Getting weaker running



  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    As others said, overtraining & under-fueling. At the very least, definitely over-training. You usually only run 5 or more days a week if you are training for distance events (like a marathon). For starting out, even 4 days/week is kind of pushing it. 1600 calories total with breastfeeding & running is most likely too little (especially if you are taller than 5').

    CSARdiver mentioned weight training. If the exhausted you feel is leg fatigue rather than aerobic fatigue, then stronger quads (squats, lunges) and hamstrings (deadlifts) can help A LOT (especially the latter on inclines).

    Also- since I don't know how consistent the climate control is at your gym, weather could potentially play a role. If it's been hotter or more humid than usual, running will be harder. There have been a few group runs where I was a little concerned about how incredibly poor my endurance was seeming that day -- until I noticed just how much everyone else (including very seasoned and competitive runners) was suffering. (ignore this last paragraph is your gym is perfectly climate controlled).

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Definitely underfueling.

    You don't say how tall you are or how much you weigh, but let's assume the minimum of 1200 calories base. Add 500 calories per day for exclusively breastfeeding. Another 200 or so for your workout... Puts you closer to 1900 calories per day as a minimum.

    I'm surprised that you noticed it first in your running and not with your milk supply.
  • shaunshaikh
    shaunshaikh Posts: 616 Member
    Sounds like both over training and under fueling. By breast feeding you're burning ~20 calories per ounce, so if you're exclusively breastfeeding you're likely burning 400-600 calories per day. Then with your running you're burning another several hundred calories. I'd be surprised if you didn't feel lethargic
  • Vladimirnapkin
    Vladimirnapkin Posts: 299 Member
    I noticed that no one has suggested getting your iron levels tested. I run with a bunch of competitive ladies, and this issue comes up with some regularity. Ask your doctor.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    How old are the kids? Can the older ones start watching after the younger ones around nap time?

    I have a 7, 5, 3, and 4 month old. The seven year old is in school during naps, but helps a lot when she is home

    Congrats! Mine are 9, 7, and 3. We've incorporated them all into our workout schedule. I have the morning shift and the kids wake up at 6 to do calisthenics then prep for school.

    We are selling our elliptical and getting a treadmill to cover the winters.

    Have their been any changes? Feeling better/same/worse?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Sounds like you're not eating enough and you're not getting adequate recovery/rest. My wife is an avid runner and does 1/2 marathons and whatnot...even when she's full on training for a 1/2 she typically only runs 4 days per week...and she eats.
  • marshageroli
    marshageroli Posts: 41 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    How old are the kids? Can the older ones start watching after the younger ones around nap time?

    I have a 7, 5, 3, and 4 month old. The seven year old is in school during naps, but helps a lot when she is home

    Congrats! Mine are 9, 7, and 3. We've incorporated them all into our workout schedule. I have the morning shift and the kids wake up at 6 to do calisthenics then prep for school.

    We are selling our elliptical and getting a treadmill to cover the winters.

    Have their been any changes? Feeling better/same/worse?

    Thanks! I have been giving myself more breaks and I'm doing a lot better. It's not amazing, but I finally reached running 2.5 miles straight with no walking breaks, which is huge for me (: I've decided on days that I'm totally exhausted to just walk fast instead, and that seems to give me some recovery. I started eating my exercise calories back, which has helped, but my maintenance is 1620 cals (I'm 5'3" and breastfeeding) and I've found if I go over that at all, I start gaining, so I'm going to stay at maintenance to try to keep losing the rest of the weight. Thank you all for the great advice!