I'm angry



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The primary point of exercise is fitness and general health and well being...unless you're training like an athlete, the energy expenditure from exercise is paltry relative to the calories you expend merely existing and going about your day to day. For example, i burn around 24000-2500 calories just being alive and going about my day to day...my average morning ride will burn anywhere from about 350 - 450-500 depending...relatively small in comparison...this is where that phrase comes from.

    You need a certain number of calories to maintain weight...for me, that's around 2800 including exercise...if I eat over that amount on a consistent basis, I will gain weight regardless of the fact that I'm exercising regularly...to lose weight I just need to eat below that amount.

    Regular exercise is more about your fitness and general health and well being...it is very good for you, especially in the more or less sedentary world in which we live...
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Third time losing 25# for me. This time I created meals to log. I eat pretty much the same meals most days. One click logging. I hang out on the maintenance boards, and I've educated myself as best I can on slow weight loss and lifestyle change. Like you, I really didn't want to start over. This time I'm hoping will be my last.
  • lionessncubsx3
    lionessncubsx3 Posts: 7 Member
    I've been working on it for 3 months, not lost a single lb. I need to lose 90lbs to be where I'd like to be. Supposedly a healthy weight for me is 119 lbs but I don't even want to be that small...I wouldn't look healthy.
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,012 Member
    I love food, but I hate to cook. I still lost 76 pounds eating out, having cereal and pizza and whatever processed foods fit my schedule. I do eat a lot of "healthy" foods. But I also eat convenience foods. It is the portion sizes that matter. Just eat whatever your husband or your mother cooks, just eat appropriate portion sizes and you can lose weight. It will help if you get a food scale because then you will know that you are eating what you think you are, but it isn't absolutely necessary.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I agree that you can parcel out your thinking by coming up with a set plan and just repeating it. Think once, repeat many times.

    Since you love exercising, do lots of that. It doesn't add up to a huge deficit, but it will make this whole body reform thing much more enjoyable for you.

    I suggest also that you mark out a single portion of cereal for your bowl by putting it on a scale. You can only fill to that line forever on. You only have to weigh once.

    Also, find out how many calories are in a single slice of pizza and decide how many slices you can afford at a meal. Fill out the rest of your meal with bagged salad.
  • lionessncubsx3
    lionessncubsx3 Posts: 7 Member
    what does weighing food accomplish? I keep seeing that but I don't get it
  • sheepingly
    sheepingly Posts: 237 Member
    what does weighing food accomplish? I keep seeing that but I don't get it

    If you follow nutrition labels it'll say stuff like 1 serving of "XYZ" (40g) is 300 calories.

    If you are watching your caloric intake. That 40g is important. Becuase if you aren't weighing correctly you may eat 45g which is over 300 calories.

    You may eat more than you're supposed to thus not seeing any difference weight wise.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Here's the MFP ultimate guide, which explains why weighing food is so important.


    "You are probably eating more than you think."
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited September 2017
    what does weighing food accomplish? I keep seeing that but I don't get it

    eta: was trying to post video show below... epic fail on my part
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    A little video to help illustrate how weighing your food helps.

  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    You've gotten a lot of good advice here, but I wanted to add that if you can recruit your husband as an ally, since he cooks, it could be helpful. My husband was a hindrance to me the last time I lost weight, but this time he's taking it as a challenge and having fun with it. And he gets the benefit of a better looking, healthier wife as a reward. Try talking to him about what you're doing, the recipe builder, your goals, and see if he is willing to take on the responsibility of cooking healthier foods for you and your family.

    Since you don't mind a monotonous diet, the more often you eat the same meals the easier logging becomes. I eat the same breakfast most days so all I have to do to log is is slide right. Breakfast can be cereal, if cereal keeps you within your calories and happy until time to eat again. You may have to weigh at first, but there are workarounds to save having to weigh every day, once you know what a portion looks like. There was someone the other day who mentioned she has her breakfast bowl marked with the right amount of cereal and milk. Since you're going to have to do this forever, it's worth figuring out how to make it easy!
  • RedSierra
    RedSierra Posts: 253 Member
    edited September 2017
    I'm sorry about the thyroid cancer, but glad you finally got a diagnosis and treatment.

    I kind of feel like you do about food. I eat a diet that requires the minimum amount of prep: instant oatmeal with almonds and an apple for breakfast, sometimes canned soup (Amy's brand) and takeout salad for lunch, and some kind of easy to make dinner like lentils and vegetables. I batch cook the dinner so I just have to heat it up.

    I spend very very little time cooking. I refuse to cook. That's why I gained weight -- eating out or going through the drive-through.

    But I lost the weight and am in maintenance now. Other people might look down on my instant oatmeal, but it works for me.

    You can do it, too. Find your own version of simple food with protein, fiber, etc. that you are willing to eat everyday. This is for you, not other people.

    Edited to add, for what it's worth, I lost 42 pounds and never weighed anything, I ordered a scale from Amazon and it's still in the box, unopened. A scale helps a lot of people but it's not essential.
  • emailmehere1122
    emailmehere1122 Posts: 140 Member
    It is good that they found the cancer and congratulations on quitting smoking and soft drinks...neither are easy.
    By your user name I'm guessing you have three children and they are living with you. When you start to lose motivation for yourself try to remember they are watching and are eating the same way you eat.
  • DebLaBounty
    DebLaBounty Posts: 1,172 Member
    I got a digital food scale and weighing food has been an important piece of data to put into MFP. For instance, I love to eat cheese. I had no idea how much I was eating. Now, I weigh out 1 ounce of cheese and that's the portion I eat. It's great to eat with an apple, I know exactly how many calories I'm eating, and it's helped me stay at a calorie deficit while still satisfying my craving for good cheese. That's why you weigh your food.