peoples opinions of diet coke/pepsi? good or bad?



  • watfordjc
    watfordjc Posts: 304 Member
    I don't trust any studies that conclude in stating (to the effect) correlation equals causation, and I don't trust any science that calls something harmful unless it talks about dose.

    Does Diet Coke cause obesity? Well, you're probably not going to study the general population you're going to study obese people and see what they consume. Obese people have less energy. Opening a can or bottle requires less energy than turning a tap or using a juicer. Obese people drink more diet soda therefore becomes "the more diet soda you drink the more likely you are to be obese".

    Do leg amputations cause obesity? I need a group of amputees (adults only) and I want to see if there is a correlation to losing one or both legs and becoming obese. I can probably "prove" it because that is 15-30% less body mass, less ability to burn calories, and there is a chance they continued consuming the same diet pre-/post-surgery.

    Coca-Cola melts plastic? Even if I did believe those videos, I am not an Auton.

    I mainly drink tap water, although I'm drinking coffee right now.

    ETA: In 2010 I got down to 176 lb. The maths says that had I had Diet Coke instead of Coca-Cola with my fast food I wouldn't have gained those 100 pounds because a 300 kcal/day surplus minus a litre of Coca-Cola equals a slight deficit.
  • littlesis4321
    littlesis4321 Posts: 3 Member
    Didn't mean to be a bit on the growl-y side in my response to another post yesterday - I just took offense unintentionally at someone I felt was having a, "I'm more righteous than thou," attitude which, in a forum where we are trying to help each other out, shouldn't be tolerated. Also, I live in a family of diabetics where you don't have a lot of choices for sugar substitution that's affordable other than the aspartame. It's taken me several years to go from drinking 6-8 cans of regular soda a day to substituting it for diet soda. I'm down to maybe 4 to 6 cans of diet soda a day (more when I'm working my 12 hour nights). While that is still a lot, I'm trying to substitute water here and there to try and cut back more. I still have a regular soda upon occasion - but I'm down to 1 can/bottle every 2 to 4 weeks which I feel is quite an accomplishment from 6-8 cans a day. That right there was my calories for a day - no room for food. Again, I don't mean to get growl-y, and please ignore it as I try not to post on forums all that much as I typically don't have time to due to work. Every once in a while something will "get my goat," so to speak, and I lash out whether I think it through or not. Thanks for listening, and good luck in your weight loss (or gain) goals. I've seen some impressive numbers - keep up the good work. :flowerforyou:
  • hrtchoco
    hrtchoco Posts: 156 Member
    They are better than regular coke/Pepsi. At least they have no calories. I still wouldn't drink too much tho.
  • Mistyvs
    Mistyvs Posts: 56 Member
    I will never give up diet soda. I've lost weight pretty consistently.
  • ShortInSeattle
    Here are a few recent studies on the impact of the artificial sweeteners in diet soda.

    Artificial Sweeteners May Do More Than Sweeten: It Can Affect How the Body Reacts to Glucose

    The Dark Side of Artificial Sweeteners: Expert Reviews Negative Impact

    Hold the Diet Soda? Sweetened Drinks Linked to Depression, Coffee Tied to Lower Risk

    Since giving up diet soda, I find fruits and veggies taste much better. When you get off the fake sugar you can better enjoy those natural flavors.
