign of a quitter


    Or it's a sign of a reasonably intelligent person who is recognizing that a debate has been reduced to "I know you are, but what am I?" So it makes sense to end it already? I figure the one who pulls rank and calls it done is probably more intelligent that the one who continues to repeat their POV over and over... Seems banging your head against the wall would yield better results.

    If you want to win an argument, you win it with facts, proof, articles etcc.... something that will undoubtedly prove your stance the superior.

    You should just agree to disagree with her ;)

    Or you could directly post that to me. Really, did that not occur to you? Wow!

    I just assumed banging my head against a wall would yield better results

    I'm impressed. Repeating what I said, right back to me. That takes guts. Now you go feel good now. You deserved it.
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    81Katz wrote: »
    81Katz wrote: »
    lstrat115 wrote: »
    When you are arguing with someone And they say "let's agree to disagree" . That's some real level *kitten* right here. Because I feel like two things.... 1) that person is a little *kitten* that can't finish an adult argument 2) they've just unofficially won the argument, because what can you really say to that?

    Lol. I love this. It's so true and the sign of a quitter


    Or it's a sign of a reasonably intelligent person who is recognizing that a debate has been reduced to "I know you are, but what am I?" So it makes sense to end it already? I figure the one who pulls rank and calls it done is probably more intelligent that the one who continues to repeat their POV over and over... Seems banging your head against the wall would yield better results.

    If you want to win an argument, you win it with facts, proof, articles etcc.... something that will undoubtedly prove your stance the superior.

    And some people who open a debate are not interested in facts, proof, etc. They just want to be a right fighter. Total waste of time for anyone involved. But I guess I just file that under "it is what it is." Very few times in my life has anyone ever presented a debate, factual or not, that actually changed my mind.

    Probably more than 90% of the arguments I get into (or debates if you prefer that term) end up in this category. They aren't interested in being swayed, or in learning something new on the topic being discussed. They are only interested in being right. And yes, in that case "Agree to disagree" is really the only logical conclusion unless that person wants me to commit assault because they won't let it go.

    If you are, without a shadow of a doubt, correct. Annd someone says, "oh well let's just agree to disagree"

    Would that irk you?


    I'm not stuck on being "correct". My first concern in any debate is to be respectful and considerate of where the person is coming from. Second, I am more interested in someone learning something new as opposed to being "right". If they are unwilling to learn something even if it doesn't align with their belief or known knowledge on the subject or vice versa, I find no problem in letting it go at "agree to disagree".

    There are more important things in the world than my getting uptight about someone not wanting to continue to debate with me. And I would be somewhat a disrespectful *kitten* for pushing it and continuing to talk/argue with said person when clearly, they want to end the discussion (for whatever reason).

    It irks me when people aren't respectful of other people wanting to disengage from an argument in their pursuit of being "correct" or "right". Because then it isn't about the thing you are discussing, it is about the person being persistent, annoying and "right".
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    iJoshie wrote: »

    What is this? I want one

    I am not sure but I kinda want one too.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    iJoshie wrote: »

    What is this? I want one

    I am not sure but I kinda want one too.


    lol I was too lazy to look, so thanks!
  • KosmosKitten
    KosmosKitten Posts: 10,476 Member
    By this logic, please correct me if I'm wrong, it is my understanding....

    Before I continue that thought let's throw in the disclaimer of, never argue on the taboo topics of race, religion, politics etccc...opinions

    You are perfectly "ok" with ignorance. Not just ignorance but after you've, again, without a shadow of a doubt, proven a point with viable information that is fact driven and proven.... still willingly will walk away with agree to disagree...

    On a personal level: No, I dislike ignorance.

    On a level in which I function as a human in a society in which people are at different levels of learning, understanding and emotional development: Yes, I must accept that it exists and that I alone cannot change their hearts or their minds.

    When and if those people want to "see the light", they will usually do it on their own and come to people or sources they know they can learn from. Others never will.

    Plus, most of the topics I see people "agree to disagree" on are actually those taboo topics.. or issues relating to sex/assault/women's rights. There are facts within most of these topics, but a lot is left up to opinion or the unknown.
  • FAAB_too
    FAAB_too Posts: 67 Member
    People who will write a check at walmart and then not move until they've balanced their checkbook. I'm like do what ya gotta do but the line is a mile long move away and do that. Ugh...just left Wal-Mart
  • FAAB_too
    FAAB_too Posts: 67 Member
    FAAB_too wrote: »
    People who will write a check at walmart and then not move until they've balanced their checkbook. I'm like do what ya gotta do but the line is a mile long move away and do that. Ugh...just left Wal-Mart

    I still can't believe that places take cheques

    Me either! I can't believe people pay for checks when the stores run them as debit anyways.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    People who honk thier horns istead of tapping their breaks or moving out of the way. ESPECIALLY when the other person has right of way, or is far enough away that you were never in any real danger of being hit, you just didn't want to slow down for half a second.
  • cee134
    cee134 Posts: 33,711 Member
  • ekim2016
    ekim2016 Posts: 1,199 Member
    reading spoilers accidentally
  • MrSith
    MrSith Posts: 1,636 Member
    me being too hard on myself.